/gbfg/ - Granblue Fantasy General #2734

>Recent News
Crits will work on other null element enemies like Ubaha.
Orchid's knife FLB released mid February with Trium and GW Dagger's DATA ougi, Lecia's dagger FLB at the end of February
GW changes, now you can change GW weapon midway once, also other changes about ranking and bosses
Class Champion Weapons FLB will increase the level to 200 and add new skills and passive.
Robomi event will be next Side Story at 9 Feb

Double renown cap 01/25- 02/05

>How to Start
Go to game.granbluefantasy.jp in Chrome.

>Schedule for February:
1/31 - 2/8 - Auld Lanxiety (SR Zoi + one of the previous SR Zodiac)
2/9 - 2/13 - Cerb/Fenrir Showdowns
2/11 - 2/21 - My First Valentine
2/14 - 2/21 - Guild Wars (Light Bosses)
2/22 - 2/27 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part I
2/28 - 3/11 - What Makes the Sky Blue Part II

>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning.

>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff, so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something.

>Guild Pastebin

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post it at 750 to 751 at least, not 749 to 750, fucking idiot

Please host Baha HL.


My wife!

Hector: 1A26654E

Shut the fuck up

I like burgers. How about you /gbfg/?

Is Christmas Arlu any good?

Post cute Erunes! Drive the cowfags out

>all these people making useless summons for characters they know nothing about

She's literally color swapped Metera.

my cute neetwife

Fraux is literally female robin from FE

>twintails are an original concept entirely created by Fire Emblem
What a joke

Please don't be so rude, user.

>not picking with your dick
I bet you spend more time refreshing than actually playing the game too

That explains why she's so cute then.

If you dont have Altair for now, yes.

Good veilbot, shit otherwise because RNG

Did they?

Fucking retard op

Best girl!

>I've been saving my mats the whole time
Praise me!

make 5* esser right now

She even had the same braided sidehair

My brother

My dick chose Justice and I believe it knows best

Does the game ever mention metera and song together? Both use flight magic(aka hardest magic to learn) and both shoot magic arrows out of magic bows.

How have they not met?

>didnt spend 3 bars for this

Yeah they nookied each other's nooks.

A spicy sexier metera you say

3/6 need heals/damage

that's a weird way to spell "mine"

im sure this is old news, but viramate was removed from the chrome store... is this bad?


>Braided side hair
Okay, yeah, now I'm starting to see it.

There's at least four characters who's superpowers come from their sick dance moves and at least two of them are shy

>mine wife

Incest is not looked down on the vampire society.

I guess I will have to eventually, but I really want the dirt shota.

Me on the left

Well we know Gayne and Anthuria have met at least. Its just weird considering Song thinks she's a monster with her powers and yet we have an Erune that can do the same thing who is also a genius.

Tower is so cool though.

All the characters from the story before Nalhegrande should just be removed and forgotten


Can't believe yuel's sacred robes were unisex

Sounds like my kind of society.

Lennah's Husband is so handsome

I hope he appears in the Birdman event and we get an outfit where he doesn't have that mask.

Who here hasn't fucked up a day of Arcarum yet?

Not me. It'll be a while before I get my first cutie.

Yeah, tell me how Magisa cucks (you) with Syaoran as well.

>choked to the enemy who does three times your HP as plain damage
I have Vira now though, I'm ready

Me, I need the stones.

I almost did yesterday when I tried to placebo through a boss battle. Good thing I had a revive pot wew.

so now you can use rupies to do draw ? this means i can just spam quests,get rupies and do draws ? this seems to good to be true

i got fucked by weekly cap twice already. why is that even a thing? we already have limited entry tickets just to play this gamemode, stop being retarded you monkey faced fuck

Same I want both of them in Regular clothings

stop shitposting

Tokage HL : AB16BA1E

>Maximum Beta orbitrer
>Fucking anything at all
LMAO, besides Lennah being fucking ugly, dude is just a retard edgelord

Yeah bro, I just got Lucifer.

I nearly got rape birded on a forced SR round but I scraped past and learned to always have a pot on hand. Clear record so far.

>Hosting it one hour before reset

>>Maximum Beta orbitrer

It's not the same draw pool, user. IIRC the chances of an SSR are around the same chances of being eaten by a shark in the shallows of a beach. You should still be doing the daily 101.


Quick quesion:
I'm close to finishing the Six-Ruin Fist.
What's the best place to get antiquated cloths?
Wiki has info and shit but I'd prefer to hear it from people.

What are the chances that Lovers is to Summer Zooey as Nio 5* is to Korwa?

Damn. I just realized Yaia is sword prof so I can finally make a full sword team now. Noice.

Wiki's info is correct.


0. It'd be hard to make a character stronger than zoi and no way they'd make her free.

Unless if you're like chapter 80 the best place to get it is at IIRC Chapter 42 at the quest you can only do twice daily.

Don't. Six is shit now. You are better off using Gold bar on Funf.

Antiquarian Troubles, the other quests are shit, don't believe the """timegated""" morons here.

Funf sucks

>Who is Uno, the best character in the game

>Funf sucks
My dick, yeah

>Lennah being fucking ugly,

Wow how gay are you?


>make zoi a flashfest character and promote her at every opportunity
>then make a free character that powercreeps her

Did you pub it?

Pleb. You don't know her true power.

>Make Korwa, a limited character, into a ticketable character because she's so good even after being nerfed from being the best character in the game period
>Put her in a variety of events
>come out with a free character that powercreeps her

No but I did

They will not powercreep zoi with another unit, I'm saying to lower your expectations for your own good

I don't see what makes Korwa any different than Zooey besides the fact that one hasn't been made a ticketable yet.

They just need to rework enmity so it's better at 50% HP.

Yeah, it's over, gonna retreat as well.

Charlotta's cute sleeping face! I want to protect it!

That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard.


I want to cum on her belly


They need to make middlewater, a mechanic that makes you do more damage the close your hp is to 50%


That's how enmity used to be.

Zoi has been limited for so long the people who sparked her over this one year in a half would be furious
>requires buildup, buffs can be dispelled, can get fucked if she lacks fils
>you press conjunction on turn 1 and do big damages with close to 0 risk

That meme is fucking annoying.

Show twig collections lads.