soft tush edition
League of Legends general - /lolg/
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
first for lamb's soft tush
Taking Lulumum requests
user please. Don't make me want to fap while lolisports is on
xth for my wife Syndra
lulu "stops" a bully from bullying her son in her bedroom
lulumom with a hotdog and cream between her thighs
if you dont do lewds, lulumom eating a hotdog
>huni vs darshan
is this the biggest skill disparity ever?
>trying to get an S for boxes on supports
>have had the worst junglers ever for the past 5 games
>just had to ragecarry my team in ranked
>even the support was bad
>went to go smoke a bowl and drink some wine to chill out
>should I go play ranked again?
It's not fair! I want to talk about cute lewd stuffs with a duo, too!
I can protect you if you have a pbe account.
Reminder that using multiple exclamation points and pretending to be a transgender soyboy submissive support slut as your calling card is still avatarfagging!!!!
ywn be a "her" to anyone who doesn't see you as a means of fulfilling a fetish rather than a human being
Darshan was pretty good last season.
>tags: mother, netorare, mindbreak, impregnation, voyeurism
>Mfw seeing what happened to Reignover since he fell for the NA meme
But hey at least he's got the dosh right?
Yeah , Darshan is pretty fucking shit and he only won that fight against huni as mega gnar becuase he had infernal on his side
it's easy to actively lose a game, especially when they are actually playing it
nobody is going to not play the game and sit there just dodging in hopes they affected billions of players, as if anybody would be able to affect BILLIONS of fucking players by themselves. god you're a fucking idiot
what supports? the easiest way is to just ks your adc and run from any 50/50 fights. ward a ton and hit every tower/objective at least once
brand, zyra, morgana are a free S almost every time I play them if the ADC isn't brain dead
Why are all sona mains so passive aggressive?
Have you tried flirting with boys in game? It works, I promise you!
Does anyone else think the new blue essence is weird? How the fuck are you supposed to get blue essence now? From what I understand you can only get it from the level up capsules and from your daily, which hardly gives you shit anyway. Did I miss something here?
Hey he was pretty good in IMT. Really it just proves how much he relied on Huni.
i want to cum inside lamb
they need to have their mouths open constantly so dicks can enter
How the hell do you play Zyra when they have a Nami and your adc wont get a Exec
I want to catch Ahri and keep her leashed as a pet!
Darshan is really good wtf?
What the fuck is this game
Fake news. Kindred isn't black.
Zyra, Morg, Sion.
>tfw 100k BE because I didn't dump it on gems
user he was literally known as Gameover from his LCK days because he was notorious for throwing alongside Smeb on Incredible Miracle
clearly dark lavender
>ywn wake up with ahri sitting on your face
>hurr durr healslut!
God Zoe's damage is just fucking ridiculous. Every LCS game with her in it is just her shitting out Paddle Stars constantly to delete health bars.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
When is Dardoch going to explode and ruin Echo Fox?
I know that twitch chat is cancer but shitposting players' names when they do badly is so fun to me
darshan -> darshit
huni -> huninstall
reignover -> game over
Been playing her mid recently and been banning Fizz every time. What champs outright demolish her? I feel like as long as I keep my charm ready and land it I can get out of situations where I might just die
this is partly why I've been playing Ahri lately.
rush morellos and hope you do enough damage with poke i guess
Is best girl.
Do you play Syndra in other lanes besides midlane?
Best twisted fates counter?
Best malz counter?
Malz and Leb.
being the better player
I think Ahri doesn't have hard counters. Just ban strong shit like Katarina
I play her everywhere, but mostly support. I believe it's her second best role.
>playing ahri
Please no never won a game with one of you on my team
what if lulu was actually your mom and she was crazy assertive and controlfreakish
Week 10 is my over/under, I think he lasted to like week 8 or 9 on CLG
>Syndra support
End yourself
Would be happy
i would eventually snap and rape her
she can't control my dick
Pantheon and Malzahar
>what if lulu was actually your mom
no ty
I meant as secondary... if you know how to play her it's basically like a Vel'Koz with higher mana costs.
>phreak lowkey trying to get zoe nerfs
so this is the power of NA huh...
Ummmmmmm, NA?
Faker suggested TF and Ryze for learning mid. TF I understand but why Ryze?
Ryze is fucking ridiculous
and you fags talk about zoe
And what is the best counter to your pic
I honestly can't stand seeing him anywhere
>press r
>my adc gone
Sure fun
where to watch ecucks
>"we are nerfing Nidalee's spears because they are not fun to play against"
>"hurr durr me desgin e chemp wit a lung reng skil dat kan one shot pipul hu hu hu"
tf for map awareness and macro
ryze for mechanical skill
both have (little) mobility tools so they promote good positioning too
>late to ESPORTS
>FOX losing
>>>>To CLG
what happened
What happens if someone picks or bans Syndra? Do you just dodge?
Twitch /riotgames
>press e
>press e again
>press w
>press e again
>press q
>it only takes 4 seconds to do this
not exactly the hardest thing to learn
zoe doesn't have the same mobility as nidalee.
very fast old time man
They're going to get outscaled andose @45
zoe doesn't even need to get near you
her R has a longer range than flash
Ryze is not that good in solo queue. He is only good if you are duoing with your jungler friend because he sets up easy ganks.
thank triple
Any champ who can zone you through your Q range
Pretty much even if I do not plan on playing her that game
zoe q has a longer range, more damage, and can be redirected around creeps, and her e basically lets her land it for free
>Spellbook taken by most people each game
>Just like old thunderlords was
>Because there's no other good alternatives
Why not buff the shitty keystones up to that level?
not that user but when faker made those suggestions it was with the previous ryze, where if you combod correctly you could spam spells constantly but if you fucked up you had downtime
you do realize nidalee doesn't use her pounce just to go in, right?
>another 50 minutes game that will end in a deathball teamfight
They can buff the other spells all they want, spellbook is TOO GOOD regardless of that
Zoe ADC is fun
What the actual fuck
That means you're just garbage, user.
>clg decision making
what does that have to do with mobility and the fact that zoe doesn't need to be near you? nidalee can pounce all she wants, fact remains, zoe casts her q, ults, and redirects her q and can shoot our her E, use a sum spell and auto in that time frame and then go all the way back to her original location and you can't do anything about it.
I've played zoe, even if you stun her or hook her while she R's, the status effect will work but she'll still go back to her original location. you cannot stop it