/smgen/ smite general

A real general for a real game edition







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First for Scylla

Scylla is shit.

old thread

>We reached bump limit

>Get matched wtih some new/returning players
>One of the pick ravana builds full crit with no pen
>ignores all teamfights
>only approaches to get last hits on kills
>blames the whole team when we lose

Matchmaking has been nasty for me since the begginging of S5, anyone else having this shit happening too?

Most returning players aren't that retarded.
Even if you don't know how to build a god, which is retarded since who the fuck ever built crits on warriors, knowing how and when to engage is always the same thing.
Random retards sometimes happen.

>playing MOTD
>Erlang dives into 1v5
>wonders why I (Fenrir) didn't dive in too
>Scylla goes to grab buffs when I'm the only other ally alive, in the fountain, and the entire enemy team is alive



I fucking love swaggering around as a fed Herc.
You're basically immortal.

so, whats smiggen's opinion on conquest s5 so far?

why did you have to remind me. I miss taking 1/3 of everyone hp with baseballs...

it's pretty good, but retards are still stuck in the old meta so it can be frustrating



You mean old item meta right? Because there isn't really a god meta yet except the old defined roles. God meta hasn't really changed yet and it's way too early to say who is really good, except obvious ones like he bo. I believe people are still just running there copy paste builds and buying rod all the time.

no I mean the rotations
supports are still trying to sit around mid lane
junglers for some reason are skipping blue buff and fucking over their solo laner
carries still feel 100% entitled to red buff over mid laners again despite it not being a 1v1 anymore
mid laners expecting the jungler to hold their hand the entire game and get solo'd at lvl 1

Oh yeah no that's gotta change. I think more people will leave the old meta behind when rotation guides and what not start being released.

Anyone know any half decent mid streamers/youtubers? All I see are jungle, adcs or solo.

Invading speed with full bots and sprint is the new meta

Envyus please

>be the only person on my team with anti heal
every time

>Enemy jungler gangks me 5 times in a row
>my jungler ganks enemy 1 time

Fuck this this

git gud loser

Why would you when you could get more guaranteed xp by not doing that.

is artio good in duel?

>fuck this this

with boots and speed relic you can almost 100% kill secure with autos

Is ADC still the most boring conquest role in season 5?

go away casual

You play smite competitively in tournaments for money?

I will never understand what goes through peoples head when they run in the opposite direction of Khepri.

You are running away from a god that has an ult that will literally bring you back when the enemy kills you.

First you can't buy full boots at the beginning of the game anymore and second it's just pointless because s5 allows you to catch up easily

? I swear you could buy reinforced greaves at the start, did they change it?

No but on pc that makes me superior to you fucking virgin beta cuck

Fucking console nigger i dispise you

heh thought so, nice try kid :j


They're 1550 and why would you build into something else just to get an early game kill that doesn't grant you anything with how s5 jungle works

so you can make a powerplay at level 1 and put the enemy jungler on tilt and behind.

It's just an unnecessary risk for little pay out

well if anything goes wrong you've got sprint and 18% movement speed to get out and since speed spawns early you can just go to mid if it fails, you don't lose anything if it fails.

I hate this fucking game, I hate that I'm too slow to type so I end up being support every fucking game, I hate being support.

just don't go support and tell them to suck it up, that's what I do

you could always pre-type the role before going into a lobby, pretty sure that's what they do

Holy moly is Serqet fun. Never really played her so never felt the need to know her passive.
After reading it it sure makes her a lot easier to play.


>my support is playing like a completely new player
>doesn't even get relics
>never ults as khepri
>look his profile
>30hours played
>12 of those on khepri
>still doesn't know how to fucking ult

That means you are just as bad as him.


is this kuso game still alive??...

I mean to be fair every webm you post is you stomping absolute retards in console clash

haven't played since daji release any major changes to herc/kumba or supports in general? looked at patch notes didnt see anything changes

We got khepri ulted by season 5

Lots of item and (for conquest:) map changes which will change your builds/play. Herc and Khumba themselves I believe are not specifically changed.

