/domg/ - Dominions General

Dominions is a fantasy turn-based war game created by two dudes. One of them is a teacher.
The game combines a simple presentation with an extremely wide array of strategic options, including over 3000 units, 900 spells and 400 magic items. Turns are resolved simultaneously, with players planning battles rather than directly controlling them.
It has simplistic graphics but is easily moddable and extremely deep.
Basically, it's an autist’s wet dream of a war game.


>Group chatroom

>Our pastebin



>Where do I get it?
Currently only available on Steam.


>Mod inspector

>Multiplayer guide

>Debug mod

>How do I change the fonts?
Replace guifont.ttf, guifont_fancy.ttf and guifont_texty.ttf in the game's 'data' folder (C:\Steam\steamapps\common\Dominions5\data usually).

>Is there an easier way to play multiplayer?
Works for Dominions 5 just as well.

>Completed games
Submit them here:

>OP pastebin
Just copypaste it and link the previous thread below.

>Previous Pantokrator:

Other urls found in this thread:

dom5wiki.gamelore.fun/?List of Improvements

First for aboleth traps.

nice edition faggot

no bulli


Call me mad, but I think we need more UW.

I'll wait until 17 players are in, then join as Pelagia to crush Ys' hopes and dreams.

Hello, I'm recruiting for one more player for Solium Infirnum. Those interested send me either a discord or an email.

For more info: si.battlespot.com/wiki/Main_Page

>Tengu Assassins
god damn I love natgen

>recruitment points: 0
somehow I don't think natgen's quite ready yet

Needs an air elemental auto-summon.

>Sacred Power-Armoured Hoburgbred-Abysians
oh and here's the release for the new thread github.com/elmokki/nationgen/releases

yeah, it's not, recpoints are broken

>45g clockworks
wew no

Black hawk riding hoburg

Runners riding a crocodile; half the speed three times the attack hmmm....

Just fuck my shit up if I recruit these

>50 gold
>nothing really special except flying
>shit strength/HP etc from being size 1 while having mounted attack density

Spicy spook rider

That is fucking incredible.

>70 gold for a 17hp melee troop
I'm detecting a theme here. At least this one has good enough protection that there are situations where it'll not die.

Good candidate for larger bless

Can I get the image without the text?

18 damage 11 attack low base enc with 2 exhaustion (natgen doesnt make clockworks with high encumbrance) for 6 to a square with 18 prot is fine though

13 attack 17 def flying with 2 attacks will blend an enemy rear fast enough to kill all commanders and cause a rout, pic related did in a test game and it's worse all round; and that's before considering the blesses he could take

the unit they're mounted on that becomes independant is worth 70 gold, low hp and all

you're not wrong about their weaknesses but you seem incapable of seeing their strengths

It's the only version of it I have, you're going to have to open up glorious MSPaint.

Does strength of giants stack with end of weakness?

I don't think strength buffs stack. So like the demonstrength buff + strength of giants don't stack (that I'm aware of) so I assume those two don't stack either.

Sacred hoburg mech resistant to everything driven by fat hungry little hoburg only 65g. 1 reinvig and it can fight forever.

>sailing on a troop
Does that even do anything? You could theorize it not being counted under the size limit for a sailing commander, but I doubt shit's set up to account for that.
Otherwise looks pretty sweet, very offensive with highish attack and def 14 gives it some amount of staying power, plus free croc when it's dead and no res. Should expand like wildfire.
I think the low attack makes this mediocre. Only lance is (slightly) above baseline and it's single-use, after which you get two 10-attack hits per square. The free fossilized giant is also not great with one attack/square. Barbarians will delete these from existence.
Larger is too expensive to justify. I think trample/vore is inflating these guys' costs beyond being particularly good but they're still decent until you hit the great wall of crossbows.
>exhaustion 2
Oh, that's nothing. So low you might go for quickness memes, but I wonder if luck wouldn't be the better long-term strategy given how great of an evo bait expensive, frail, 6/square units would be.

I would legitimately not allow that in MP unless other nations were similarly ridiculous.

>Does that even do anything? You could theorize it not being counted under the size limit for a sailing commander, but I doubt shit's set up to account for that.
no need to theorize. Morvarchs already have this.

