how accurate are these set of tweets accurate is this
Other urls found in this thread:
>colonialism invented masculinity
>nobody was masculine before those damn white devils!
gender studies was a mistake
>we wuz gender equality n sheit
explains why they got their shit pushed in so hard by whitey
I don't even get most of the words in those
>everything is colonial
At a stretch you could translate colonial to the general idea of one person trying to impose their will on another which is something ubiquitous in all human activity. Regardless Decolonial Scientist does not take into account the role of both nature and nurture, other possible ideological motivations and demographics besides europeans and men.
I'd say it is about 2% or 3% accurate, though you'd have to run tests to get a more precise figure.
>thousands of years of evolution is reduced to the evil europeans
This is the first post you have ever made that I agree with.
this, I have no idea what's he talking about
but is it true that binary gender wasn't invented until Europeans?
>I want to show off my gender studies degree like its worth something
He's using vocabulary that is completely fabricated for discussions on this issue. It's only purpose is to sound complicated and be completely obscure to anyone outside of their circle jerk, so normal people can't refute what they are saying properly. Probably the smartest tactic gender studies has ever come up with.
not accurate at all really
it did make some cultures more patriarchal though (had to put men in charge to fight against the colonialists)
It's flattering really
Binary gender was invented when animals began sexual reproduction
White, cisgendered animals*
actually lots of "lower" animals are either hermaphrodites or have hermaphrodites and males with no true females
This is your brain on cultural marxism
Lol is his handle name "Hood biologist"?
Lots of big words to say nothing in particular
No, Colonialism didn't set up the idea of binary genders. He's using a ton of big words that don't really mean to much.
I hate you but I'm also glad you are back at the same time.
even hermaphrodites, trannies, etc. fall somewhere on the binary. There is no z-axis
He retweeted himself, I didn't even know that was possible
This is what comes up if you follow him
Nope. Pretty good warning signs that you can ignore antyhing being said.
Neither does he but you don't need to understand what he's saying to understand his point which is, in so much made up academic jargon, white people (white men specifically) are evil and the patriarchy rules everything.
Is that hood for "fat"?
Looked it up on Urban Dictionary, turns out it's slang for Obama?
Why is there no middle ground? You have flights of fancy by blacks on one side, and racists that only accept the notion of black "Dindu nuffin," if it concerns building a civilization.
People love simplicity so they love manichaeism. They love when there is two sides they can easily identifie as good or bad.
Also because people like to be part of a group which often lead to have a "us vs them" mentality so they only see other people as being part of their group if they agree or part of the other group if they disagree even if the guy is just saying them to gtfo because they are tired of their bullshit.
so there was patriarchy before Europe?
May i ask something
im not in no way defending gender studies, but many people attack gender studies for its use of obscurification via fancy terminology
but isn't that what physicists do as well in their papers, use fancy terminology?
lol gender studies
yes, because physicists use fancy terminology for the sake for it and to sound smart of course
I think the difference is that physicists papers are written and intended for other physicists, mathematicians, engineers, etc. and people who are more scientifically illiterate are less likely to be interested anyway. the thesaurus-like vocabulary is still pretentious, but it doesn't compare to using the same methods in a field that one intends to use to bring about change in the way normal people interact.
>but isn't that what physicists do as well in their papers, use fancy terminology?
The key parts is "in their papers" so something people who already have a knowledge in the discipline will read. In OP pic the guy is on fucking twitter.
You should reconsider your life
France does practice postcolonialism in Africa though.
Biologically maybe. But culturally not really. Some societies have more than 3 genders.
>masculinity is bad
What a fucking faggot. Probably thinks cocks can be feminine
>because frogs do it humans should
Not an argument
My issue with all of identity whosawhatsits is that it turns a request for empathy into forced ass kissing.
Is there system racism, sexism? In some places yes. Can I as a white dude really know what it's like to be called a nigger? Not really.
But I can try to empathise, do the good old Atticus-Finch "walk a mile in their shoes" mentally and at least try to understand in a way that lets me empathise.
What IP has done is insist that it's not good enough, that I must defer to their viewpoint because my viewpoint is inherently apparently built on foundations of sand and privilege.
Privilege can and does exists, but the idea that it can overrule the human ability to reach and out empathise with, out of understanding, someone different than you, is the most anti progressive idea I can possibly imagine.
no amount of senseless jargon is accurate
well, anything the physicists state must be verifiable anytime anywhere by anyone capable in a laboratory and if it's correct it must render the same results ever an ever.
There doesn't exist laboratories where humanities bs can be tested to be true and unmodifiable anytime anywhere.
I feel like IP started out in the 60s as means to an end and ended up tripping upon itself instead of actively bringing about change in the late 70s-early 80s. What started out as a way to express specific problems that didn't have official data to back them up turned into a way of shutting down discussion. That's sad.
Though it puzzles me that people consider that IP are inherently progressive/leftist. There's been plenty of use of IP-style rhetoric in the pro-life movement ("I know what's best for unborn babies because I'm a mother!") and other right-wing fights.
terminology in physics are exact and definite. Terminology in gender studies (and humanities in general) deal with opinions, perspectives, and observations that change along with the person that uses them.
