/2hug/ - Touhou general - #104

Biker edition
Previous thread: >So what is this game?
Touhou is a bullet hell game made by ZUN. Instead of ship or robots it features anime girls fighting youkai and such.

>I have a question!
pastebin.com/aAGBwfny (Includes links to the FAQ, netplay guide, 1cc charts and more)

>Where can I get the games?
moriyashrine.org/ (For separate game downloading)
nyaa.si/view/979648 (All in one pack)

>Game running at 30000FPS? Game screen size not to your liking? Experiencing some input lag? Download Vpatch and apply it.

>Touhou 16 and 15.5 on steam! Please support the official release.

>Fangames pastebin (Contains a fixed version for game breaking bug in FMW2)

>/2hug/ Highscore Spreadsheet! (If you want to submit score, use the term 'score' somewhere in your post)

Touhou is a videogame and we are not hurting anybody

Other urls found in this thread:


Has your opinion of Doremy changed since the release of AoCF?


>We asked one of the visitors: "Why are you wearing your hat in the bath?", to which she (Miss Ran Yakumo) answered with a smile: "Because you're taking a picture of me".

It isn't that 2hu's die without their hat. It's the fact having no hat or headgear is considered lewd.

I didn't use to care that much about her until AoCF. Doesn't help that I didn't understand a single dialogue from her LoLK fight.


Good morning 2hug. Just a heads up, my piece of shit windows 10 update on my craptop took 3 hours to finish, geez, avoid getting windows 10 if you can folks.

Anyway, here's the Chinese Mokou game I was talking about, looks interesting enough.

Mirror mirror on the wall, who's the fairest 2hu of all?

That's a pretty manly face
Reemoo should be feminine and innocent

Ah yes.

The game somehow also runs at 15 FPS too.

Ah fuck, any luck Yuugi so far? Have you tried uninstalling Hamachi? That could be interfering with it.

>having no hat or headgear is considered lewd

So Kaguya is actually a perverted princess?

Nah it's just kind of like walking around your own house naked in her case due to NEETing it up.


Now I'm imagining a nude Kaguya walking around my house

Ok the fps problem fixed itself, it now runs at full speed.

But holy fuck this game, i have some shit to say about it and the semi-good kind of shit. After talking to Tewi we fight Reisen as our first boss, she for the most part just stands there shooting easy to dodge bullets. There's no way to attack unless this stamina bar is full, but when it does and you press it while getting close to the opponent...

It looks like a google play store game vinny would stream

Then you unleash like a fairly long and drawn out combo from Mokou, where you just watch the spectacle of Mokou beating the shit out of her opponent, the animations here are not bad, but I can't help but feel the author ripped them from another person without permission.

This damages Reisen to over half of her HP, so you just need to do it twice to beat her, it's the same as the second time. I wonder if it's the same EVERY time, that would be quite lame.

It's quite low budget thats for sure, looks like the guy just shit this out for a quick cash grab like that shitty "fire emblem" 2hu on steam. So far this game is decent though, but if this keeps up all game it's going to get repetitive quite fast.

Looks like someone took the bad fighting MMD videos and made them lose their charm. You're never supposed to trust chinese games, specially if they have doubtous quality since you're just gonna waste your time. Like in www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xnl7VpOf9L0

Go on, fucking TRY to guess who this next 2hu you fight actually is.

Yup, this game is a piece of shit, I'll explain why in a few posts after.



I'm torn between Yuyu, Letty and Yoshika but the silhouette doesn't match any of their games portraits

Yuyukoanon actually got it right, it was Letty, though it doesn't matter because it might as well be a White Reisen.

You see, you fight her in the exact same stage, and she has the exact same attack "animations" as Reisen, as in she just stands there shooting bullets out of her finger that do 1/4 of your hp this time instead of like 1/20 like what Reisen did. Only thing that changes is the colour of her bullets, some of them were black.

And you also have the exact same attack animation as the first fight, so you can imagine how this pretty much removes any semblance of enjoyment this game has. You can talk to Eirin for upgrades, but it's in Japanese and I highly doubt you'd just get new attacks, just some basic shit like faster magic regen or more hp, it's also probably behind a p2w firewall since this game was free like I said, Letty does kill you in 1/4 hits, that's a HUGE jump, the next boss would probably just kill you in 1 hit.

Oh yeah and the controls are also fucking shit, it seems the left stick here only moves when you want it too half of the time, so I just get hit for no reason.

Top 3 you like the most and the top 3 you dislike the most of:
>Game ost

T-that's too much effort to list.

