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Blood of Sargeras to gold:
first for marrying pands
I'm tired of seeing motherfucking elves everywhere.
remind me again what my odds of survival are
Post toons
Post and Rate your mogs!!
I need my compatriots to post moonkin memes.
who /hoc/ and /wowg/ here?
My 1-60 leveling path on a human:
>Elwynn>Westfall>Redridge>Duskwood>Arathi>Southern Barrens>WPL>EPL>No idea
Recommend me some kino zones lads
PLEASE marry me
How does the Suramar storyline work for nightborne players?
can velfs erp with belfs asking for a friend
So I don't get it, does Activision-Blizzard pander to furries or not?
What is the addon that changes your character perspective?
so not counting pandas what are the best ally and horde shaman races
Kings Honor Friend-Moonguard(NA)
Gents and Ladymen!
unholy sucks
Arathi is ridiculously bad. You'll probably need more zones than you expect to hit 60, I know I did.
They don't. Otherwise we's still have Alpha Worgen.
What do you guys think? I need the red version of this helm, I think.
We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.
Explain this
I thought furries like that shitty, goofy, cartoony look, though? The majority of furry art is shitty, goofy, cartoony.
are you paladin or priest (no void allowed sry)
If you consider frost to be better just end your life here and now
Why haven't the Tauren joined the Alliance yet?
hey nerds I'm killing things in undercity on moon guard, come try to kill me
>like how most of the new models look
>prefer most of the old model animations
They just felt so...snappy.
so basically you are upset that they didn't blatantly sexualize femworgen enough for you so you could beat your tiny furshit dick to them
I'm glad you've been ignored for years
frost is easily 10x better
What the fuck happened, alpha looked better.
woah cute hummie!
>Tauren even considering joining the alliance after what happened with theramore and the southern barrens
Yes, but the Light would be in tears of our relationship, for same sex relationships are verboten.
they prefer to get cucked by the orcs time and time again
>haven't played wow since wotlk
>want to try out bfa
>have to buy legion + bfa + grind to 110 + grind rep and do quests to play as new races
thanks blixzz
Oh no no no no no....
/wowg/ what's your favorite 60-100 route?
Just a set for now, while I grind for void elf rep.
All Nightborne women are roasties, yes?
Good night, /wowg/.
BEST Shemale needs some sleep.
100% yes
>All elves are roasties, yes?
*rolls a character on your high pop PvP server*
*toggles PvP off*
>its a non allied race in a leveling dungeon
>spending money instead of enjoying the new changes
Don't skip nagrand, otherwise northrend into pandaria
99% of the people on PVP servers dont world PVP
toggling does nothing
>world pvp
Relevant forms of PvP are cross-realm, kiddo.
world pvp is cross-realm
that'd be void elves and orcs
Because they somehow prefer the company of goblins and undead, over night elves and draenei.
in what fucking universe are orc women roasties
I'm in a private server.
My characters are Human Warlock, Draenei (female) paladin and Worgen Warrior.
And I love Alliance because Garithos just wanted to make Alliance great again and same for Arthas.
Why did she have to cover up?
man killing things/ppl in faction cities makes me want to roll a character just for pvp
if I were to roll a horde toon for pvp, what realm should I be on?
This effect is so nice. I except Blizzard to reuse this texture technology a lot in BFA.
I want to lick her ear
world pvp is dictated by the better legendaries now
Where the FUCK is all the tauren x goblin r34
never seen a mog that screams LOOK AT ME I CRAVE ATTENTION louder than this does
congratulations I guess
In the trash by your taste.
>wpvp in towns/cities
>when worlddefense channel was removed
Tauren would have gone extinct without orc and trolls help, plus they live nearby
This bothered me too. You can't get the in-game faces from Suramar in character creation, nor the cute asian eyes for the female Nightborne NPCs ether... oh right Blizzard is hardcore Repub, of course they don't want their elves to look anything but white as fuck
>"relevant forms of pvp are cross-realm"
>"world pvp is cross-realm"
>shit I forgot, let me move the goalposts
why not just say you don't like world pvp
>want attention
>you give it to me
Guess I'm the real winner here.
Anyone have any luck farming Argus elites for the demon's soulstone? I have a bunch of alts I can do it on but I'm not sure if it's worth it.
are people still in denial about kul'tiran humans being an allied race?
>Picking anything but middle left
not what I asked
What's the lore explanation for a Highmountain Druid?
Yeah, I know, blessed by Cenarius and all that... but in lore, the Tauren forgot about druidism after the war of the ancients, and were primarily a shamanistic culture until shortly before Vanilla, when they were re-taught formal druidism by the Night Elves.
So.. how would a Highmountain have learned Druidism?
It's pretty neat, wish it was a toggleable cosmetic effect outside combat like the worgen form.
I've tried most things in this game and world PvP always felt like the most pointless.
maybe some of them went to val'sharah and learned from the night elves there?
that would be my guess atleast
Why do the Zandalari looks so different from the ToT models?
The chin is huge
tfw blizzard put all the effort into void elves for some fucking reason and highmountain tauren manage to have the second most customization options despite having things removed
uhhhh the point is wpvp isnt a real form of content in its current form???
>make one of every allied race to level them but look forward to levelling Lightforged and Nightborne the most
>end up levelling my Highmountain Druid and fall in love with the moose form while leaving the rest of the allied races back in the dust
Surprised t b h, pleasantly surprised.
answered your own question in the first sentence of your second paragraph
highmountain tauren aren't regular tauren retard
>blizzard still haven't fixed the random camera acceleration
For whatever reason Blizzard doesn't want us to have the NPC looks.
this mog might be a set but damn if it doesn't look good, I'd never be ashamed to use it. People might harp on darkspear trolls a lot but they are the most aesthetic enh shamans possible, in basically every gear set they have available.
I agree completely.
But that user's point is that you're doing a shit-ass job of arguing that.
Which you are.
i dont care what you asked
>Tauren taught druidism by the Night Elves
>use shamans and Light like the Draenei
>don't work with the Alliance
>laughing skull orc mask on a tauren
>argue that wpvp is bad
>in the most roundabout way possible