It's 1936, as the leader of Japan what would you do?
It's 1936, as the leader of Japan what would you do?
Other urls found in this thread:
give up the colonial empire and force hentai to be made
Invade Phillipines, drag US into war
Scout Pacific Ocean for US ships
Destroy US ships as they come
Attack French Indochina when Nazis attack France. That's it.
The same exact thing except hit Pearl Harbor when the carriers are in port
Not piss off the main superpower in the area, that's for damn sure.
Countinue the reforms of the Taisho era and try to come to an understanding with the United States.
I would retain my colonies, but my rule would be less dickish.
Join the allies for free shit, same as during WW1.
With the Battle of the Atlantic heating up, it's only a matter of time until the Germans give FDR an excuse to enter the war, and give us an excuse to snap up colonial possessions under the excuse that their owners are occupied by Germany and you don't want their resources falling into the wrong hands. Leave the colonial governments in place, but extract all the tribute that would normally be going to the mother nation.
I mean, it'd be better for my country if I pissed off the US, committed a bunch of war crimes and then lost the war.
We've all seen the Mouse Who Roared, it's a well known fact that having your country taken apart and put back together by professionals will set you forward like a hundred years.
This. Keep your overseas possessions and try to come to an agreement to lift the oil embargo.
Attack the Soviet Union from the east instead of the united states
Take Eastern China and beat it to some hentai, friendo
Easiest way to avoid (or at least delay) the oil sanctions is to not go into Indo-China; the West cares a lot more for European possessions than it does for China.
Invest in anime
Look for the oil in manchuria and be content with our colonies
Secure current mainland possesions, see if we can come to any sort of long-lasting agreement with Chiang and the KMT, and consider invading the USSR if we can be sure they can't respond and we'll get more resources out of it.
Kill those commies in China, they are a threat because commies are inherently seeking revolutionar aims, which will often be upsetting to our own aims.
Also, consider propping up friendly nationalist movements in other asian countries, but don't piss of the westerners too much till we have economically secured our position more. If we could develop some sort of asian nationalist ideology to counter communism we could bring in dissidents from all over asia once our position is more secure to create cadres to agitate for independence. If we don't fuck we could set up pro-japanese governments throughout all of East Asia.
Keep de-nationalizing those Koreans so we have more loyal subjects
Supply Japanese scientists with my knowledge in computing and psychics.
Curb my retarded Generals attacking other countries without explicit orders
Don't invade China, attempt a peace treaty with Chiang where we help the Nationalists crush the other warlords including the Commies in exchange for the renouncing of Chinese claims to Manchuria and Formosa. keep up bromance afterwards by supporting Chiang against other colonial powers.
Join the Allies after Barbarossa in exchange for the northern half of Sakhalin (I doubt Stalin would refuse with the Germans near Moscow), and try to retain friendly relations with the US
Re-democratize along UK style lines with universal suffrage for the Home Islands.
Keep current colonial empire and continue encouraging assimilation with the carrot of eventual ascension as an integral part of the nation with right to vote and everything.
This entire thread is why niall "counterfactual" ferguson is a fucking fraud
Reject decadent Western influence
Congrats. You still lost the war.
Hunt down the future Ancestors of Hideaki Anno and put them in front of a firing squad.
I need to prevent the fuck from even becoming born.
This prevents Akihabara from becoming fabrication and character goods supercenter and stops anime from having a financial backing during the worst years of their 90s popped bubble economy, strangling anime in its crib before it's able to pick itself back up.
Have a diplomatic aide to Nazi Germany assassinate Adolf Hitler. The Nazi regime falls into disarray, prompting the USSR to invade Europe, stopping only with the establishment of a Stalinist regime in Spain.
Britain and its colonies fall to a workers' revolutions brought about by Soviet pressure soon after. My Japan and America are the only non-communist powers left in a world dominated by the USSR. America fights a proxy war through us in China, while the USSR supplies the Communist Chinese.
This is of course only a stepping stone in my master plan. Americans will soon be fascinated with the culture of the Samurai, leading to their adoption of anime as a legitimate form of self-expression. Hollywood peaks with Charlie Chaplin.
By 1990 America has become a semi-fascist superstate stretching from the Canada to the Rio Grande, in which anime mannerism are completely acceptable, even encouraged as an alternative to soulless communism.
Evangelion is not nearly as important as you think it is.
>Implying it didn't become the industry's biggest financial whore in years
Financially it sure as hell was important.
akiba didnt become weeb because of nge m8
Fasttrack development of Animu
Manga is still more important. It was wildly successful for an original anime, but the real money is in selling manga. If you don't kill manga, which is far more popular and accepted in Japanese society than anime ever was or ever will be, anime will still be a thing.
btfo China even harder
I never mentioned manga, I was specifically referring to the use of character good as a revenue source ballooning to what it is now.