Do the physical resistances stack with Fortitude?

got my hero turn one.

other nations ARE similarly ridiculous in natgen, but generally you need to generate like... 30 or 40 of them in order to get enough gems like that mech or elven hoburg parrot cavalry for a game to have enough variety of absurd bullshit rather than 1 or 2 nations that can run away with a lead

I really like tengu nations though


That's what I'm saying. You can have bullshit high powered natgen where people throw broken things at each other to see who has the most OP nation/build of them all. If you're aiming for a more reasonable-powered game, though, those sorts of outliers aren't fun to have in the game.


now make it your prophet

>reasonable-power natgen
why would you play natgen for reasonable power nations

I was gonna laugh 'til I saw the trample. And then the invuln., on top of resisting everything but blunt.
How potent is that invuln and how high does it push his prot?

invuln doesnt stack with natural protection, he has natural protection 21 (I'm assuming, based on other clockwork mechs) so it'll be +4 at most

What era do you gen rando nations for?

also, even when I put the sacreds on batshit insane, they dont seem really OP.

Are there settings to increase my chances of getting something super stompy?

>expansion already kinda slow
>get this

Does stygian flesh stack with regular natural protection? I know bark skin doesnt do anything for you if you already have 10 nat protection

>when you suck at expanding so bad that your subjects revolt

I even put PD in that province. I guess the unrest must have been really high and I didn't notice.


Does your home province spread your dom even if you lose it?

Why would it?

Jotumheim, you better stay out of my blowpiper indy forest or my sacred dart thrower muuchs will wreck you

p sure it's just 10 invulnerability so yeah

How do i xibalba? Their leadership is terrible and their troops are so bad they can barely if at all fight neutral forces on even terms and their attrition is unreal

>on even terms
Don't fight on even terms. They're very cheap so just use a lot of them. You've got a great charge, so if you can make them rout on the first charge, you're golden.

They are nerfed a lot since dom 4 but it should still work fine.

>20 hp, 13 protection, multiple attack units for 15 gold and 1 resource

Did you even build scorpions, they even have better morale than your bat people

>spam Xibalban Warriors (can recruit nearly 40 on first turn with neutral scales)
>hold+attack rear
>watch commanders evaporate
>watch the rest evaporate because -4/-4 atk/def penalty on routing units
>only lose a handful of bats
Obviously doesn't work so well with unexposed comms (like barbs) but throw enough bats at it and it WILL go down.
Combine this with all of your troops and comms being flyers so reinforcing and combining forces is instantaneous during early expansion.

Whattup it's Ulm, here with a new map.

I've met a few neighbors - Agartha and Jotunheim close to my borders, and Arco up north with plenty of room in between.

I assume that Agartha doesn't want to pick a fight with me since Ulm puts Agartha in the dumpster early on if they don't have a nice bless and shard guards out, and since the expansion party I see looks comically oversized, I assume he's still working hard fighting indies, so I can leave him alone.

Jotunheim actually borders two harder provinces (one's heavy inf and a tougher heavy cav, and the other's a throne with wizards) so since I'd want multiple turns of dudes to take either of those provinces, I'm not going to sweat it too much and just go for easier stuff. Since Jotunheim is forest-favored, I assume he's in 104 or 143.

Arco meanwhile is still a little ways away, but there might be someone else directly to my north that I'll meet as I expand into the empty-lookin area between us.

I have taken a SINGLE province.

Oh, and the reason that my treasury's lookin low is that I bid up the bandar boys. I was going to drop a bid on Nazca's mercs too, but I decided to just spend more on the monkeys, esp since the humans are short a few dudes and Nazca might even lose the rest of them if he doesn't feel like rebidding them

Keep at it, champ

>someone's doing worse than me
>even after getting my T2 party wrecked, another party beaten by surprise wind mages, and one province lost to FUCKING REBELS
What a relief

>lose god
>lose prophet
>still have 4 expansion parties out on Turn 6

Is this the power of BLACK STEEL?

Elves could have 8 out by turn 6 when attack rear worked.

More like the power of not going AI or staling

Actually, fug, I made a mistake in that turn. I thought I had five templars, but I actually had only 4. I'm recruiting 5 from this turn onwards, so I just assumed the ones I recruited were already at 5 for some reason.

Anyways, I edited my turn to NOT send the squad that takes a morale check any time they take damage into 20 heavy infantry, so that bottom red line is cancelled. Only 3 expansion parties.

