/lolg/ - League of Legends General


bird dad edition

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na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Quinn does anai

xth for my wife Syndra

This triggers the Janitor

I want Azir to sit on my face!

Comfy GFs!

Ok /lolg/ I want you to pick your favorite class of champions and design an item for them that you sorely think is needed. Keep it as balanced as possible and don't design it for just a single champion.

Good thread

>tfw no riven GF


xth for cumming inside Syndra as her Bull.

I want to take a bath with Kled naked! And brush his fur!

>Dodge game
>Log back in

I'm not even gonna try, whatever it is chances are Ezreal will break it.

yth for best toplaner once rito decides to buff

Doing anything unrelated to league does that.

You can do memes, its just gotta have something league related.


Do you just post lewds of any given OP? If I had done Vel'koz would you have posted him?

I said stop, that's too much. None of that garbage.


Good Thread.

Trap champion when?!?!?!

%Max HP damage for Burst mages

Liandry's sucks for them

Too easy

I want to be evelynn!


How much would Sivir charge you to cum inside her balls deep?

No, I just want Azir to sit on my face!

I want this to be a pixel nsfw animation!

What did they mean by this??

na.op.gg/summoner/userName=Quinn does anai

How old is this

I actually haven't seen a trynd in a year now

With the right words, nothing.

Why wouldn't they be triggered by the dullest franchise in the history of movie franchises?
Seriously each episode following the boy wizard and his pals from Hogwarts Academy as they fight assorted villains has been indistinguishable from the others. Aside from the gloomy imagery, the series’ only consistency has been its lack of excitement and ineffective use of special effects, all to make magic unmagical, to make action seem inert.

Perhaps the die was cast when Rowling vetoed the idea of Spielberg directing the series; she made sure the series would never be mistaken for a work of art that meant anything to anybody, just ridiculously profitable cross-promotion for her books. The Harry Potter series might be anti-Christian (or not), but it’s certainly the anti-James Bond series in its refusal of wonder, beauty and excitement. No one wants to face that fact. Now, thankfully, they no longer have to.

>a-at least the books were good though
The writing is dreadful; the book was terrible. As I read, I noticed that every time a character went for a walk, the author wrote instead that the character "stretched his legs."

I began marking on the back of an envelope every time that phrase was repeated. I stopped only after I had marked the envelope several dozen times. I was incredulous. Rowling's mind is so governed by cliches and dead metaphors that she has no other style of writing. Later I read a lavish, loving review of Harry Potter by the same Stephen King. He wrote something to the effect of, "If these kids are reading Harry Potter at 11 or 12, then when they get older they will go on to read Stephen King." And he was quite right. He was not being ironic. When you read "Harry Potter" you are, in fact, trained to read Stephen King.

Be quiet cuck.


>been playing a lot
>got a lot of honors
>people are getting honor lvl 3 but not me

wait nevermind i logged in while posting this post and i got this


Click the white box on the post, next to Anonymous and then delete in the bottom right.
Since somebody posted in it before the delete went through, it isn't going to die anymore.

Stop this! Hideri is for soft punches in the belly!

How many years have you wasted playing this game /lolg/?

why is this allowed?

like 2 weeks ago

Which league champion would main an INT/VIT GvG trap Hunter in classic Ragnarok Online?

>Mage supports who want to support and be useful but arent able to synergize with Forbidden Idol

Builds out of Fiendish Codex and Kindlegem. Has an active that shoots out a spooky ghost which follows the nearest enemy champion, and when it hits them it pulls an enemy towards you a short distance. You could use it to chase, initiate a fight, or peel for your adc even if you position right. It would need some limitations to prevent any old person from buying it. Maybe it could build out of Frostfang instead?

I ain't any of that. I told you to stop with that degenerate garbage.

Where's "One flew over the Cuckoo's Nest" stand? Thats my favorite book.


>plat elo

please give tips for miss fortune
what can I do if my opponents are not retarded?
(im bronze btw)

Best girl.
Best ears.
Best wife.

fair enough. thanks mr janny

why do people chase instead of pushing

I want to fertilize this plant.

But that's wrong though???