Not counting PC-98



>>Game ost




Reduce it to only 1 then.
I think it's nice

Odd request and probably a long shot, but does anyone happen to have a download link to this game?

>Worst OST
Nani the fuck?!

Only good decent stuff I remember from it are Sanae's and Nitori's theme, everything else was completely forgettable

I dunno about you, but it's far from being terrible. I only forget Hina's theme. Apart from that, you seem to miss out.

Never said it was terrible, just forgettable
Name a game with worse soundtrack then

Sanae's song isn't even that good desu. The only theme I really like from MoF is Hina's theme and stage song. Everything else feels too forgettable to me as well.

>Motherfucking Gensokyo is forgettable
Proves your shit taste.
Oh not you too.

>Hina's stage song

Good taste, I thought I was the only one who liked that one. Pretty underrated as far as songs go.

It's ok but it never stood out to me, I think that the only reason it's that popular it's because it's Gensokyo's theme.
Excellent taste user, I love the piano in it so goddamn much.

No need to be pissy because I don't particularly like your favourite game's ost

Ah yeah, Hina's stage is good. I like this arrange in particular


What was so cool about Hina is that she kept spinning even when you're talking to her, I don't know if that was intentional or not but it was pretty fucking awesome. Shame Hina was pretty lame in FMW.

Who said MoF was my favorite game?

I don't care, you are being rude

I usually find acoustic guitar only music boring but I enjoyed that one, though it's way too long.

Cry more, bitch nigga.

You don't even deserve a (You)
Have a nice day user

Not. This. Shit. Again

I haven't even started being rude with you.

And then you say I start the shit
Anyway, I'm not taking your bait this time

Man this thread sucks dick. Just delete it and start over.

>stirring shit up when you can't handle the banter that's destined to come back towards you
You wouldn't last a day in Gensokyo with that attitude.

Reminder to report and ignore shitposting.

Hey guys, I've added Impossible Spell card Reverse to the fangames pastebin. Let me know what you think.


I get that it was my least popular run here, but it's one of the few genuinely pretty good Danmakufu fangames, you guys should check it out for sure.

Also, I'm at a loss at what I should play next, any ideas guys?


Have you finished all the official games? including PC-98?
Have you played Shoot Shoot Nitori 1 and 2?

How about reading some print works.

Are you into RPGs?

I dislike endless arcade games with no story or endings, makes them feel pointless playing.

HrTP and SoEW sux mostly because I'm abhorrently bad at them, I beat PoDD and LLS, and I'm not too fond of MS though I was VERY close to 1cc'ing it.
Of course I beat SSN 1 and 2, they're in the pastebin as well. Makes me wish Tasfro made more of these fan games instead of the bad aerial fighters.

BUT WAIT user, you just reminded me that someone remade SoEW in Danmakufu, apparently it's pretty good, I'll check it out. Thanks man.


I'm just kidding, I'll get to it later.

Hell yeah, I plan on playing GoS soon, I'll have to go fetch Byakuren and Mokou though.

It's just $7 user, are you poor?

I thought that was established already, yes. I'd also love to get my hands on the Touhou Dokapon and that Super Mario RPG 2hu, no one seems to have dumped either though.

I was gonna suggest GoS. Good call.
If you're into tedium, consider Labyrinth of Touhou 2. Avoid 1 like the plague.

Why don't you ask /jp/? Maybe someone does have it there.

There's a CG dump on hitomi.la, and it looks like trash. Unless you speak fluent Japanese, the game will be nothing but a disappointment.

I liked the first one back then, though the character portraits are horrible. The music is better than 2 though.

I heard you can change the portraits in 1. Is that true?

Is there a wiki or other source of information for AoCF? It doesn't play like a conventional fighter


I would recommend Sengoku Gensokyo. But only if you have a fondness for turn based strategy games.

there's also that Nobunaga's Ambition-styled game, but it's jap only and the dude who was translating it gave up.

Sengoku Gensokyo's a pretty fun romp. I would recommend it too.

Well here's the cover art for SoEW, the silhouette looks like Cirno on steroids.

The thing for me about RPG's is that they all have a pretty slow start, but once I'm into to them I literally cannot drop them. It'll happen for GoS I'm sure.

I made a thread on jp for obscure 2hu fangames, even requesting some of them off DLsite I'm interested in and played a few games over there for them, but needless to say it went pretty terribly. I thought it was a good idea since a few people there go to retesai and the like but it seems that no one plays the main series outside of that one thread, let alone fangames.