So... Goobis is kicking my ass in mid lane.
Any way to counter the fucker?

I play clash because you get access to abilities and items faster, unlike conquest where you have to farm ten minutes for your first item. And there's nothing less competitive about Console compared to PC despite what a few PC only players like to state

clash and arena are bad gamemodes for bads

>getting Howl on Fenrir at level 3
Just raise Brutalize, dumbo.

Not being bad.

what's your favourite game mode and why :)?

Why would you level brutalize instead? Howl is a pretty strong ability at level 1 too

More like quick gamemodes for people that like to have fun.


>20 physical power vs 30 * 4 damage
I wonder.

there's also a % hp swing per auto


>the state of console
No there is not.
This is my point. You can't even level a god's abilities or even read yet you stomp console players. I've played hundreds of hours of console, the quality of players is much much lower. It's okay to admit it.

Why are you pretending to be me though.

what did he mean by this???

>This is my point.
No that was my point.

>physical lifesteal 35%

Let me clarify for you
>No there is not
Means "No, there is not % hp swing per auto".
>This is my point
My point is that even console players who are (showing cherrypicked clips of themselves) stomping other consoles have no fucking clue what is going on or how to really play.
Sure there's not a huge mechanical difference between console and PC smite, but that's not what we're talking about when we say console is full of retards.

Yes, that's not "% hp swing per auto".
That's lifesteal.
"% hp swing per auto" would be a qin's-like effect.

lifesteal creates a hp swing, please educate yourself before insulting others and making yourself look foolish

you're fucking retarded

nice 'trolling' friend i'm sure your friends over at reddlt find you 'rad' and 'outta this world'

wtf is this stupidity going on here

I need to fertilize Terra’s eggs right now

Nigger I'm not the consolefag, I'm the one who told him to level Brutalize.

no problem with the webms but you only landed 2 aa during the 2 buff when you could increase your odds of snowballing landing an early kill or two with lvl 2 brutalize the lifesteal is nice but you bought healing potions anyway and its not like sustain is that important

It has nothing to do with "%". Nice attempted save.

God I'm shit at this game. I hate being support, but apparantly it is the only role I can play where I don't fuck shit up enough for us to lose.

I see where the confusion is, you're interpreting % change to mean fixed % damage.

duel because my team can't fuck up because it doesn't exist

I screwed up at the red buff by missing an auto so I jumped in with only 4/5 runes active so my stun didn't go off which would have let me land more auto's. I haven't played fenrir much though so you're probably right in it being a better start but since I went vanguard instead of bluestone there likely wasn't much kill potential on my end anyway.

>Reach bump limit last thread
>Find this thread at page 10

I guess it was a fluke


It's Scyllaposting time?

Last thread was on page 10 half of the time.

>all my old /smg/ memes are gone
>can't the old name of this general
does anyone even have the taroshima webm any more?

Hachimans dash has a cooldown of14 seconds

yes, and?

I want Nox’s dark chocolate milkies

They are light and creamy >:|


user... smite.gamepedia.com/Statistics#Lifesteal_-_Physical_and_Magical

Hey guys, a Paragon refugee here. I played a bit of Smite in the past, but I'm still pretty much a learning newfag. The thing is, I at least know the basics of mobas more or less and am willing to learn, while this fucking matchmaking is constantly teaming me up with either literal retards who seem to have no idea what they're doing or tryhard autists who keep flaming
Would anyone be willing to team up and play just for chills, maybe teach me up a thing or two?
Username's sargos9 if anyone's interested, I play during Euro hours

>constantly teaming me up with either literal retards who seem to have no idea what they're doing or tryhard autists who keep flaming
Seems that season 5 attracted a lot of new/returning players.

Well, I'm one of them, but at least I know the god damn basics

join the discord