/feg/ - Fire Emblem General

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"Orders please"
"Suck my cock"
"As you say"

>Unit has shit growths
>Usually garbage unless you give them stat up items or unless you are a luck shitter
>You use them every run anyway

Whats their name /feg/s?

What do I do with a Gunthra and a summer Xander?

L'Arachel is great

What a waste of feathers


I don't care how many bullshit dragons ISIS is going to put on defensive tiles. This cutie is going to kite them all.

Finally got my dad at 0 orbs now. Gonna start saving like a maniac for Brave Hector now

I'm Russian. We've got a similar-sounding name, Tapья. So I pronounce it this way.


Use them. Pair gunnthra with arvis

There is nothing Cordelia loves more than watching Chrom fuck his wife the generic maiden.

Ride the bike!

>Over 200 orbs
>2 Takumis, 1 Fjorm and Sanaki


>please select all images with a store front
getting real tired of your shit captcha v2

>people are complaining about dragons
fuck off already retards
f2p players pretty much thrives on dragons and nino, if you hit them either of them with nerfs f2p will never be able to stay in tier 20 ever again.

>comparing a Fury+IVs unit with a neutral one


What's the best Chain Challenge to grind SP?


>autistic workaholic that doesn't even feel bothered about her ex

They're not even hard to deal with. I'm not sure why so many brainlets struggle with them so much.

It's Reinhardt/BLyn all over again, even though both have always been incredibly easy to build counters for.

My nigga

>no staff
they ruined my wife

サーリャ Sārya, Sallya in the Japanese version

Tried that, she does 0 on them, but she really helped still because of SB3 Gravity. Paired her up with steady bearing Julia and went to town.

Are they even good though?

Seems like Gunnthra is rated super low while xander looks like better infantry pulse fodder than Marisa

Mating press Micaiah!

Every single time this guy turns out to be completely unusable for me

She better drop to 4* or I'm dropping a third nuke


Sophia. At least Lilina comes early enough to be able to hit a few things and build up her Roy support to fix her shoddy accuracy. Sophia has to be fed every single skill book and a body ring to that point to even have a chance of doing that without getting doubled to death.

What do with her?
Merge wuth +Atk/-HP or give DD to someone

Posted in the old thread: I need some advice on what to do with my Soren. He's a pretty weak unit compared to other greens, mainly because Rexcalibur sucks. I have a Boey or a Cecilia I could feed him, what should I do?

His current build at 4* is
Reciprocal Aid
Rising Wind
A: Darting Blow 3
B: Escape Route 2
(C: Fortify Res 3 or Hone Speed 2)

Promote him and have him learn Rexcalibur+
Feed him Boey for Gronnowl
Feed him Cecilia for Gronnraven

Promoting Boey for Gronnowl+ then feeding him to Soren would be an option... but I only have 20k feathers total.

He's currently +RES, but I pulled a +SPD Soren yesterday who I'll merge the first one into.

Leave Axes to me

They made her super fanbaity by having her mention "I owe everything to you" and "I will do anything to repay you" every 5 seconds. Real shame, she could have been an actually interesting character. At least she is better than my OC Loki

Garret is pretty underrated, he is outclassed, but he is still a berserker in FE6.

Batre actually has really good growths but his bases are hot garbage. He's actually pretty good in randomisers if he rolls good bases though

>res tactics
Sorry buddy but you better start preparing that nuke

You'll eat shit with Falchion soon

>roll for Bike
>get off-banner +Def/-Hp Amelia
Hot damn, time to save up. I'm disappointed that I didn't get him, but this is a sign for me to stop rolling


I love that hair twirl, it fits her character so well. L'Arachel is great

At least you didn't get Merric'd.


My Lilina has never ended up bad honestly. I really wish Sophia wasnt awful though, it doesnt help that she also requires a guiding ring, which you only get two of without secret shops making her even worse

Gunnthra has horse mage bst which makes her pretty bad for the actual arena. But in arena assault he has a prf reverse blade tome that's gaurenteed to inflict a hone cavs worth of bonus damage on one unit. Due to how her tome works she's a bit more versitile than the average blade tome user. Even if she can't kill someone her cancerous b skill will cripple one or more units on the other side no matter what as long as she meets the hp requirements. Summer Xander is... alright. He's legitimatly not a bad unit but he's competing with gods like bike and Dorcas for physically bulky axe.

Don't forget about Chrom and Lissa Lite.

Only thing that soyboy is eating is the cun of a dozen men off Celica's vagina.