That castration thing I posted was just out of curiosity, I swear i'm much more interested in the other games.

Best game: IN.
Worst game: HRTP

Favorite OST: EoSD.
Least favorite OST: HRTP

Favorite 2hu: Sakuya.
Least favorite 2hu: Reimu.

Are you the Raymoo hater?

>but needless to say it went pretty terribly
Classic /jp/.

One of them, yes. Although unlike most people, i do genuinely dislike her as a main character.

That's some fucking disgusting taste, man.
>talking shit about HRtP

Fuck, the game came in pre-installed so I have to boot it from a disc image, I recommend Virtual Clone Drive for stuff like this.

Ah yes a new fellow Sakuyanon. Good taste in favorite 2hus.

I could never understand how people can have Reimu as the least favorite 2hu, she's the face and the sole reason we have 2hu in the first place.

It's the same reason I can't hate Tenshi even if she's supposedly the worst person on the face of the earth, she gave me not one but two top notch fangames to playthrough, how can I ever be mad at her for that?

I'm sure Tenshi is just a bit immature. She's a good person deep down her Celestial pride.

Reimu's a Final Boss character. I thought ZUN stated this before.

>2hu cast consists almost entirely of murderers and man-eating monsters
>Tenshi is somehow the worst person ever, without even having done anything actually bad
Except wrecking the Hakurei shrine, but I consider it public service.

Alright here's the title screen for the SoEW remake.

Reimu looks a little strange in green from here but I'm sure it's so it fits the theme of the game.

She has great potential deep down yeah, maybe a good lecture from Eiki is all she needs. Shame I'm on my craptop right now, oh, all the DoG I have saved.

Never said she was the worst person user, I don't mind Tenshi at all.

I just 1cc'd EOSD for the first time (normal).
Used all my lives and bombs, second half of red magic was fucking intense.
What to do next? Trying to beat extra or starting PCB?

Reimu is such a shit waifu :(

HRtP isn't necessarily bad. It's just... not as good as the rest of the games.

Reimu isn't my Waifu and I'm gonna just outright say you're wrong.

Challenge Extra Stage.

I mean, who WOULDN'T pick Suika here?

I'm serious, tell me if you would pick anybody else here.

PCB will be a fucking cakewalk compared to EoSD, go for it, you deserve the break.

>who WOULDN'T pick Suika here?
A Sanaefag

I like Reimu

>Ah yes a new fellow Sakuyanon. Good taste in favorite 2hus.
She's nice, yeah. Badass. Consistently entertaining banter. Fun boss fight. Cool design. And a lot of character potential.

She does have problems. Like her practically nonexistent character growth. And the whole "killing innocent people to get blood" thing somewhat taking away from her likeability.

>I could never understand how people can have Reimu as the least favorite 2hu, she's the face and the sole reason we have 2hu in the first place.

You know, i genuinely don't want to dislike Reimu. I've seen plenty of fanwork versions of her that i like. But canon Reimu is at best annoying, and at worst utterly morally reprehensible. Which considering that she's the main character, often makes it hard for me to get into official Touhou works.

I am naming my Voltorb Reimu

You monster


LOL no she's a mean bitch
Shit waifu

Why? Could you honestly see Reimu being a good wife?

Yes, she'll be a lot less powermad once I take her virginity powers.

>PCB will be a fucking cakewalk compared to EoSD

For some reason, i always found it the other way around. Youmu and Yuyuko just seem to utterly destroy me. By contrast, Sakuya and Remilia tend to go down pretty easy most of the time.

Is this dude acting like that on purpose? what is he trying to do here?

I don't think her powers are virginity based. And even if they are, i still don't think it's going to change her attitude much. Especially now that she has a husband to provide for her.

>Entirely different stage background
>Not a single ghost or kedama, just faries as enemies
>No tank-kun midboss
I mean Cirno is cool and all but maybe this is a SoEW in name only? At least they got the music right

Do we even have one over here?

Well I do agree on what you like about Sakuya, though what you dislike I'm not so sure about, if you want character growth there's PoFV for that, yeah it's not really mentioned afterwards as per 2hu fashion but to say she's devoid of that is missing the mark. As for killing people to make pastries for Flan, even if it is true, I like to think she uses Mokou for that.

I can't really say anything about Reimu, I think canon game reimu is good but I've yet to finish the printworks. What's VERY interesting about all the Reimu hate here is that ZUN said that Reimu holds a special place in his heart, at least in 2013 anyway.

Official 2hu waifu tier list




The rest


You can stop now

Tenshit is irredemable trash.