>but there might be someone else directly to my north that I'll meet
That'll be me. How do you have so many provinces already

What do you mean? I've been posting every turn. You can see exactly how I got those provinces.

Well since I know for sure I'm out of this game possibly already I've decided to try to make it at least entertaining for the masses.

I, as the weakest player, will also post my turn but I intend to allow advice from other players, this may increase my chance of losing from absolute zero to non zero.

Maybe with the support of the plebs, my neighbors won't kill me as fast because it's entertaining to keep me alive.

So right now I'm trying to expand for gold, my research goals are thunderstrike cause I already rando'd two A2 mages and I have Conj2, Im going for maybe some TSTRIKE action to back up my shit as fuck army.

Recruiting a couple ponies and some dual wielding woods people to back them up.

The fuck should I do to not die in the immediate future.

This is me posting at one territory.

Also FUCK YOU for bidding on bander, like I needed to have that stripped from me too.

I'm almost certain man wants to expand exclusively with their knight-elites, kinda like what Ulm is doing.

Your scales make me sad.

At least you know he's doing it so you can spend the gold on something else.

This is my god, I planed to expand decent then eventually use blood magic to give my dual wield guys black hearts and every other heart to stealth over armies and caps and assassinate sacred mages and gods. Thats what the bless is for, hence, washington sniper - snipe them mages late game.

I wont make late game now, so that strat is off the table. The shit scales were for that strat, I didn't expect the indies to be so hard.

I think that man wants to expand with cavalry which require rec points. The bless isn't super expensive, you just dumped turmoil instead of something else, which makes getting your knights out in quantity harder.

Also rejoice that you if you somehow fell behind on expansion you can catch up super fast with small raiding parties going after 1-10 PD provicnes

Yeah i know i think i was high at the time.

Thats my excuse.

Dont do drugs kids.

Have you tried this in 5? It doesn't work nearly as well anymore. Between that + rec points making foreign rec limited, bat expansion is pretty heavily nerfed.

Why dump Turmoil and temp when you could just not take any points of shitty ass luck?

I made the build only thinking about the bless.

To be honest, because it was an innovation game I decided to handicap myself artificially, although now that is obviously retarded.

I did it because I didn't want to be kicked from the game for being 'optimal' because its an 'innovation' game and it's only the third game I've played.

lad unholy weapons is pretty fuckin innovative

Thanks man I thought it was smart.

Endgame, I can recruit two of my stealth dual wield cunts a turn. They are decent thugs already.

I mean they can totally be decent assassins, Give em some gear, unload like ten of them on a province that has holy commanders... and boom, there you go right.



It's not as good as a generic combat bless.

Nice singleplayer.

It's innovative!

Thank you

>attack indie cavalry province
>it has a paladin hero with a bunch of magic items
>get pretty good thugging weapon, shield, armor and helmet for free on turn 8


>that cavalry flank into the archers

Always nice to watch.



I like how the other cavalry unit held and eventually chewed through almost half the advancing force too

Turns out that if my neighbor asks why I'm summoning a lot of shit on their border, the correct response is not to say its because I have a 30% site right there.

how'd you figure that one out user

>that fire shield guy running off

You actively DON´T want to get something super stompy because that would turn the game into a "everyone blessrushes everyone" shitfest where there´s no strategy beyond piling up sacreds to throw them at someone.




We're at 15, so you better move fast, faggot. I'm also kinda curious to see if we get an Oceania, 'cause they did get improved a bit.

>japs set up a wiki and list of changes before us

dom5wiki.gamelore.fun/?List of Improvements

It's not fucking fair bros.

It's only fitting, since the Japanese wiki for Dom4 was way better and more complete than the English one as well.

The people running the Jap wiki seem pretty dedicated, they must like these games a lot


>EA Rlyeh
>get a N slave mage on turn 3
>might as well start sitesearching right now
>first province I search has fort and lab with the hydromancer and the seafather
>I now have relatively cheap sacred mages for research that also have H1 for blessing and Ldr 40 and Magic Ldr 50 to boot so they can move around mindblasters, or do W2-3 stuff like casting voice of tiamat and crafting instead of bothering my national mages for that
>site also boosts water ritual range
I just used up all my luck for this game I think.
too bad it's SP

Stygian flesh is invuln, so there are no cases in which it stacks with natural protection.