Why does radical leftism even exist in the Western World?

The West has a level of comfort and prosperity unrivaled in the word. I can understand radical left ideologies having some impact in third world countries or in former communist ones where you can have some old nostalgic people, like where I live.
But why on Earth would people living in the security and comfort of the West unironically consider themselves to be "Real" Marxist/Socialist... and the like?

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Because socialism is a honest eonomic theory, instead of lies, that fed up by academia to poor students.

Same reason any radical ideologies exist in the West.

have you had a look recently at how expensive a four year degree is? or a POS house 50 miles within a major metropolitan area is? or how expensive rent is?

stuff like that

the glorious wonders of capitalism, that's why

Boredom and complacency.

Because it does help even in the most advanced countries

The west is comfy for you maybe but for a minumim wage worker
Forgot to add that

>that pic
>using marxist historical determinism as basis for any kind of argument

thankfully under the wonders of socialism there were never any industrial accidents

>security and comfort
>[implying intensifies]

Those meme graphs are dumb because they misrepresent the argument.

They fail to take into account the alternatives.
Yes a person living in the capitalist West in, say the 70s was much much better of than someone living behind the Iron Curtain.
Same with feudalism, maybe in some cases it was better than living in the wilderness as a hunter-gatherer, or living in a middle-eastern society with actual slavery

And the bottom one is perfectly valid. Where are all the 100% socialist made computers and phones?
You use the capitalist ones everyday because the socialist are too poor to make ones or they can only make junk.

B-b-but muh revolution still hasn't happened
The 1850 riots werent supposed to be turning point!

>need a job to not starve and have a house over your head
>not guaranteed a job
>if you do get a job the moment you're no longer profitable the boss throws you out into the street
>more and more companies are shipping jobs overseas because of slave wages available in the third world and flooding the country with illegals willing to work for slave wages
>even white collar jobs have to compete with H1b visas demanding a fifth of your salary
>a sizeable and not to be ignored portion of the right wing unironically wants to gut social security and abolish minimum wages and regulations and actually quite literally looks to the gilded age as some kind of golden era of prosperity
>automation of ASI threatens to make 90% of the population useless eaters within your lifetime even if all of the above is mitigated

I dunno lol it's really a fucking mystery

>muh a product depends of the capitalists system
Whend will this meme die

No it is laughing at people who too often personalize the arguments and issues, instead of addressing any criticism of the system, they mock their opponent for being part of the system. Ad hominem at its finest

When you can provide good quality products made from a non-capitalist system.
And, no, traditional dishes and baskets don't count.

OFC you can idiot how did the USSR make computers and rockets magic?

>Result of Capitalism

They were crap and became obsolete, genius.

Having a high security and comfort creates leftism, it's always the gated communities of rich people who haven't stepped out of their bubble which wants refugees, globalism and other shit, while the working man is against it

OP was talking about radical lefitsm (Marxism) not the humanistic leftism.

That's only in Murrica though, which isn't advanced, nor developed.

>The West has a level of comfort and prosperity unrivaled in the word.

White mans burden

REEEEEEEE this is the kind of shit that makes me want to go full communist

but communists are insufferable shitheads that want to destroy the family and all ethnic identities...

nu-males angry about how much it costs to get a worthless degree like social studies

The king should've pushed your shit in instead of playing benevolent ruler. Fucking leftist trash we should've never gotten rid of communism.

As always, the best position lies somewhere in the middle. What we need is a rethinking of the current capitalist system in which the biggest, multi national coorporations get gutted and basically lose power completely, while the market stays free for small and medium businesses. There's probably a plethora of problems that would come with this, but to me this seems the way to the fairest society, in which the bad consequences of global capitalism get diminished. This would also recover much of what is lost of national identities, as countries would have their own unique businesses which are only minimally allowed to transgress borders.

>taking any kind of middle ground

What are you, some kind of reasonable person?!

Because my life could be better. Capitalism is pretty good I guess, but there's more work to be done.

>the best position lies somewhere in the middle
lol, fucking pleb.

because life without struggle is meaningless, thus they invent struggles

>Being an extremist

Because the post war liberal democratic global society has succeeded in alienating entire groups, classes and peoples. Both on the right and on the left.

