World of Warcraft General - /wowg/

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Blood of Sargeras to gold:


Wish the mods would range an that giantess vorefag desu


slowfag edition

>autistic things in WoW that you’re pretty sure only you do

post comfy addons
I tried dynamic cam but it made me nauseous


So is Ret getting something to make up for the fact the Wake of Ashes is now a talent that competes with Crusade and therefore just basically removed?

Or is the spec going even more brain dead?

>she sees your dick


Yeah, a longer cooldown on their only movement ability.

Impressive, considering most people don't even know I have one.

Autoloot plus
Leatrix plus

Anything to avoid having to look at blizzards fuck ugly base UI

Fuck the Stranglethorn Fishing Extravaganza

Why can't we get another way to get the Dread Pirate Ring?

Or at least a new ring heirloom

The naval mission ones are bad enough but this shit is ridiculous

pretend to be a streamer and to talk to myself about my activities and what i am about to do

>implying you pass
take more meds, faggot

Would you go out for coffee with a worgen wowg?

What do Lightforged turn into with Orb of Deception?


Paladin is the designated shitter class user, give up hope. You might want to put some thought into your class but your peers certainly don't.

her eyes are literally green with envy

I don’t level an alt unless I have a battle pet that fits their race and/or class.

>Unironically clicking female worgen at the character creation screen.

That's pretty fuggin cute.

yeah, only if they don't have a dumb eyepatch though


Is she a sensible worgen, like Genn, who hides her illness?

Or is she one of those degenerates who just stays in mongrel form all day?

Man leveling takes sooooo long now user
You aren't one of those weirdos that spends that long on non end game content, are you?
You are a normal person, who buys boosts, right?


I think you know the answer.

Kill yourself.

>remove heirlooms
>add stacking account wide xp percentile boost for each character leveled natty to max level

Opinions on this? Would make the boost fags continue buying boosts, and the never ever fags would have less trouble getting their 25th character up

>thinking about changing mains from Unholy to Arms for the mobility/it's better for minigaming
>Unholy is currently 973 equipped, Arms 927
>go do dailies on Unholy
>Aggramar's+Sephuz, run around procing Sephuz with Grip at mach speed, press Epidemic and everything within a mile dies
>go do dailies on Arms
>fucking suffering, no legendaries
Fucks sake, I know it's obviously the lack of gear but it's so hard to find the motivation to play an alt over a main, how do you even do it


Yes but only a cute one

leveling is actually fun and has rewards now tho

They really should've made boa legendary caches drop as a currency that you can exchange for one of your choice, so you can choose to gear a specific alt up.

Having them be random means the vast majority are useless

>Semi Cure some group of naga
>They want to suck your dick now so they join your faction(horde, obviously)
>out of combat they're blue aquaticish elves so they can wear pants and ride Orcs
>In combat they revert back to naga form like worgen do
Playable naga

It takes time, user, but in the end it's worth it when you finally make it and collosus smash some fgt and give them the 150% extra damage debuff into an execute crit for all their hp +a mil or so.

Keep on pressin' at it.

Are the new PvP mounts (bear basilisk fox ram raptor etc) account wide or is it only available on the character I bought it on?

pre or post BfA?

>leveling is actually fun and has rewards now tho

account wide

What profession should I level up in preparation for BfA?

I'm just kidding, I know they're all going to be fucking useless just like every expansion since WotLK

having them be random doesn't play into Blizzard+Activison shtick though
making you pay and play all day for the small chance the RNG gods bless you (protip: they won't)

>cure a race of their race



Thanks a lot mate, now I can confidently attempt to finish my mog if I can get some arena buds to grind out one victory every ten losses

Can I only get one mount per season? Or can I do it on each character to catch up?

>Naga are natural occurring creatures nothing out of the ordinary about their origin
Oh ya you're right

It's so hard
It feels like I do 0 damage to anything without Colossus on it, and I'm supposed to take Ferver of Battle but then the Colossus situation is worse and I'm rage starved because no gloves/execute ring and groups wont even consider you when you're not 960+
I'll try to keep at it for now, not like I have anything else to do

They are S E E T H I N G that we get human boyfriends and they don't.

humans, dwarves and gnomes aren't naturally occuring either and nobody would consider them something to be "cured"

>outlaw rogue

Well if that ain't the most disgusting thing I've heard all day.


holy shit this new leveling system is such ass

I’m not going to do the arenas on that character, which is why I was asking if it was account wide.

man stop posting you piece of shit


does human dick have addictive qualities for high elves and their derivatives?

is that why kael and lorthemar struck out against the humans?

>waiting for the wow token to crash
>it hasn't happened

The real reason why the Legion lost in the end was simply, they had literally fucking no one to coordinate their fucking force. It was such a chaotic fucking nightmare that a bunch of faglords from Azeroth managed to bumrush through fucking Argus like a bunch of russians rush B in CS:GO.

i dont know anymore man
the soyboy vainla queers won

Didn't Kael have a thing for Jaina so it must not be just females.

We are all that stands between the Legion and annihilation.

Can someone post more crying casuals? It sustains me

maybe antorus was a bumrush but that was after a long time of us repelling their assault and then slowly wearing them down/building up our own assault


>that episode where all these fuckin /v/irgins came to wowg because of vanilla announcment

>Kael and the 3 Windrunners
>and NOBODY else
it's a degenerate fetish of the bored upper class

but vanilla is better than this new garbage system

>pay $70 for preorder to play allied races
>have to do a 4 month grind to be able to play allied races

Am I thicc enough for wowg?

>tfw 20685/21000
>have nothing left to do until next set of WQs/invasion


You disgrace Gilneas, beast. You’re no prettier than a horde mongrel.

>dont bother to play the game
>complain about needing to play the game to play the game

Is that a kul tiras worgen?

So is that a yes or?

Stop reposting old shitposts. Make your own material.


Should've had a shitload of 110s. I started the grind Tuesday and am almost there.

Thalyssra is so annoying

Glad she joined Horde, bitch.

>a single planet manages to withstand a neverending demon army that has conquered a billion planets
>said planets was torn apart by global warfare and invasions every other year
>the entire planet was almost torn apart by a gigantic piece of shit dragon
>cities are burning, wars are fought
>somehow, the few civilisations that survived still manage to shit out tons of soldiers anyway

Ey man, if anyones army should be wearing down, its would be the one of Azeroth.

>when user acts like a dumb ass and you try to correct them and they act enve more like a dumbass but your queue pop and can't respond but user has your back

thanks user, and fuck you user.

who do i boost to 110?


we're pretty much dbz powering up with each expansion though

your joints must be crying out in pain

I hope they make this cunt killable with an achievement to go along with it

It's the least they can do for wasting Alliance player's time helping this bitch and her people only for them to become enemies to us


Do we know anything about the BFA prepatch event? Was anything datamined?

horde is going to spend longer on the vindicaar helping out turalyon and alleria than we spent in suramar

>queue for crown chemical co
>afk at entrance
>everyone pulls so fast it they never catch me

I assume the battle for uc scenario is the event.

what's that gif of? did the sun just shoot something out?

Eh, her voice actress and character are annoying to me. I like the other two nightborne better, Thalyssra was just the worst

the absolute state of salty Alliance babs

>want to be a VOID ELF
>haven't even begun the Argus memes

How long will it take?

If I've got exalted on on army of light/argussian on my horde toon, is getting a 110 ally toon enough to unlock lightforged/velf, or do I need a 110 alliance with exalted as well?

Now that the dust has settled, what's the official soyboy race and class?

Fembelf anything

human paladin

A long time. Have fun playing the waiting game für world quest procs.