what lead to the downfall of the mali empire?
What lead to the downfall of the mali empire?
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unaesthetic borders without a doubt
degeneracy :^)
If I look at my map Mali is still there
Weak leadership, and trade shifts.
nigger river lmao
just usurped by a rival
Trade shifting to somewhere else and rapid inflation
Trade shifted from the river cities to the African coast because of the eternal Portuguese. Gao and Timbuktu especially became old garbage and coastal nations who profited off the slave trade like Benin became the new West-African superpowers.
Not enough kangz.
I'm neither mad, nor am I surprised. One thing I'll say is that I simply don't get it.
fucking niggers
pol-kids make their presence known by announcing their common ideology's only and most important aspect - absolute hatred for any and all brown people
I'm actually an /int/ellectual.
>when a white guy does stupid shit it's because he's stupid
>when a black guy does stupid shit it's because he's black
I guess you didn't watch skater fags being jackasses growing up.
Both are retarded. Asians is only smart race.
How's your first day going?
dude NIGGERS lmao (do I fit in yet?)
>reading comprehension
Different user, clearly you're new. Just don't respond to /pol/fags or shitposters, getting triggered and responding earnestly won't accomplish anything
>absolute hatred for any and all brown people
Wew lad
Morocco and Europe
/int/ kids make their presence known by announcing their common ideology's only and most important aspect- absolute madness and banter
That's songhai