What does Veeky Forums think abut Ronald Reagan?
What does Veeky Forums think abut Ronald Reagan?
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LBJ and Nixon was when the country begun to go through the shitter
but Reagan cemented it
Did he really go senile half way into his second term?
Seems like bullshit based on 1984 debates and that 1989 interview.
I don't know enough about him but the seemingly overwhelming consensus is he was terrible as a President
well not really overwhelming
the right worships the goy
I've heard despite his tax cuts actual tax revenue increased is there any truth to this claim?
If you're asking if tax revenue increased as a result of his tax cuts then no.
Proof that america can be run by retards.
only neo-cons
the new/alt right hates him for gun control, legalizing no fault divorce, and California's blanket amnesty
leftists hate him for the obvious reasons
>the new/alt right hates him for gun control
he had good reason
he didn't want nignogs to have guns
Nice actor.
Like Prescott Bush protege Richard Nixon before him, Reagan became a puppet of the Bush crime syndicate, and he advanced their new world order schemes as instructed.
He was in one good film and the rest were drek. He's the Nick Cage of his time.
1-dimensional pandering douchebag. Far more at home making feel good speeches in front of the cameras than he was being amongst his cabinet.
The Iran-Contra affair puts him in hot water for treason.
Bohemian Grove Satanist
Made me feel safe and happy in the 1980's
Nice b8. LBJ was actually terrible though
>The National Endowment for the Arts and Humanities used public money to fund artists and galleries.
Why the fuck is the government funding the arts?
>The Immigration Act ended discriminatory quotas based on ethnic origin.
yeah, because there was no unforseen issues with that one.
Superb foreign policies, catastrophic domestic policies. Basically the reverse Hitler.
the Hughes Amendment still killed any sympathy that rightists who didn't benefit from Reaganomics might have for him, even if it was for a good reason
Top 10 worst presidents. Worst of the last 50 years easily. Juries still out, we gotta someone whose doing his best to take the title rn
>Why the fuck is the government funding the arts?
The CIA was funding Abstract Expressionist art to combat the tide of Socialist Realism.
He hasn't cut government spending enough
Didn't national debt rise a LOT during his term?
Yes, that's the problem. If you are going to significantly cut taxes, you should also significantly cut government spending
Cunt of the highest order
his shit legacy is always looked at through pink-colored glasses
His administration unwittingly almost started a nuclear exchange twice.
>superb foreign policies
>supporting mujahedeen
Also he really let California get fucked up. He and Pete Wilson are the reasons California switched to Democrat.
t. Vladimir Vladimitch
>been under a rock for the past 30 years
Mujahideen were much better than commies
>supported apartheid
>crushed worker rights
>backed death squads throughout Central America
All of these things are actually good
>Supported apartheid
>He back Saddam
>He crushed "workers rights"
>Tried to build space weapons
>Death Squads killing commies
>Raping nuns
wtf I love Reagan now
He was a good President. He is way too revered by the cuckservatives who would suck their own dick if that meant scoring political points.
>Implying a bunch of sand niggers with kalashnikovs are just as dangerous as a soviet empire with a base ideology spreading like cancer and has nuclear weapons aimed at los angeles
only reason 9/11 happened is because clinton and bush allowed it to happen
>salvadoran allies raped american nuns
So when Carter was in office?
Deserves to be in hell for fucking over american workers.
>using the word "cuckservative" unironically
The beginning of the end.
>he wasn't Jimmy Carter
only argument needed
"Ronald Reagan was very ignorant about everything, but smart enough to surround himself with plenty of knowledgeable people"
t. Felipe Gonzalez
I think that's it.
t. Brussels
No, he actually ended up increasing tax rates on the rich. Conservatives just don't like acknowledging this
I think its funny that Jimmy Carter was a workaholic president who became reviled and Reagan was notorious for napping through meetings and became loved.
Of course. Leftards have never even heard of the Laffer Curve
Historically, when tax rates go up, tax revenues go down
It won us the cold war.
>people still think the US is on the right bank of the Laffer curve
>after the 1981 tax cuts
>after the 2001
If I were the Flash, I would never actually fight crime, because I'd be too busy running about slapping people over this shit.
How do you turn a surplus into a multi-trillion dollar deficit, wipe out a 5 trillion dollar rainy day fund, end your term on the worst recession since the 1920s and still try the same shit the next time you get the chance?
A hundred divisions of Nazis could never have touched the amount of damage that this shit has done to America.
