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I want to bully Zenyatta until he cries!

omnics' dont have ducts for tears

>jewhong mocking 100% pure el americano Jake again
he can't keep getting away with it

Here comes T.racer!

Rein main, which is typical in my experience. They're a bunch of autistic larpers except if they get butthurt then they turn into crybabies.

>i flew into the obj alone why didn't anyone back me up

Though to be fair, D.Va mains do the same thing.

>”Dude, Doomfist please switch off you’re not doing anything”
>literally getting two kicks each fight but the team is too afraid to engage or somehow loses a 5v4

Yeah rein mains are pretty autistic aswell

Jakerat's days are numbered and jehong knows it

>join quickmeme game
>they're losing to attack torb

D.va and rein mains are the mercy mains of the tank role

Slipstream accident happened while Tracer was in the middle of transitioning. Now she is stuck forever in an intermediate place which is neither man or woman, any hormonal or physical change is seen as bodily damage and reset during a recall


Can I just spam hog till masters? I've spammed him up to 3300 from 2200


>tfw the enemy team has a useless widow main and yours doesn't

>Good widow main on your team
balanced character btw

>D.Va mains
>Rein mains
They are more like Ana mains


>Ana mains
Once one of the most used characters but now shit-tier? Fair enough

absolute state of reaper and pharah

>tfw you used to be an Ana main
>tfw you toned down since the barrier meta and got fed up of being dived
>tfw you see an ex-mercy main lock Ana in the first 5 seconds of the game
Fucking kill me, pls. You should have the option to opt-in or out of a game before the round starts with no SR loss.

Mercy should have 50% damage reduction during Valk now that it’s useful only for beam splitting

Fuck off 30 IQ mercy main

>let's give her instant regen AND damage reduction
You're the type of retard who decided that Orisa was a good idea and that Winston should receive a buff around it.


>making deadeye even more useless

A literal Mercy onetrick (0 minutes on everyone else) on my friends list is now a D.Va onetrick

>only have fun playing torb
>only play comp
>everyone asks me to switch
>people throw games on purpose when we are about to win

When one OP no skill character gets nerfed you gotta transition to the other one, I guess.

Why do Mercy mains always want the game balanced around them tho? You never see Ana mains REEEEEEing everywhere.

>Doomfist is more of a problem than Pharah is
This will never not be funny.

a cute

It's time to let them go. They're probably the type of idiot who uses DM only for themselves.

>Had a Mercy burn ult just to try to pistol me down as 76
>She goes into the upper slot at Junkertown first point
>Helix and spray to her face
>She instant abandons after

Just remove her pistol, 95% of the people playing mercy don't even use it (properly)

Ana mains finally had to admit she's bullshit.

Whoever drew this picture is gonna get hit

> I can't read graphs - the post

Because it's easier switching from a character that takes actual ability to aim and position to another character is far easier than it is to switch from mercy.

Very so

>91% pickrate on a no skill character
>Mercy mains dare to complain about the nerf and say she wasn't a problem

Are the bangs ruining it for anyone else? I feel like the bangs are ruining it

hime cut is best cut

Then how come Zen is completely immune eduring his ult and Lucio obviously has a ton of extra HP. Why does Mercy have to be the only one who‘ ult doesn’t give her survivablity when it’s entire purpose is team support.

No, they're what make it, you utter pleb.

>204028431 (You)

they're cute and it fits the theme
I'd like a ponytail version too though

the snake at every single piece of armor ruins it for me, it's so overdesigned

I love my wife Sombra!

Because mercy exchanges defense for unlimited offense or tethered healing/damage and fast 3D movement along with accelerated regeneration

you want to remove all of that and have her stand there on the floor with an extra +200 health, be my fucking guest

Pick rate isn't an indicator of balance like win rate is. Balancing around pick rate only serves to make games more diverse hero-wise.