It's something that stems from the endemic hypocrisy of the West - preaching egality and then bleeding dry every single poorshit thidworlder they can find. And by West they don't mean themselves really. They mean the powers that be, the haves compared to their (imagined) have-nots; the elites. Sure there's a lot of teen angst edgyness involved, and the ability to have the cognitive dissonance which is needed to look over the atrocities that are needed to implement such a system (inb4 no true communist/scotsman), but it boils down to simple dissatisfaction with the state of their existence in society.

And it isn't that weird to have Western-Marxists, considering he himself said that it would happen in a fully industralized country. Russia and China are flukes in regards to his theory.
American Marxists are a joke though - projecting their identity political Americocentric microcosm on Marxism (much like they do with everything else really).

It basically boils down to the same reason why Trump got elected; dissatisfaction with their position in life (third worlders envy westerners, lower classes envy the upper classes, the upper classes envy the elites).

The masses a shit, the bourgeoisie a shit, the elites a shit, vote Bonaparte.

> The USSR won every goal in the space race while the US only won the Moon.

> Invented Tetris

> "crap"

Well memed friendo.



The Wonders of superior capitalist engineering :

> Hehe, you think you got me cornered?!? Well guess what, I'm a centrist! Having real political convictions that aren't wishy washy bullshit is for LOSERS.

>liberal democratic
The 'democratic' part doesn't mean anything at all. The system we all live in is way too complex for the limited democratic measures individual states dare to employ. I smile when people talk about the failure of democracy, considering how little of it has been implemented and how short its history is.

centrism is the plebeian's excuse for his inability to think critically about politics

bullshit tho

You know how suburban kids start listening to hip hop and doing drugs?

America =/= the west. It's an aberration that embarrasses actually developed nations.

The key is not the industrial accident, but the entire situation in Bhopal. Dow Chemicals wanted to save as much cash as possible, while soviet disasters were caused by other reasons.

edgy kids want to rebel
the poorest people in the west still subscribe to the radical left without being hypocrites because cost of living is higher, but theyre almost always students

This, America is 100% 3rd world compared to Europe, Canada and Australia. It can't be considered truly Western and it's prosperity has always been faux. Americans values are not comparable with those of other western countries either.

Ironic shiposting is still shitposting.

Are you really comparing Three Mile Island to Chernobyl? They are on a completely different scale. At Chernobyl everything went wrong, due to faulty design, Three Mile Island was better designed and the response was well handled.

You're wrong. Radical leftism doesn't exist in the western world. The only leftists on the west are the sectants who prefer pointless actions and arguing about being "more left and righteous than you" over creating a revolutionary party.

t. Triggered amerifat

Actually I'm OP. I think it's retarded to think the US isn't Western just because you don't like it.
And the US is the spawn of Western Europe no matter how you look at it.
It's actually funny seeing other Westerners being Anti-American and using them as scapegoats and acting all superior, despite the fact that they're part of the same system.

>Americans values are not comparable with those of other western countries either.
Oh yes they are, very very much, don't even try to deny it. You can't lie to non-Westerners.

Keep this shit thread on /pol/ where it belongs

>due to faulty design
Design was not faulty. It was "special", since the reactor was designed to produce waste that could be used in nuclear weapons.

But the blame for the tragedy lies mainly on the men operating it and ignoring the warnings.

What on Earth does this have to do with /pol/? If you disagrees about something, say way or walk away.

""he"" thinks Veeky Forums is his /leftypol/ echochamber

>Why does radical leftism even exist in the Western World?
Sure sounds like politics and not history to me. And the posts in the thread sure look more like the grossly oversimplified sweeping opinions you'd expect to find on /pol/ and not Veeky Forums, at least not until it became /pol/ 2 last week

>If Veeky Forums isn't a leftypol echochamber it means it is /pol/
this is what leftypol SJWs actually believe

soft heads


>grossly oversimplified sweeping opinions you'd expect to find on /pol/ and not Veeky Forums

So instead of contributing to the discussion to argue against these things, you derail it with accusations.

my sides

It doesn't in any meaningful way.


Veeky Forums isn't your safespace, leftypol


Not even trying to meme, but the extent to which people will argue that things that benefit them must be taken down in favor of things that benefit those that hate them seems like a textbook example

The vast majority of recent developments in computing were done by corporations.

As always, the best position lies somewhere in the middle.
Pic related, its you

Eisenhower and Truman were too pussy to rekt Stalin when they had the chance.