>Historically, when tax rates go up, tax revenues go down
where r the proofs
When you cut taxes, spending increases, investment increases, and so on. This activity is greater in magnitude and in participation than if you just taxed it out of people directly.
people don't spend money when you take most of it.
shitty explanation sorry just can't think today
for opposite effect see 1900s to 1920. there was possible economic crashes coming and were averted just by cutting spending and lowering taxes
It's communism tier economics.
Every time, without fail, that governments try to increase revenues by cutting taxes, they end up in a state of fiscal crisis.
Then again, all it needs to be is a vaguely plausible fig leaf for politicians to steal from the next generation and then market it as fiscal responsibility.
Criminal scum
That an extremely short term effect of cutting taxes and often the tax revenue doesn't end up going back into investment.
>the seemingly overwhelming consensus is he was terrible as a President
No it's not, unless you live in a liberal echo chamber.
>the new/alt right
>implying this is a non-negligible portion of the US population and not just a meme
Life is absurd.
If that were true Jeb would have done better.
>Superb foreign policies
>What is Iran contra scandal?
I hate Ronald Reagan with a burning, eternal fury. Reagen effectively killed any power unions could hope to have, after getting their backing. "Oh, you want realistic living wage for your area? You're gonna strike? Ha. We'll just hire people at lesser pay than what you had to start with. Enjoy being homeless."
Reagan also hated guns once he realized the working class and niggers could own guns.
To this day liberals are still butthurt
Old fogie
Is this the basic rule to be a president?
Gdp was rising quite a bit during the cold war.
>hating star wars
>literally committed treason and got away with it
Puppet for the Illuminati, like every single president since JFK.
>all these libtard lies
Bernout, we're going for a ride.
Go away, Krugman. You're a hack.
Not an argument
should've stuck to television.
Acid rain is caused by the trees
The man the myth
He ordered the national guard to shoot hippies
possibly one of the most talked about and beloved presidents and unlike Lincoln was actually deserving of such praise.
One of the dumbest presidents ever elected in a superpower. Good thing he had a smart wife who knew how to rule the US.
He was a bad president who by the decree of fate got to preside over the collapse of the USSR. Fuck him forever for gutting the NLRB.
Im starting up the rotors right now user
get ready to board 'em
I wrote a troll paper on him being the greatest feminist of the XXth century because the switch to a service economy made women's presence in the workforce not only valuable but necessary.
I thank him every god damn day for giving us Al Qaeda and 9/11
but the soviet union posed a threat al quaeda never posed to the united states
irony of that picture is those are northern alliance guys
bin Laden was only indirectly supported by usa via Pakistani intelligence groups
yes because the USSR having Afghanistan would have meant the end of US hegemony. give me a break, they would have been bogged down with or without US support and the forces that led to their downfall were already in full swing anyway.
>During the anti-Soviet jihad Bin Laden and his fighters received American and Saudi funding. Some analysts believe Bin Laden himself had security training from the CIA.
no but the us supported fight in afghanistan was one of the reasons the soviet union crumled not long after
reagan was still shit though
This. I honestly can't believe how virulently stupid some people are.
t. Pashtun
Sometimes the correct thing to do, isn't exactly popular. It's why everyone says we're going to control the deficit, and then nothing happens because no one wants their pet benefits cut or their taxes to go up.
Weren't both these organizations literally enemies to America at this point?
Yeah, you become friends with your enemies by making deals with them and making them like you. The best way to crush your enemies is to make them your ally and dependent on you. Otherwise we'd still be at war with England to this day.
Still better than socialism. Just look at Venezuela. That's how Latin American does when the United States don't fund the death squads regularly and just let socialism run loose.
Mainly because he basically gave control of the Republicans (and thus the country) to the neocons. The neocons and social conservatives have run the party for 30 years and thus idolize him because he was the perfect tool for all of their plots. Dubya was their attempt at a second Reagan, didn't quite work out though.
Reagan was scum
Anyone that defends him is either painfully subservient or one of his buddies
Except the people he surrounded himself with were nothing but cronies that did everything in their power to benefit from the administration.
They were knowledgeable, that much is true. That knowledge however wasn't applied to sensible governing and policy.
Pinoshit's economics were literally jsut as bad
those aren't taliban chuckle fuck
I will say that for all the shit people against immigration give the Immigration Act of 1965, they're strangely silent on Bush's Immigration Act of 1990 which was arguably far worse for the creation of the H1-B visa alone as well as eliminating the requirement for immigrants to learn English. Immigration numbers exploded in the last 25 years, far more than in any comparable time period except maybe the Great Migration at the turn of the century.