Why aren't you able-bodied young men enlisted in your country's military?
Why aren't you able-bodied young men enlisted in your country's military?
I'm not a cuck
There is a waiting list, still more /int/ "question" than anything else.
>Implying I want to die fighting for the bourgeoisie
Yeh, nah.
shit tier tech
If you're smart enough not to sign up for Infantry, you don't die.
I'm mentally ill therefore disqualified. I'd definitely join otherwise though. Intelligence seems to be a cool job. Maybe in the Navy or something.
>tfw just want to do 20 years as a naval intelligence officer then retire to a quiet life but can't
Because i don't want to waste a year of my life.
Fuck, same here.
I wanted to get an Army Reserve position, (Australia). I was intelligent enough to qualify for nearly all positions.
>but I'll be happy to receive my free welfare checks, thx government
>implying i am able-bodied
also army is full of normieshits.
Being surrounded by guys for at least 4 years. Yea no thanks I'll make my money elsewhere.
My country sucks and my country's military sucks just as much.
I'm signing up this Summer so I can put some good shit on my job application
i was born with autism and an inverted sternum so i doubt i would be able to enlist.
maybe i will get drafted for our upcoming war with china and or isis...
where u live
>Enlisting with the South African National Defense Force
Bruh no
Strawmans only make your side look weaker.
I just found out how hard it is to become an officer and stay one. Is normie enlistment all that bad?
I am too valuable to risk my life in disciplining Afganis.
Sign up for an intel job then
Why should I die for a country where no woman has ever opened her legs for me?
Do I look like a cuckold?
I wonder if feminist and liberals ever considered this for when they start ww3?
>all these weak white cowards that don't wanna help to write their nations history they supposedly cherish so much
No wonder white women prefer big strong muslims to you.
They want someone that can defend them and be a good strong example for their little mixed kids.
Because killing people is wrong to sense of morality so I feel compelled to separate myself as much as possible from instructions built around killing other human being. Also, why I won't be working for any placell that builds weapons and what not.
You people are acting like military=infantry
>Why should I die for a country where no woman has ever opened her legs for me?
That sounds like a personal problem.
>Do I look like a cuckold?
Idk but you sound like one.
>I wonder if feminist and liberals ever considered this?
Probably not, I doubt large groups of people care about you being unable to attract muff.
That's because infantry is the only MOS civilians give a fuck about
Already did, best time of my fucking life.
>paycheck for 4 years
>learned to have some patience
>got over my social awkwardness real quick
>got to shoot all sorts of guns and drive amphibious tanks
>got to visit far off and exotic lands and got to see their culture
>little asian ladies literally throw themselves on you, euro sluts on vacation want to fuck you for the novelty
>made the best friends of my life, extensive veteran network
>comfy uniforms and respect of normies/free drinks at the bar
Only shitty part was going to the Sandbox but I dont regret enlisting at all, with Trump as the Prez and Mattis as SecDef, I might see the prior service recruiter.
Keeping it Veeky Forums related, what could've been done tk mitigate the horrific casualties we took at Tarawa?
What is there to stop the pussyless conscripts from turning on their progressive government and joining the conservative enemy and taking what they have been unjustly denied?
This. There are women in the military more alpha than most Veeky Forums posters
I actually considered doing so but I couldn't join due to my history of anxiety and depression. My eyes are also shit and I'm deathly afraid of getting that laser surgery to fix them.
making a lot of assumptions there
I did back in 1998, got rejected.
don't reenlist bro
Trump and his neocon buddies will have you dying trying to take Tehran within two years
Because I'm trying to enlist in another nation's military.
Civilians have no idea how worth it it can be. You can be given free housing, food, insurance, and get thousands of bucks straight to your pocket just for directing aircraft or some shit, while still getting nights and weekends off.
That was my one reservation, obviously I hope he'll keep his promise but the only solace I have about going to war with Iran is that Mattis would do his best to make it quick.
Iran has held their own against another sand country, it'd be a mistake to underestimate them
you're never really "off" though.
I will enlist the moment that my country is being invaded by a foreign nation. Otherwise it's a waste of time, a needless risk, and an enabling of shit foreign policy.
Enjoy the incompetence of jewish neets in your battalion and haredi volunteers that are gonna drive you insane. All while you are pelted with rocks from ayyyrab kids cause journalists are in the area so they can get a reaction out of you.
Iran would be like Afghanistan on steroids. All the diverse terrain of Afghanistan but with a much larger, well funded, and better trained military. Not to mention Russia likely wouldn't just sit on the sidelines.
Still, waste of my talents. I'll do more for my country while in Academia.
What I miss the most is being at sea, I loved it, going out to the smoke deck after a day of maintenance, busting rust or training and feeling the sea breeze against your face, the salty fresh smell of the ocean as a huge rain cloud creeps towards the ship.
I'm trying to find a job that'll get me back to sea again.
Everything my seniors and vets would tell me about the 'Stan was completely disheartening, there's a great book called No Worse Enemy that paints the picture of that war perfectly from what the Vets have told me in great detail.
You can't even call it a war, it was a bullshit police action where we tried to build a nation for people that didn't want anything to do with it.
