Why he didn't help Hitler, wasn't he fascist too?
Why he didn't help Hitler, wasn't he fascist too?
>Why he didn't help Hitler
Spain was destroyed by the Civil War and certainly not ready for a world war
>wasn't he fascist too?
Not really. José Antonio Primo de Rivera was but Franco was more of a traditionalist. He was more like Salazar than Mussolini (although I don't believe he corporatized the economy)
He wanted to enter in to the war. But he demanded to much in terms of military aid and territories from France and Hitler got fed up of his bullshit.
He was a jew
Even worse, a Galician. The same as Fidel and Rajoi
He did, he provided materials ,let the Axis Navies use Spanish ports and sent the Blue Division to the Eastern Front.
iirc spain relied on importing grain to stay alive, declearing war would have resulted in british blocade. Thus they went for the "neutral ally" as said
>wasn't he fascist too?
He wasn't, he was a conservative monarchist. He employed some fascist aesthetics and rhetoric, and then dropped it all when fascism fell out of vogue.
>implying it wasnt his plan
He was more of a clerical fascist.
And he was smart enough not to sperg out over "rightful land"
He actually did Hitler a favor by NOT joining him. Spain would have been a liability and an easy backdoor for invasion to Europe. A young Carrero-Blanco basically explained this in a report to Franco that made him decide not to join the war.
Why have this same thread at least twice at month.
I meant, we not why, sorry.
>Entering a World War right after you get out of a Civil War
Reading your post made me think of this
Top kekkerino.
>Why he didn't help Hitler
Spain wasn't ready for total war. And he probably realised which way the wind was going after the first Allied victories.
>wasn't he fascist too?
Kinda. He was a traditionalist monarchist. His ideology was "National Catholicism". I've heard him and others like Pétain, that priest dictator in Slovakia, Codreanu in Romania, Pavelic in Croatia, Degrelle in Belgium, sometimes even Salazar being described as "clerical fascists", and I think it's a good way to describe him.
Hitler hated Franco, never mind the fact that Spain was too battered by the civil war to do much other than be a back door.
Franco wanted too much shit, Hitler was once made a remark about he'd rather have all of his teeth pulled out than deal with Franco again.
Actually all things considered how the fuck did Hitler put up with Mussolini, if Franco is worse than getting teeth pulled, then Mussolini must have been like being castrated
Canaris warned him Nazi Germany was a sinking ship.
>In the first years of the war, "Laws regulating their admittance were written and mostly ignored." They were mainly from Western Europe, fleeing deportation to concentration camps from occupied France, but also Jews from Eastern Europe, especially Hungary. Trudi Alexy refers to the "absurdity" and "paradox of refugees fleeing the Nazis' Final Solution to seek asylum in a country where no Jews had been allowed to live openly as Jews for over four centuries."
>Throughout World War II, Spanish diplomats of the Franco government extended their protection to Eastern European Jews, especially in Hungary. Jews claiming Spanish ancestry were provided with Spanish documentation without being required to prove their case and either left for Spain or survived the war with the help of their new legal status in occupied countries.
>Once the tide of war began to turn, and Count Francisco Gómez-Jordana Sousa succeeded Franco's brother-in-law Serrano Súñer as Spain's foreign minister, Spanish diplomacy became "more sympathetic to Jews", although Franco himself "never said anything" about this. Around that same time, a contingent of Spanish doctors travelling in Poland were fully informed of the Nazi extermination plans by Governor-General Hans (((Frank))), who was under the misimpression that they would share his views about the matter; when they came home, they passed the story to Admiral Luís Carrero Blanco, who told Franco.
Franco may have been semi-Fascist but even he had standards.
Because Franco was a militarily useless, ungrateful piece of shit who never cared about anything other than Franco.
He even tried to sell out the rebellion to the Republic in exchange for a promotion.