>Pick rate isn't an indicator of balance like win rate is
You're an idiot

What I would do and give to be in Jack's place.

>anything below GM mattering

Post yfw they revert the mercy nerfs cause the roasties were complaining

Get that little shit outta here.

>Start playing some Overwatch after listening to some sissy hypno files
>Qp for a warm up
>Instalock Mercy
>Entire team is the voice channel for once
>Make voice as feminine as I can
>They buy it
>Team proceeds to white knight for me the rest of the game under the impression that I'm actually a girl
>Steamroll the other team EZ PZ
Oh silly boys~

>Anything below X
Anything outside of professional e-sports commentary is just wasted banter



>people constantly complaining about zen and widow right now
>yfw they remove both of them and make them the same character
pls blizz, give me robotit discord sniper, thx.

>can't teamkill shitty d.va mains yet


But moira can :^)

Pharah is a SLUT!

They won't.

>dva player complains about not enough healing
>assume this means they want a personal mercy healing them and nobody else
>pick ana
>heal everyone except them
>save nano for when they get demeched


> what the top pros play mattering
cool story plantinum bro

If only there was a tank who had the best self heals in the game...


imagine playing this every day and not be GM

imagine playing this every day and not be top 500

>guy named tamilkings
>he's complete trash

I like how you can just tell with some names.

>SR being taken away from boosted mercy mains and given to players who deserve it
Goodjob blizzard

>top 230
The amount of multiple alts in t500 is maddening

>Mercy instalocks are now Widow and DVA instalocks
I never asked for this

>want smurf to practice heroes im not good with
>dont want to give blizzard any money
What do?

>stop playing after midnight
>winrate go from 55% to 65% and rising
really makes me think

It's actually quite the opposite for me, I become really fucking good at like 1 AM

>accidentally nano a baby D.Va because I thought she was just diving in, not throwing bomb
>bomb's a hopeless whiff but she murders both supports and 76 with blaster spam when Rein turns around to look at it

Play QP/arcade

>Rein mains have 5 second reaction time

>tanks need to be healed a lot by nature
>waaaah my ego

QP/Arcade after you do Ana matches with headshot only

Tank mains are 50 IQ by nature

It's impossible to practice in QP because there's no real composition or strategy because "dude its just qp lmao".

You expect it to be any different in ranked?

Yes, people actually try in ranked most of the time.

>play qp
>it's just a dps shitfest and the team that puts in 1% effort to win wins

>play comp
>whoever gets the least throwers wins

where's the middle ground

I realize that, but if you're trash at the hero you're trying to learn it shouldn't matter. Just get the mechanics down and try to outplay people. Once you've got the hang of it you'll know it.

You must be either very low, or very high in the SR tree
I'm in gold/plat on one acct and plat/diamond on another, and getting even 4 people on chat is a wonder of the modern world to me

This is why I gave in to just playing deathmatch to practice raw mechanics now.
Anabots --> DM --> solo comp --> QP stack --> comp stack
That's basically the best order for going from learning how to work the character mechanically to learning how to make the character work in a team.

it is you absolute fucking mongoloid because both teams can pick the hero so the winrate will statistically be approaching 50% no matter how OP

People seriously care enough to play against ana bots? I also question it because there is no threat to you at all. Deathmatch is the best practise.

>You never see Ana mains REEEEEEing everywhere.
but they were the loudest people among the billions who wanted mercy nerf

>Aim mattering in overwatch

They were going to nerf the fuck out of Ana a while back and they managed to get out of it with a slap on the wrist

Now with all the barriers in OW Ana's main weakness in the type of healing she provides is plain and not in dispute

>team blames me for being out of position
>have like 6 minutes obj time
>rest of team keeps getting memed by 2 snipers and d.va
If I'm able to get on obj and stay on obj, how am I the one out of position?

the objective isn't the only position
especially if the team is getting 5v6'd somewhere else

They kept getting 2v5'd because they're shit.