>it's been 3 years
What are your thoughts on this man Veeky Forums?
>it's been 3 years
What are your thoughts on this man Veeky Forums?
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holy shit morgan freeman died!?!?!?!?!!
I can still remember that guy doing the fake sign language for deaf people at his funeral, good times
An evil nigger.
Pretty good, but not as great as people say he is.
Successful rebel leader. Extremely violent and cruel during war but intelligent enough to seek accommodation after victory to preserve the economy. Planned his succession poorly which is partly to blame for the downward spiral the country is undergoing right now. A rather competent leader overall.
>it's been 3 years
What? He died in the early 90s, in prison.
>only 3 years
I swear the flow of time slowed down for me
ANC tire idea was genius.
Afrikaners were little bitches.
GOAT, my dude.
evil anti white communist
thank god he died
Back to the Netherlands you Afrikaner crybabies.
Terrorist piece of communist shit.
>Spent 30 yrs in jail
>Comes out after apartheid
>Destroy the country in 5 yrs
>2015 Zulu King admits it was a mistake
He's a violent terrorist.
But the only reason he had any success was because the reforms he forced through weren't done through the proper channels already.
So basically he's a murderous asshole, but if the people of South Africa didn't want him (or someone like him) to lead a revolution, they should have fixed the systemic problems of apartheid and cemented their government's legitimacy.
I won't say he was a necessary evil, he was just an inevitable evil.
t. redddit gommie spy
He was a terrorist, one of the biggest in South African history, if not the worst.
Also, he incited a genocide and plunged his country into poverty
he was a fucking nigger commie terrorist
Hailed by leftist retards as a peaceful man because they don't know his history.
Ruined the last decent country in Africa, but for understandable reasons.
This. Boers couldn't into civilization (western values). Mandela pretty much helped avoiding an african tier civil war
he was our guy
Communist terrorist, prison wisened him up a bit. South Africa is going to be a shithole forever partly because of him forever now.
Pretty based. The butthurt he causes among /pol/tards is icing on the cake
terrorist. as per usual leftist retards praise a murderous monster
whats that thing his wife invented? where you tie people together to a tire and set the on fire?
waiwai the nigga from that shawshank movie died? What the fuck? I thought I saw him on tv recently.
South africa was better before than now, so he did a shitty job
>Literally caused his rich country to turn into a shithole
Fucking Leftists.
Zulu King admits it was a mistake
>be zulu king
>get a fat pension while your people are treated as cattle
pretty unbiased desu.
>So basically he's a murderous asshole, but if the people of South Africa didn't want him (or someone like him) to lead a revolution, they should have fixed the systemic problems of apartheid and cemented their government's legitimacy.
>I won't say he was a necessary evil, he was just an inevitable evil.
nigs gonna nig
back to pol racists
>member when south africa was good?
It was always shit.
Ending Apprehend was ok, but what he replaced it with was even worse.
Very talented actor, one of the greatest voiceover actors of all time.
Makes me sick that the forced a bullshit narrative like he was a good person. I hope his last moments were painful and filled with regret. Sadly, I don't think he did. Sadly I think that smug git would have known that he got away with it.
Fucking torturous terrorist piece of shit.
>Ending Apprehend
>A P P R E H E N D
I came here to post this.
it's actually been 30 years my dude
Fuck off Berenstain faggot. He died 20 years ago.
>Ending Apprehend
Le Mandela effect.
Some retards think he died in Prison despite showing up in the news a bunch sorta recently, and it also goes under people thinking the Berenstain Bears was/is the Berenstien bears.
Don't be a twat m8.
Great man, from what I've heard his party developed into the white guilt party. At least he ended apartheid.
Okay /pol/
He shouldn't have raped those women
>Muh Mandela Effect
Muh Bernstain/Bernstein Bears
ending aphrodite was a mistake just look at africa now
>zuma crashed the ANC with no survivors.
It's the same as Rhodesia/Zimbabwe. The white elites refused for decades to make any kind of accommodation with the black population - what the hell did they expect was going to happen?
Ruined South Africa
He was a pretty cool guy that made mistakes like anyone. He wasn't a saint but he wasn't the anti-white literal babyeater meme /pol/ wishes to force sometimes.
Indirectly illustrated that no amount of goodwill will solve the racial question.
>People saying Apartheid Said was good.
It was never good. Taking the entirety of SA it was just another shit state with one delusional set of Politicians and their backers in power.
Just as a heads up The NP (Afrikaner party) got in by taking advantage of how disproportionatly powerful the rural Boer population had as a voting block to benefit the Afrikaner upper class/business leaders who were jealous of Anglo Saffers. Thus Apartheid being built upon prior colonial law and further strengthened and elaborated upon became a thing where on top of its ideological purpose of the separation of the races the business leaders (of both main white group) took advantage of the Laws for their own immense economical benefit that were very beneficial... to them. Mainly because it shat on non-whites with the occasional white or two caught up like land evictions or lead to further issues down the line like the hyper development of slums and townships, disparity of resource distribution etc.
Also the whole awkwardness of travelling outside the SA state as any member of anyrace.
I don't know what all the fuss is about over some guy who died in prison in the 90's?