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Day 2 poll: who did you vote for?
Where is Davden?
Fury, wings, memebow or what?
Ike is a sponge that reproduces asexually. He is canon only with himself
I want to fuck Ike's son
Stop making these shitty reddit OPs
>11 fucking days of voting
Ike but she's the town bike
Fuck this Nowi. Fuck Dragons, and fuck that map with the 4 defense tiles in the middle.
>Still waiting for Ike x B!Ike x L!Ike selfcest porn
Hurry up fujos
/v/eddit BTFO
Memebow/her native TA3/WoM/keep Drive res, the only things she should be fighting are blues since she doesn't have the bulk or speed to kill anything else unless you luckshit one with +spd.
fujos need to fuck off with their boring headcanon uke/seme shit and start making the things people actually want.
keep TA, but yes
Marisa tonight.
Who do I give Close Counter to?
Eirika and her girlfriends!
I quit. Fuck this Arena season. I'll gladly sink down to fucking tier 17 just so I don't have to deal with this garbage.
Dumb smashfag.
>voted Snacki
>comes home immediately after on a yolo 5 orb pull
All I needed to do was submit to her and she finally came after all this time.
I prefer traps over fujo's. At least they have a decent body to look forward to
>80 orbs to get Neph
>10 orbs to get Bike
What does it mean?
pump and dump illiterate brat!
Fuck you, I've voted for Bike both times and he still won't come home
Dude, at least skip the cav leads if you struggle so much with them.
Or throw a Gronnwolf on Nino if you have FRobin.
That's my wife
>Girly shit
>Better to look forward to
Pic related, post cute father + son!
Something like that, I’m just short on moonbow fodder at the moment.
At least as a tempest unit she has Marisa support.
Is there any reason to use Big Ike? He fucking sucks.
Seriously how are you guys still losing to Brave Lyn?
BIke isn't an empress. He doesn't care about servitude.
That you should lend me your luck reeee
What the hell is your team comp. There's 0 synergy there
This is actually accurate considering every single time Priam is actually brought up.
It's a shame too, he's not the best reference to Ike they could have done but he's far from a shit character, especially considering Awakening as a whole.
>bought the Black Knight and about 20 more Orbs
>got nothing
is this how it starts
Is this how they get you
>people STILL misusing the term fujo
How to spot reddit 101
Reminder to not vote for units that are easily aviable (4 stars or even 3 stars)
Reminder to not vote for units that are 5 star exclusive but shit (Karel)
Vote for amazing skill fodder like Hector, Takumi, Bike, etc.
Fuck you ISIS for turning that into a group vote. Fuck you ISIS for making first wave heroes and popular characters ne listed at the top so that casuals will pick these
fuck you ISIS for this bullshit of an event
Anna handles Nowi very well. Try using her. No crying.
Use the characters you like. Doing anything else is retarded.
>mfw got drunk one night and gave my bk bowbreaker
From here on out, it's Nowi every day as the Ayra memevote is out of the way.
only if you continue
>Eiricav stole Cormag's spot in the game
I rolled her and she's awesome as fuck, but i really wanted him, oh well, next year then.
>Clearly the wrong hair color
What are the leather collars for?
Crossover when
>with 3 infantry
The fuck are you doing?
>Running 3 reds
>people are treating the vote as a popularity vote
get cancer and die. Please.
>using shit units
>father and son
>thousands of years on between them, long enough for Tellius to possibly not even exist anymore
It's more like a great great great great great great great great (you get the point) grandfather.
>saw bowbreaker reinhardt once in arena
>wondered why someone would do it
>almost die because of it
i learned a valuable lesson
I probably won't. The only other thing I would have done with the money is just renew Netflix or Crunchyroll but I haven't had the motivation to watch or do anything lately. And I technically did get a 5* out of it, the BK, meaning I either get another merge or I can bolster another beefy unit with Steady Stance.
Leif when reeeee
It's not that I have trouble with them. It's just they're a fucking pain to deal with. Especially on that stupid map.
I would have used a blue like Lancina or Lute to replace the Marth, but I needed a bonus unit and he's not fully built just yet, but they "Marth" is.
It's kinky
>Not posting the best and original version
To allure Kiran into being more than just friends.
The Nifl princesses have him on locknown though.
>he's not loyal to his waifu
>he'd rather vote for a meme character like ike than his special one
481 + 624 score
is Peri redeemable at all?
Flora or Felicia??
>ywn force L'arachel to deepthroat you
Why even live?
>Free Aether fodder
>Fateswakening armor underrated
Do you not know how Atk Tactic works? You can't have more than two of the same movement types. Replace "Marth" with an armor, cav, or flier unit.
And if you've replaced Atk Tactic (outside of a cav team), you're just playing the game dumb.
Remember to not vote for your waifu, otherwise everyone will have her. You dont want to share your waifu, right user?
>tells others to get cancer and die
>posts Midir, father of Lester
Kill yourself, don't tell me what to do
Priam's ancestor was conceived by vigorous hatesex between Ike and Micaiah.
>He isn't voting for the units with broken skills to give them to his waifu
peri was powercreeped+1 spd by oscar, but oscar has lancerbreaker at 4*
fates wise peri is an offensive cav in a game that prefers defensive cavs. Flora is better but comes much later
>stop ship Sharena Alfonse
agreed, Alfonse is for Fjorm only!
No, no. Ike got Boyd pregnant.
Charge your fucking phone
What are the chances that Summer Tiki is gonna win?
In Fates? She's ok. Usually better offensive stats than Silas but worse defenses except for Res.
If Felicia was your first servant she's better but Flora is still a decent staffbot.
>when Micaiah calls Sothe the father of Ike's children for no reason it's because she's actually projecting
>This are the best votes in the Thread
oh lord
It was the two Brave Bow Lyn that killed 3 of my units. Might just scrap this run and try again.
No I didn't know actually. I don't have any blue or green armours though so I'd be stuck in the same situation with like 3 reds. Thank you for the explanation though.
>trainee upgrade heroes
>Folkvangr investment
>pegasus triangle
>sword mage
What does it all mean?
>gay banner
Do it IS