While there is no denying the Holocaust, how can we be sure he killed himself in the bunker?
While there is no denying the Holocaust, how can we be sure he killed himself in the bunker?
Argentina's lovely this time of year.
The Federal Republic declared him dead in 1956 after an official investigation including hearing 40 witnesses. Heinz Linge's and Otto Günsche's testimonies on the matter are still available on tape.
It was his dummy. The real Hitler got away and became George Soros.
He's dead by now anyway so who cares?
He was a shitty starving artist at heart, suicide was inevitable.
Because we have his scull and you can't be alive without that.
kek never looked at it that way
Ken ham doesn't have a skull nor brain and he's doing fine
Who has?
The skull the Russians claimed to be Hitler's was female. What they indeed had were his jawbones according to Mark Benecke's examination
>while there is no denying the holocaust
>no denying
The word holocaust means "whole burn offering", so, no, it didn't. :^]
>funny goy gets holocausted last
That is nothing compared to the real holocaust that awaits false Jews.
They should convert, for their sake.
He has to pay like the evil 90 year olds.never forget.
>While there is no denying the Holocaust
One can, however, deny that Hitler was responsible for the Holocaust, given the absence of any "smoking gun" evidence that he ever ordered such a thing.
Hannah reitsch snuck him out on a biplane. Then he got on a submarine to Argentina.
We're not, he really survived until the early 60s in the Nazi remnant base in Neuschwabenland, though he held no real power there. If he had retained authority, then the greys would have wiped us out or enslaved us instead of the arrangement we have today.
Prove to me the holocaust actually happened to the extent it's shown in textbooks and such
>no denying the Holocaust
Oy vey Goyim ya cant be attempting to share a new opinion on Veeky Forums last faggot who tried got banned! We cant let wrong think lead to another shoaaahhh!!!! :((((( 2/3rds GOYIM THAT ADDS TO 600 QUADRILLION DEAD OF JEHOVAH's CHOSEN PEOPLE D:
pic unrelated... or is it?
>he's never seen the document shown to hitler of 300,000 murdered jews and signed "seen by the fuhrer"