Anno IS responsible for kick-starting that revenue stream.
It's one thing for a series to be produced to sell a manga, it's another to rely on character goods, figures, BDs, and Otaku pandering to make a profit.
kill myself for being a despicable n*p
Came here to say this.
Why do you want indochina so bad?
Mainly, to piss off Vietnam. I'll take the rubber too while I'm there tho.
Create a law that requires production companies to have a minimum of two seasons per series they animate.
Purge the shit out of my officers to get them under any sort of control so that they don't chimp out all over asia.
Dont attack China yet. That can wait. When Germany invades France and the Netherlands, but also invade the Dutch East Indies. During this time build a proper carrier force, and continue building it. Also diversify submarines, with large ones like our history, and smaller ones like the Germans had.
Avoid war with the UK and America at all costs.
America had 11 fleet carriers under construction at the time. More than Japan ever had.
Give up Manchuria but only under contract that states I can take possession of any commie stronghold. This will force the KMT to act, instead of doing squat shit like they did in our world.
Side with the allies.
Take Indochina/Indonesia/Madagascar from Vichy France/Germany.
Take Siam when the dumbasses think they have an opportunity to take back some Cambodian clay.
Ask Stalin to send me hundreds of underage German boys.
rein in the officers and hold on to what i have, and execute any mid-level officer who tries to grow the empire in any fashion past korea/taiwan/sakhalin/manchuria. probably purge the military leadership with the emperor's approval. japanize the fuck out of taiwain and sakhalin first, then manchuria, and finally korea(likely will never be successful in korea).
honestly, any notion of expanding the empire further in china or even further in asia at all is a bit of a fantasy. there was just NO way the americans were going to tolerate it under any circumstance, and they were explicitly clear about that. their "open door" policy left room for regional domination, though they were begrudgingly willing to put up with what japan already had by say 1932-33. same with britain.
attacking the soviets was a meme, surprised people are suggesting this. the japanese got BTFO in minor border skirmishes, and people argue for full invasion? autism.
these arguments for coming to an understand with chiang and the KMT are also autism. chiang may have hated mao and the commies more than the japanese, but make no mistake, there was NO reconciling japanese imperialism with chinese nationalism, like none whatsoever.
Join the allies and convince them that nationalist china is helping germany. Sink some convoys off the chinese coast and bait the chinese as hard as i can for war without bothering with the marco polo bridge or whatever. When they eventually concede, i declare war and invade as part of the allies. Then i get thailand on my side and export that much needed rubber to the allies to keep them from sperging out. Win win scenario.
Because in this instace it can be taken with little repercussions. That's a plus when running a colonial empire.
Seek an anti-gommie alliance with the west (US) in exchange for leaving Indochina and the Philippines alone and conceding some useless pacific rocks
Attack soviets from the east to harass them
Wait for the gommies to win the Chinese civil war, then swooce right in with western approval and set up a democratic puppet regime
enjoy first world status on the back of exploiting chinks and trade with the west without needing to be nuked, suicide my own troops, or give concessions to the yakuza
hit ~
money 100000
add_latest_equipment 10000
xp 999
annex ROC
annex MON
fuhrer_mana 999
civilwar fascism USA
civilwar fascism SOV
>not alienattack
The only realistic option is to suck the US's dick. That means giving up further territorial ambitious in Asia, joining the Allies, and doing their best to expand during the Cold War period afterwards.
Anybody suggesting anything else is retarded.
Build up all of my forces for an attack on the USSR, maximise production of
-Fighters (as AA guns are rather shit)
-Light tank destroyers (for steppe movement) and the associated anti-tank weaponry required to overcome medium tanks
-Rail & trucks (for logistical problems)
Despite any political troubles I will encounter, this will ensure
1. I will win the battle of khalkin gol
2. The North force will maintain political power
3. I won't get into trouble with the Allies or China
4. I will secure resources for my people
Japan's entire economy and army relied on foreign oil imports from the West. Their invasion of China and their posturing in the Pacific fucked them over and forced them into an unwinnable war.
Their only hope was to be friendly with the west and keep the oil flowing. That meant not invading China either and forgetting about the co-prosperity sphere. They probably could've joined the allies and kept control of Korea and maybe even Manchuria later. It may have seemed dishonorable or weak at the time but it's preferable to losing an entire generation, the entire empire, and becoming a puppet state in some shitty unwinnable resource war.
Invade the USSR
After the Siberian Crisis, I doubt that the west were going to tolerate any more aggression from Japan, even towards a commie nation
Plus the USSR was a part of the allies later on anyway
Don't change the course of history because even a sneeze may prevent the creation of anime.
Siberian crisis?
This. There is no point to anything if there is no anime.
You're a retard. Let's look at what could happen if the Japs attacks the Soviets again:
>Worst case scenario: they get wrecked, lose the mainland, and later get directly invaded
>Likely case scenario: stalemate. Until they run out of oil, then they get wrecked.