Because academia. It's 100% that simple.
The actual workers aren't communists. It's rich college kids, who were brainwashed into it by their rich professors, who were brainwashed into it by their professors, and so on.

>doesn't know how to greentext

tell that confort thing to the people of latin america

For the same reason there is a radical right.

>living in the security and comfort

This is a meme at this point.

>Why does radical leftism even exist in the Western World?
Because capitalism exists

This is what retards actually believe. Marxism hasn't had a strong foothold in an academic setting since they got purged from all but one uni in the 70s.

Right wingers are generally stupid enough to believe that anyone to the left of Herman Goring is a communist.

actually the computer as we know it is obviously a result of capitalism.

I thought it was a result of the military-university complex.

remember social democracy from the 70s and it was a much better society. Less shiny but people lived their own lives to the full instead of just sitting watching what slebs do and criticise every fucker who is a bit different from you. Everyone had jobs and people's earnings were always on the up.

>By making not just the underclass, but everyone equally poor and miserable?

Academics is full of the followers of the Frankfurt schoold, which is basically marxism 2.0 - capitalism cannot be defeated so let's start chaos based on identity groups instead of class warfare.

The communist revolution is kind of like the second coming of Jesus.

>okay this guy was claiming to be Jesus, but he wasn't the real Jesus!
>we're living in the end times I swear Jesus is just around the corner

>professors openly embrace shit from Gramsci, Marcuse and Adorno

Everything was sorta ok in the West untill the Reagan/Thaetcher neocon/neoliberal era. Neocon/neoliberal economic policies kicked off globalization which started fucking with the welfare state and the middle class.
All the while the elite started feeding the society with bullshit PC culture, identity politics, feminism and cultural marxist doctrines, keeping the people occupied, divided and confused about what the real origin of the decline is.

This. Reagan/Thaetcher was the worst thing to have happen in recent politics

>Sir Alan Budd, chief economic adviser to British prime minister Margaret Thatcher, wrote: “The Thatcher government never believed for a moment that [monetarism] was the correct way to bring down inflation. They did, however, see that this would be a very good way to raise unemployment. And raising unemployment was an extremely desirable way of reducing the strength of the working classes. . . . What was engineered—in Marxist terms—was a crisis of capitalism which re-created the reserve army of labour, and has allowed the capitalists to make high profits ever since.”

Frankfurt has nothing to do with classic marxism and with revolutionary practice. They may have inherited some basic thoughts, but that's all.

The entire underlying logic is the same.
>observe human activity
>notice uneven distribution of success and different outcomes between different groups of people
>claim that the disparity is the result of systematic oppression
All they did was replacing capitalists with white men.

Same can be said about many other movements.
Marx is materialist, while Frankfurters are idealists.

>Marx is materialist
>dreaming of ideal utopian society
Someone pls explain this, I never understood the communism is materialist philosphy meme.

> Materialismis a form ofphilosophical monismwhich holds thatmatteris the fundamentalsubstanceinnature, and that all phenomena, includingmental phenomenaandconsciousness, are results of material interactions.
For Marx the evolution of society from prehistoric classless society to modern capitalism is the result of material interactions. But capitalism is not the final stage, it would pass away just like Feudal society did.
And communist society should have been it.

Thesis: Classless prehistorical society
Antithesis: class society in all its forms
Synthesis: communism with democracy and wide democracy but without private ownership on the means of production.

So why is Frankfurt school idealist?

Shit nigga that is part of the "some basic thoughts" that user said earlier

Because they make a greater emphasis on culture and the ideas, not on the material factors

But both of them are egalitarian, is there no contradiction in that?

Yes, but what does it change? Liberalism and utopian (pre-marxist) communism are egalitarian either.

Great living standards in the capitalist west were a product of fear of socialism. Fucking Bismarck created the German welfare state because he wanted to prevent commies from rising up.

But since the 80s shit has stagnated or gone backwards everywhere else than technology. The richest 1% are taking in pretty much all of the created wealth. Too bad that's /pol/ territory due to 25 year rule.

So capitalism is the best when there's a real credible threat of communism hanging over them. Fall of Soviet Union was a shit deal for the workers.

German welfare state was funded by Adenauer and that other guy in the 50s

Nah its origins are with Bismarck keeping the working class' living conditions bearable. They just had to gradually build more and more on top of it.

i would argue that egalitarianism is an idealist stantpoint by definition