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Stole someone's question and reposting this

Rhajat is my wife.

I wanna S rank Kana!

>third place
>tenth place

Remember to masturbate to your FE waifu every day! Masturbation is healthy! Don't forget to share your favorite pics for other anons to enjoy!

How are you doing today, /feg/, are you having fun?

>he thinks dragons are dangerous
Maybe you shouldn't be tier list brainlet and use Melee units once in a while.

Kana! Let me see what you have!

Lookin' good.


Armada! :)

You would S rank anyone if you could, Oliver and Camilla included.

>shoot at armor
>reposition mage/archer out of the way
>next turn armor can't do shit

>shoot at dragon
>reposition mage/archer out of the way
>dragons fuck the repositioner in the ass


Why didnt they add her to heroes bros...

When the fuck are my daughters gonna be added to the game. I need to headpat them again

Good night /feg/

inb4 antidragon autist screeching

Of course, and you're next.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Hero Fest

I see my streak of never getting a focus from a Hero Fest will continue into year two.

>Tfw stomping with my infantry squads at all times
>I'd be Tier 20 in Arena by now but I've forgotten to do the shit 2 weeks in a row
Being poor forces you to become a tactical mastermind. Also I said on release that I was gonna take Alfonse to the top and I'm still with him damn it. I'm probably gonna give him Infantry Pulse too.

This is perfectly fine.

>mostly available at 3*
opinion discarded

>armor has dc
>mage dies

Again, try to use Melee units once in a while and you actually can be good at the game.

-t. Someone who never died to a dragon team consisting of +7-10 dragon units ever

>shooting at dragon
Just admit that you rely on range crutches too much and you're mad that they're not as overpowered as they used to be

Post dragons!

> these toes
I got eye cancer. The artist should go back to Loomis.

I want to use dragon teams but they refuse to release dragon boys

>dragon doesn't even have to run DC
>mage dies

Should I Y/N

>shoot at
stop being a ranged shitter

>he never ran into the waves upon waves of effies with berkut's lance + dc
actual t14 shitter detected


>first Valter challenge
>won with Roy, Mae, Celica and Cecilia
>second one
>brought Brave Roy, Legendary Ike, Fjorm and Dorcas
>had even more trouble than last time

Using all these ridiculously good units has made me lazy, fat and foolish. I should try to use weaker units more.

>YTiki and fae never ever

>when the general is full of shitters that die to dragons, Blyn or Reinhardt
I wish Reddit never knew about us

>Marth (Female) is given out constantly for free
>People still cry about Dragons
>People cry about Dragons when shit like Manakete Squad (an easy as fuck map to start with) isn't even representative of actual Arena teams

What else does my Snacks want?
>4 Sanakis and +Spd -HP was somehow the only decent IV I got

>doubling down on being retarded

They did not poll high

They will never be in the game

No one actually runs Masked Marth on their main teams. Not that the crying isn't stupid.

Yeah, you just send BLyn against that and then reposition her away. Or send an axe user. What happens when an axe attacks Corrin or Nowi?

Voting for him every day I fail to pull him!

Holy shit that light breath fae really looks scary, is it as effective in player hands?

I hate this woman. Football is a contact sport, yes. But it's still a competive sport. Not a fucking playground brawl.

Dumb woman.

The delusional autist probably believes the manakete squad map is representative of actual dragon defense teams in arena

These dragons are +15, not +10 like ultimate whale arena

Jesus christ that last part of the vid. Never underestimate women in competitive sports.

enjoy your neutral trash haha faggot

I just cleared Valter earlier on Lunatic, I missed out on the initial run of Valter so I was anxious to get him, his map is annoying. I haven't done Infernal yet, god no that shit is gonna drive me crazy.

It's not like it isn't a bad idea. Especially if you're poor like me, but I use Alfonse so fuck it. I use the hell out of freebie units in general.

You might think they're tears, but it's actually my semen trickling down her face

>initiating on a dragon
to be expected from a shitter that can't think beyond muh phayer phase point and click

>wants to play arena with four ~staff staff~ units
>can't get a high score because bst

how can they fix arena


Welp time to stop voting for Distant Counter fodder and instead, vote for waifu. We will get a shit unit like Reinhard or Lucina anyway so why bother.

To be fair that build needs a Berkut and a Hector as fodder. Dragons only need a Tiki for Lightning Breath and a Hinata.



I thought dragons wanted to breathe Aether spam

Post Training Tower gems

her father is pretty cute too

Not that guy, but if you played against T20 for any respectable amount of time, you'll see that isn't an uncommon build at all.

I've assembled a collection of BIkes. How do I build ATiki, Nowi and Fae?

>Reinhardt is shit
Reinhardt is like the best unit in the whole series? Dude destroys anything and anyone!

I fully expect Hector to win when I want Gunnthra. I don't really need Hector though. If he does I'll probably make the most retarded DC build to ever exist just because I don't know what else to do.

>There's no Yuri in FE
>The best we have is Faye/Silque and fucking Rhajat
I'm dying lads

Ik. Doesn't even matter what most people do. I bet a lot of units still use the taps as votes and just go for the highest. It's not like I can suddenly get nyankura for this.

I pulled two mommys but I don't know which to keep


plz send help

>delusional retards get btfo in poll yet again
>still insist that dragons are op and people have trouble beating them

>The best we have
You serious?

You got your weekly defence right /feg/?

>The Kannas will be stonger than their parents once released
That doesn't sound right, only way to fix it would be giving FCorrin a prf breath and giving Yato a busted upgrade like +3 to all stats when initiating, no chance it's ever happening tho

+Atk is better

+Res is a meme

Just don't use Fortress Res and Iceberg

Stick to Moonbow or Glimmer

My last orbs... where’s Ike??


I've got VaIke, Fjorm, Lancina and Julia in my main team. Should I give Lancina a distant counter if Hector wins?

>horseshitter among defenses


Florina's spine was broken by Hector's monster dick. Imagine him crushing her when they're in the missionary position and his arms suddenly slip and all 200 pounds come crashing down on Florina's tiny frame.

Don't listen to him, Right

Yes I did

Bottom right


Legit precious as fuck. You treat your healer well.

>Don't know who to vote for
I'm picking Azura, fuck it. I want to have all three of her and I want a Blue Dancer that isn't Ninian.

Also I want to fuck Azura really badly.

Darn it.
I should have known when I got Axura, fate only lets me get a max of one thing I want per legendary banner

You'd fuck even Oliver if you could.

She ain't winning tho so you won't have her, stop being gay

W-well at least you have Hone Speed 3


>Also I want to fuck Azura really badly.
Even if she wins, you won't get to fuck her, user.

Just buy the fucking orbs user!

>implying azura wouldn’t laugh at your face and kill you before you rape her

>mfw laevateins weapon

He can rub his dick against the phone screen thinking he's having sex with her.

Why is she so smug ?

I know. Polls are a waste of time because nothing I vote for will ever have any chance of winning anyway in any context whatsoever. Except for Trump.

This is true. Guess I'll go sleep now.

I don't want to rape her. Also her killing me wouldn't be too bad either. That disinterested expression that PA Azura has makes me hard as fuck.

Are dragonfags this retarded? Breath and QR

> and kill you
She won't. She'll just tell Camilla some pervert is stalking her. Never mess with the helicopter onee-sama.

My sister went her way, I went mine.

Well I'm just checking. Which one out of the three wants to run QR as a seal and have a different B Skill though.