Fucking how?

>all I wanted was Ike and maybe Gunnthra
>2 shit IVs Siegbert
>2 PA Azura

Pasting reply from last thread.

My general advice is not to bother with either 4*s or 4* weapons.

Promote the Soren you want with better IVs (probably the +Spd one, provided the bane isn't -atk or -res). And then when you get another 20k feathers, promote the Boey and pass Gronnowl+.

Soren's biggest challenge is to avoid ending up as a budget Nino. To this end, you're better off specialising him with his tome - Owl tome can focus his well-rounded stats and bump them up, letting him act as a speedy mage with solid attack and res. Your other option would be keen Gronnwolf to take out horses. Gronnblade is also effective, but again this is entering budget Nino territory again. Still, pretty much everything is better than Rexcalibur.

Sophia. She's too cute not to.

In the past seven (7) months we have gotten 1 (one) new non-seasonal inheritable weapon


I wanna see you try doing that do Barth

Even if he promoted at level 10 that is fucking impressive

Felicia is the cutest! I love spending time with her! Seeing her pretty smile fills me with joy! I want to hold her in my arms and never let go! She is perfect in every single way to me! I love Felicia!

Someone wanted my updated Felicia collection! Daki not shown

I was thinking the same as you due to her prf but sothe became the four star lad fodder we've been waiting for. It's likely she gets demoted.

Her sister is the same way and it's kind of annoying.
>I can only speak to people I have a bond with and I can only bond with one person. Do you know what that means :DDD

There is any way to get more exp after Lv 40? Just fusing same units?

Upgrade? Who first?

Neutral Ephraim, +def/-spd Minerva and +res/-def Taco. There's also Jeorge and Michalis.



>Needs Fury just to keep up in stats
>No room for Heavy Blade
>Too fast for QR shenanigans but needs flier buffs to reliably double

I wish Minerva wasn't 5* exclusive so I can get more merges on her, she needs them far more than Michalis does. At least the two I got in 4 orbs have helped her out a bunch.

I think Barth can be more usable than Gwendy. Generals have pretty good promotion gains and he actually has some ok base stats and better con

Echidna is so underrated

Out of all the units in the SS banner, who do you think drops to 4 star? I hope it's Lady L'el cause while she's good, she's not anything special, and needs a while different weapon and whatnot to be halfway decent.

0-4 whale
5-9 dont

Ephraim becomes a lance lunatic with that upgrade, easily the best one available right now.

You tell 'em man, f2p build teams around unit which all use SB, Aether and QR3 all the damn time.
ISIS shouldn't be touching this at all.

I'd wait for the update to see what's new first.

Beats me i don't even know why i promote him in the first place it's my old SS save file if you're wondering.
yeah i think i promote him quite early he was level 12 or some shit.

I really hope she is on the binding blade banner or in a tempest. She is pretty damn cool. Outclassed by based dieck but who isnt

>whaling on a dead game

Well show us the daki my man

gronnraven is bad on soren because he has no defense to tank colorless bows/daggers and
owl tomes are real pain in the ass to utilize in the arena.
are you building him up for arena assault?
i would personally just 4*+10 him unless he's your husbando since nino pretty much blows him out of the water gameplay-wise and availability-wise since he's 3-4* while soren is 4-5* only.

post results!!

Not the worst growths but using him isn't easy.

I'm hoping for Lady L'el too, but I think Eirika is much more likely, based purely on the skills each of them have.

>spending money on a piss easy mobage

Both are -HP.
Thank you for the advice, that is what I'll do.

Regarding the +RES Soren, what's more efficient, merging him onto the better IV one so I can pass the skills I already gave him, or just promote the better IV one and give Watersweep to some slower units?

>new units.
>ever dropping to 4*.

They gave a legendary version of Ike a tactics ability,clearly IS thinks they're valuable add the two effect prf in to the mix and I'd tell you not to hold your breath.

that's a scary creature


Make Gwendy 4* +10 ?


I want to fuck Lukas

I guess they'll try anything to get people to shill out for gems.


Fuck that
Go all the way

Kagero is my wife.


Waifu? No
Not waifu? Yes

Get in line.

I guess I'll give him the Pursuit upgrade then. Death Blow and Renewal is his best with it right?

I guess I better upgrade a Hawkeye or a Athena (if I give him Sturdy Blow).

She's sleeping!

Eirika has a full set of skills including swift sparrow and attack/speed rally. There's no way is would consider res tactics and fucking renewal to be better than these