What really fucking blows is that it inherently pushes people's self pride and possible generational guilt as barriers to understanding your common man.
People don't want to abandon self respect to be inclusive, progressives just are making it so much fucking harder than it needs to be.
>Though it puzzles me that people consider that IP are inherently progressive/leftist.
I can't possibly imagine why that is
Sounds like his mind got colonized by Marx.
Some might people think this person in the tweets is smarter than say Isaac Newton because he uses more complex language than Newton did?
It's because if he just said "guys are in charge cause guys have always been in charge and are raised to be in charge" would make him sound retarded.
Pretty much this.
Building barriers and creating an "us vs. them" mentality pretty much pushed away any self-respecting white person as well as minorities who found the concept to be too patronizing.
Humanity can't be divided into black and white like that, it's human empathy and emotion that allows people to come together, not arbitrary racial lines.
It's almost like calling people privileged and claiming all of their personal accomplishments don't count because of their skin color tends to push people away.
Entirely incorrect. Ancient mythologies found of pre-colonial societies in many ways reflect 'patriarchy' just like European mythologies do.
Binary gender is the only real gender, everything else is a very petty attempt at creating identity reducible to a lengthy string of buzzwords.
Pure Afrocentrism: deflection of blame onto a (European) scapegoat. The very same ideas these people adore are European ideas. These people are far from postcolonial or decolonial or whatever these morons want to call themselves, they are completely servile to their colonizer's ideas. They're fucking jokes and genuinely ought to return to Africa and restore it to its 'former glory' if Europeans are so fucking awful. But of course not. These brats are too happy in their monolithic American universities that exist to fellate Britain, whose universities exist to fellate the schools of Rome, whose universities exist to fellate the schools of Greece.
Bring this man back to his beloved Africa, before it was even known to Europe or much of Asia, and I promise you he will find exactly what existed in Europe at the same time. Not the kangs traversing the stars or whatever these elitists think happened.
Physicists do nothing well. They're ideologues stuck in the past.
Isaac Newton wasn't intelligent. Think of a good example, please.
I like you.
europe is the only continent n history that has binary gender
alot of other civilizations had multiple genders..
so there is maybe some truth to this
this is bait
>tfw during my bachelors I was indoctrinated and bought into this crap and wrote my master thesis on Connell's hegemonic masculinity concept
How exactly does this person interpret the tangibly patriarchal organization of pre-colonial European feudal society if colonialism is strictly what established traditional western gender roles?
America was a mistake.
he is saying that it was the west that created binary gender
To be honest why men are dominant is a big question. Do you think there will ever be a nonmeme nonpartisan explanation?
That's neocolonialism you're talking about.
Men fight intercommunity conflicts because they are expendable from a population intensive perspective. Men therefore monopolize warfare generally. When societies grow up and have a lot of war, much of society:s resources go towards servicing a burgeoning warrior class. Thus you have an inversion where the biologically expendable sex specializes in the use of force because they are expendable but end up in a dominant position.
Probably poorly explained.
I think that's a better explanation of aristocracy than patriarchy, which to me is a result of land ownership and was initially not so much about sexual domination than it was seniority and control over several households in order to consolidate farming/grazing territory.
> Boyd crowder beats up the girl who does vampire beastiality while a guy in a waistcoat has a stroke.
What the hell is going on in that pic and where is it from?
>Decolonial Biologist
That is literally choking to death on your own ideological bullshit.
its got too many big college words for an alt right to comprehend and no other adult would waste their time contemplating tweets
Maybe imdb search the 3 famous people pictured...?
SHOCKING masculinist cults embedded by colonialism in the africans mind to enslave him!
Could do that, can't be bothered.
It's called American Ultra, friendo.
Kinda a dumb flick but that's the point of it I suppose but Kristen can be considered a QT
But biology defines culture.
Genuine thanks for the sponfeeding. You satisfied my curiosity without me having to sift through useless data.
This is what the internet is for!
>throwing centuries of medical and scientific progress into the shitter because it hurts muh feelings
Check your multicellular privilege.
>aspiring polyglot
Is this another word for "I wish to speak more languages than English, but I am lazy"?
To who? You had nothing to do with it.
>but isn't that what physicists do as well in their papers, use fancy terminology?
Difference is you can't do physics in many cases without fancy terminology.
Xe is right, tbqh familia. Read Foucault, Said & Butler.
[non-ironic post]
because testosterone beats estrogen every time.
This is a good post.
Er, well hegemony is just a fancy word for dominance and gender essentialism is the idea that some personality traits are inherently masculine or feminine. Other than that it all seems pretty straightforward. The problem is not the vocabulary, but the rambling, incoherent style.
they use it to be precise when communicating to others in the field
fucking retard
No, neo-colonialism is what China practices in the non-proper China area. They've also been doing that with some countries in Africa.
What France does in their old colony is post-colonial practices.
Nigga what? Men aren't sent to war because they're expendable. They get sent because they're bigger and stronger.
what do people do when they have completed "gender" studies, its not like there is jobs for them? how do they survive?
Not the guy you replied to but, carrying a child to term is very resource intensive. Couple that with the fact that one man can mate with multiple women faster than the reverse and it makes sense why men are adapted to fight.
the world will never kneow