the same soft tush edition
League of Legends general - /lolg/
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my weewee hurty
I want to mindbreak this birb.
>be Yasuo
>auto attack enemy mid
>they tilt and die
Reminder to cum inside your support!
Unless you are the support, in which case let me cum inside!
I love Kled a whole lot! I want to kiss his nose and cuddle with him in bed all day!
>tfw only one with honor
Anyone else here really love playing league of legends?
I honor after every game, even if my entire team was braindead retards. Have been most honored on multiple occasions and I'm STILL honor 3, last checkpoint. HOW THE FUCK DO I GET HONOR 4
Riven is so fucking easy to play, I had 3 enemy team chasing me a Zoe, Sejuani and Leona
Sejuani and Leona both fucking ulted at me, and I got hit with a Zoe sleep and ignited. I fucking lived. AND PEOPLE FEED ON RIVEN?
Star Guardians belong to The Void.
Alright guys I need to get TURNT what are hype champs to play to music with bass
What heroes can dab
>be jungler
>lanes never ward and are always pushed so i cant ever gank
>not jungler
>make sure my lane is gankable by clearing wards and not pushing
>"Sorry i only gank after 6"
can I hit gold without dedicating too much time to this game?
how about plat?
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
lucian, master yi, karthus
Do you corrupt a Star Guardian if you cum inside them?
battle boss ziggs
battle boss brand
I will respect my supports hips with my hands!
I will protect my supports womb with my seed!
you can literally hit gold in 10 games, plat around 25. you wont if this is your first time in ranked tho
So pokimane and emiru are boosted, right? I refuse to believe these dumb bitches could reach diamond on their own.
Yes, coming in contact with Void cum is known to cause corruption and increased fertility.
Is there a champion in League that smokes weed
yes hello, how to not want to kms after playing toplane please?
Ivern but if you ask him he'll say he doesn't
It's literally impossible for me to get better at this game
I'll never be good.
top lane if the funnest lane ever dude
are u a pussi or something?
this picture is not nice... but also kinda hot
traps and futa are considered gay in the context of this poll btw
No! You kill the enemy ADC that is how you protect me!!
That was not the question.
you just have to keep practicing user and utilise critical thinking in your games
look for the mistakes you make and try to minimise them
here's a list a high elo player made of the things you need to think about to get gud
Playing jungler is a goddamn nightmare. Hardest role to climb.
Reminder to just be a good support and things will work out.
Glacial Augment Garen.
I regularly get like 30 assists with braum in a 40 minute game, shit, hes like the easiest support to do well with as long as the ADC is in on it
good girl, you deserve all the cummies you want for that one
Update: Gragas and Panth swapped lanes, pantheon is now 14-6 and my midlaner is 0-9
you can't just combine 2 of the worst things in the game like that
I am!!!
>tank """support"""
Not necessary. Deadman's Plate does the job just fine. You can even go Frozen Mallet if the enemy team doesn't have any escape abilities.
What's the most boring champion thematically ? i'm between garen and irelia.
Annie now
T. Riven main
>Yasuo Top hard shoves my lane into my Tower
>Zooms past me
>Starts proxying the wave level 3
My Jungler was more confused than I was.
Did you kill him?
Yes. He stopped trying to proxy after his third death.
Who is the most smug champion?
Why yasuo players do this?
Nunu op desu
Garen isn't great man.
battle boss brand
>is that fire proof
>dont "flame" him, it's not his fault he's bad
>that smug fucking dance
>Remove %HP damage from Kog's W, move the AS from his Q to his W but only when active
>Scrap Icathian Surprise, instead make his passive that landing abilities applies a debuff that lets him do %HP damage when he attacks them
There, did I fix him?
His dance is the same in all of his skins
>Play Ziggs
>Press r
>It ain't me starts playing
That sounds like hell If I get hit
In what universe is anyone using an entire team of immobile champions?
Tell me a secret.
last month i posted one of these, in which i wrote that i had 2 new years resolution, getting better at art and exercising, i've been practicing just drawing, haven't done a work out in 1 month
I have excessive body hair. I tried shaving it but it just grows back in a few weeks.
Hey /lolg/, I wanted to try Urgot before he's taken off the free rotation. What runes do I take on him, and what's the standard build path?
Make me
My gf has a large clit that looks like a tiny dick
I've been having more success laning with Hammer form instead of Cannon form with Jayce. They always play too passive if I stay in Hammer, and If I engage I can kite back retreating from Cannon after I Hammer form combo.
I play support only because I am bad can't cs or land skillshots !!!.
>"I've been having more success laning with Hammer form instead of Cannon form with Jayce" this is the most retarded thing ive read in /lolg/ today
You do know jayce is about switching between forms to apply pressure and control lane right?
i abuse camille freelo
Everytime I think of Aurelion Sol all I can think of is lewds. I'm not even a furry or scaley.
take a gun and shoot yourself
I've been playing for five years and I still click to level up abilities.
>be laner
>ward my shit
>ping mias
>ping ult/sums
>set up kills on a silver platter
>enemy pushing up, getting pot shotted by tower cause they're pushing so hard
>type in chat "enemy no wards"
>jungler dies to chickens
>get dived
My Waifu blows the best
Same. Except with Soraka. And her horsecock.
Girls don't have those
All girls have benis.
I'm out of places to get Azir art that isn't lewds. And I'm not posting those ever.
>lane is frozen near my turret, enemy laner cannot cs or get xp
>i ping jungler back 15 times because i want to freeze the lane
>solo dives my lane opponent and dies
>flames me and goes afk
>Have a Diana/Trist/Illaoi/Yi on my team
>Protect them, consistently 4+ in ults. >Constantly Healing and shielding, redemption, exhausting the assassins
>Some how they're so incompetent they can barely kill two people.
Diana was the only decent person that entire match. It blows my mind. Hell, I'm pretty sure she was the only one going in and killing the Kat/Khazix
>pick akali
>play defensive as shit till gunblade
>enemy in false sense of security that I am not aggressive
>all in
>mfw that damage
no wonder they're nerfing her
Melees should not get creepblocked. Make it happen riot
Can I see some of your drawing practice?
there's your problem, resets on resets
Kat is stupid right now, Kha slightly less but if he gets ahead he'll still dumpster everyone. Both of them can easily wait out your ulti.
I've been playing since S4 and still don't own every champion.
How's your season going so far /lolg/?
then you're just like the rest of them
you supports deserve no respect at all
Not the best.
im not even good but i use the fact that ive been playing since season 1 to feel superior to people
does it make a difference if i main Janna, user?
I'm on a 7 win streak and like 6/7 games I was carried
I can feel the loss streak looming
I promised myself I would quit league if I got to Plat. I made it to Gold 1 promos to plat 5 at the end of last season, won 2 games, had 2 afks. I threw the last one even though we were winning. Subconsciously I think I want to continue playing League