Phage + Bami's Cinder

+600 Health, +30 AD
+10% CDR
Dealing damage to an enemy champion creates a burst of flame, dealing 12- 102 magic damage in 325 range around the user. 20 second cooldown, deals 50% bonus (18-153) damage to minions, and can proc on Epic monsters as well.
While on cooldown, Immolate passive is disabled.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.


post daughter Sivir and dad Azir.

If youre still with Syndra after I fill her every night then youre a cuck.

nah ur a fuckin legend, mate

>+70 Magic Resist
>+100% Base Health Regen
>Unique Passive: Grants a shield that absorbs up to 30 (+10 per level) damage. The shield will refresh after a 9 seconds without receiving damage.
>Cost: 2,200g
>Sell Value: 1,456g

I call it "Fuck off Mages".

Forgot picture

Is the green silver meme true? Or is that Ahri an eloboosted e-girl?

You're playing too many champions.

Because "muh KDA"
and its usually assassin babs, fuck everyone who mains an assassin

I'd rather have a Singed OTP

i dont understand why but people in plat just stop trying for some reason, they turn into the biggest fucking cry babies ive ever seen

Your fault for not dodging when you see someone pick Ahri


I was thinking that. Playing adc was a bad idea since I have to rely on supports to save my squishy ass. The Karthus game was Karthus jg


That Malphite's situational awareness is just triggering.

Isn't that active just Tia mat?

Yare yare daze.

I think i had 700h played
Started at the end of S3

>id rather have

you say that like singed otps are bad

>top and jungle are less queued than support

the absolute state of this game

azir is best dad


Sometimes it's a gamble having a Singed on team. Less of a gamble though than any assassin champ I'll say that much

probably a boosted e-girl
literally missed everything and then dove the turret in frustration after i typed in "lmao retard" after using stop watch and watching him walk away like ignite would kill me
like cmon? who walks into lane and doesnt check the other laner's items? its stopwatch meta after all

I love it

I like to jungle, but I don't like being everyone's punching bag because they lose lane.

this desu, i tried to jungle when i started playing this game but fuck that, it's just my second role, every fucking thing was my fault

>If my opponents are not retarded
>I'm bronze btw

user... I...

you what? Don't lie on the internet user, that ain't nice.

what does riven smell like?

>They take nami from me
>Have to pick leona
>I don't trust anyone on my team
>M7 Yasuo with that skin
>Diaperman vs You're in my lane bro

I'm fucked right?

you are the one lying
post proof that i didnt fuck syndra last night i'll wait

Old cum and sweat.

Yasuo will feed Azir

farts, lots of it

>Fuck everyone who mains an assassin
Can confirm
t. Kha'Zix main


you queue with me since 99% of adcs are braindead and feed the botlane too hard for me to carry

Like cum and fish, the dirty whore doesn't wash herself. Only like once per week

Can Windwall even block Sand Soldiers?

>being this rude to my wife

No and thank god.

You didn't because we were together the whole day, so yeah, nope.

Yasuo will feed everyone*

dragon fight going on, i would have done the same
he was a good player after all

>ywn receive Ahri as a gift
Why live

I fucking hate Vi, remove her retarded lock cc on her stupid R

>Trying to play azir or jayce when you're silver
>Yi and lucian

Well if you lose it's 100% your fault

just zhonya

Serious question, why is leveling such a pain in this game? I'm only level 13 and I've played dozens of games. I mean...im not trying to rush into ranked. Fuck man I just want to be play draft because blind pick with mirror matches isn't that fun. Even then once, however long it takes, I get to level 20, I won't have enough champs. That's what bothers me too. Why is blue essence as rare as gold? Like I have the low cost champs, ashe soraka garen warwick, but I haven't earned and blue essence in a long time and I cant even afford the champs that cost like 1250. How can I level and earn blue essence at an at least sub optimal way? Because right now I feel like I'm getting nothing and nowhere fast.

>draven is 4/1
>bot lane decides to keep engaging him
>darius is 4/2
>illaoi decides to keep engaging him
>enemies are clearly not being aggressive, just punishing attempts to engage

for what purpose do people repeatedly fight a stronger foe