Obviously I know there were ulterior motives to the war, thats why it was such a mess
I was because it was obligatory and I wasted those 9 months never to get them back. At least it convinced me that I never want to be involved in something like that ever again.
Army is the reason why i've moved to Europe. Also, i don't have any patriotism for this shithole of a state.
Tried to join the army but failed the medical because of my country's epilepsy policy. It was pretty soul-crushing at the time
Sorry to here that mayne, I knew a guy who was rejected because his eyes were too round
>eyes were too round
Was this the Chinese army?
If we were actually at war then I'd sign up before you can blink but as it is we're just beating up goat fuckers in the biggest cluster fuck in history
Well apparently, eyes are not supposed to be perfect spheres, and it's basically the job of the people at MEPS to weed people out for whatever reason they can find.
I am not a young man, and while I did entertain notions of joining the military in the past, I don't feel that patriotic drive like before.
You must be underaged to post here
This is for mericans
It all depends. Sounds cliche but its true. It depends on your MOS, where you get stationed, and what kind of person you are. Cause if youre joining because you love your country then your gonna be depressed to see how many shitheads are there for free college and if youre there for free college then youll realize how shitty your job is and how stupid everyone else is.
I want to enlist and get an option 40 contract with the ranger battalion but my dad will stop paying for college if i do dat.
because is very low wage
however many poor people do it to learn skills and get better jobs, it´s basically welfare
I don't have any interest in fighting. Maybe if my desired career doesn't pan out I'll give it a shot.
Most of the military doesn't fight m8
"Everyone exists to get all riled up and be all gung ho and fight rich men's stupid ass wars for them."
No thanks.
I'll fight for my country when my country is actually in danger.
Also getting an option 40 after graduation, parents don't exactly approve but I pointed out that neither I nor they are in a financial position to afford college even if I wanted to go.
I don't like being told what to do.
I'll enlist only if my country is being invaded, what branch in the army would I be able to get into with epilepsy?
But desu, i am. Mandatory conscription n shieet.
bong here, whats option 40?
I have Type 1 Diabetes so they said I can't.
I know this isn't Veeky Forums related but you could look at some of the maritime colleges in the US or maybe the Merchant Marine. I'm applying to the Merchant Marine Academy this year because I want to work on the water.
Because I don't want to die on some rock in a desert on the other side of the world just because some bureaucrat want to practice statebuilding
Now if it were actually a matter of defending my country, maybe I would in that case
>shooting sand people who are quite capable of shooting themselves already
Tried ROTC but quit because apparently you need to be some super chad to get an actual position as an officer or else they just put you in reserves
it's mandatory in my country so I am enlisted as a reserve
I agree with this. If we were being invaded I would be first in line.
Right now it seems becoming an engineer is the better path.
I might do this once I've completed my studies.
>the réserve opérationnelle (operational reserve), grouping together reservists with an ESR (engagement à servir la réserve, or "obligation to serve in the reserve") and former military officers with an availability obligation (who thus remain available for the armed forces). The reservists serving under an ESR serve as military officers for periods of 1 to 210 days per year; they are coming from all fields (former officers, old appelés du contingent (conscripts), civilians without a military past) and all the professional social categories.
My Society activly discourages dying for it or having pride in it in the first place.
disqualified due to eyesight
6 years in navspecwar. Been out a year though.
> able-bodied
> country's military
- am insane
- country has no military
Sorry, brah, it's just not possible
And you want to join the rangers?
I hate the rationale, "im not gonna join the military because i dont want to be the puppets of the elite."
I want to join because i want to be a pipe hitter.
I'm blind from birth.
I'd rather not be cannon fodder for those twats in government.
I like the idea of the military and it's always been alluring to me besides the fact that I cannot stand being told what to do. I would get sick of it real fast.
how do you work then?
I hate people like you
I wanted to become a combat engineering officer in my countries army, but due to my light ADHD they didn't want me.
I would have lost my best friend because she hates the military, but that wouldn't have stopped me.
I feel the same way
I want the limit the amount of bullshit I take from other people, not immerse myself in it
Anxiety disorder, so I think I'm ineligible to join
>wish I could
But you are a puppet of the elite.
I've considered it, but my country is the shameless lapdog of America when it comes to foreign policy.
but being a puppet to the jew is better right?
Because our arrogant leadership is dragging us into a fight with Ivan that we don't need and won't survive. Our own military said they could hold the country for one week. If there was any chance of victory I would fight for the country but I don't want to die in vain protecting this political class.
Being a burger flipper doesn't require you to bomb a hospital, or train "moderate" jihadi badits. You're not actively making the world worse, I'm not trying to shame soldiers, it's a job that deserves respect, but in the end you're a hired gun for the government, and you can't pick and choose just causes to fight for.
I'm American, 25 years old, female, going nowhere in life, still living with parents. Should I join the military? I used to think about it a few years back but I chickened out.
Why not both?
Im currently studying to become an engineer. Once I will pass the two very intense years of my studies I am immediatly going to enlist as a reservist.
But I am. LMAO'ing at the people coming up with excuses