>Best case scenario: they somehow make some gains and control more of Siberia. What do they win? NOTHING. They still run out of oil and get pushed back alter.
No way you look at it, attacking the Soviets is retarded.
Sorry, I mean the Siberian Intervention, when the allied powers, including Japan, invaded Russia to support the Whites against the Reds.
The intervention failed of course, and the allied forced gave up. After other forces had already pulled out though, Japanese troops stuck around in the Far East Republic (a state during the Russian Civil War that would later fold into the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic and the USSR) and, and fearing that Japan was actually going to lay claim to the Russian far east, they were pressured and forced to remove their troops from Russian land.
Keep in mind this was already after they conquered Korea, Liaodong, and Taiwan, and gobbled up German pacific territories in WW1. They'd been expanding for a while and the Western countries never really held them in the same regard as each other, so they weren't going to be very lenient, in fact they (at least the US) were probably eager to smack them down. See:
Siberia has a fuckload of useful minerals and oil, dunno if the production was there at the time though. All I can find is current data, can't find historical oil production numbers.
Not that guy you're replying to
>dunno if the production was there at the time
It wasn't. The large deposits of Siberian oil and gas were largely discovered in the 60s and following decades. From the Jap perspective it would've been utterly pointless to annex Siberia and go to a war with a military behemoth over an empty land full of deer and trees.
This option still enables Japan to continue trading oil with the US, as they have not invaded China. They might even be able to expand this trade to the British and French.
Besides, I'm sure ground operations will take up not much more oil than naval operations did down south
Secretly send all of Japan's military equipment to the CNT-FAI. People will think I'm a god so I can pull some funny shit down the line probably.
Don't ally with Germany
Don't attack the USSR
Don't attack France
Don't attack the Netherlands
Don't attack Britain
Rape China.
Except it won't, because the US made the Japanese remove troops from the Russian far east already in the past and invading might even constitute breaking a treaty which the US pushed for. They would not turn a blind eye to a Japanese invasion of Siberia. The Japanese were already on thin ice, they needed to avoid any more territorial expansion.
Nothing. Do fucking nothing.
Try to come to an accord with China over Manchuria, but accept that the place is too big to realistically reconquer, so fortify the border and leave them to complain about their clay.
Remain at peace with my neighbors, maybe being opportunistic about colonies if absolutely confident no one relevant will care.
This honestly. There is no likely future in which Japan conquers China and the East Indies and forms a sphere of influence. They're better off just holding onto little things like Korea, Manchuria, Taiwan, the Kurils, etc. and staying under the radar so they can actually keep it and not become a nuclear test zone
Why do people think Japan wouldn't have taken all of Asia, if the Allies gave no fucks about those lands.
"if" being the operative word here
Why do you think the Allies didn't care about the Asian theater? Where are you drawing this conclusion from?
>if the Allies gave no fucks about those lands.
Because they did and this would've never happened.
Secure Korea.
Fuck China even harder from now permanent base in China.
Tora! Tora! Tora!
Force the fight to happen on Chinese mainland
Fucking them even harder
Fuck this Chinese.
>have no oil
>offensive bogs down just like real life
>get BTFO just like real life
Are you fucking retarded? Where the fuck do you think Japan got it's oil from when US cut them off, I will give you a protip: Starts with a capital C and ends in hina.
>taking shitpost that seriously
I think you're the retarded one user. When they got cut off from oil by the US, they had to get to the Dutch East Indies to get their oil. The US held Philippines stood between them and the Dutch East Indies which was why they attacked the US in the first place.
Back to /pol/ you troglodyte, you clearly have no fucking idea about the realities of the pacific war.
Based, you can stay
Um back the fuck out of my thread? Thanks babes
>I-I was just shitposting, h-haha can't h-handle the bantz?
You know you can learn history, yes the Dutch East Indies was just one of their resources for oil after the US embargo, this doesn't mean they didn't get their oil from China also? As they literally did.
Pic related.
Not him pham, I am THE shitposter though, are you telling me isn't a shitpost? I wasn't trying to hide it exactly.
fuck off my Veeky Forums faggot
In fairness, the REP was mainly opposed because the US didn't want to acknowledge blacks as equals, Britain (and a couple more minor colonial powers) didn't want to acknowledge their colonial subjects as equals, and Australia didn't want to acknowledge any non-whites at all as equals (because then they'd have to let them into their country). A "Japanese People are Honorary Europeans" proposal might've gone over better, honestly, if they'd dressed it up in fancypants language.
>these arguments for coming to an understand with chiang and the KMT are also autism. chiang may have hated mao and the commies more than the japanese, but make no mistake, there was NO reconciling japanese imperialism with chinese nationalism, like none whatsoever.
Well you have to keep in mind that Chiang at heart was a pragmatist who was willing to do whatever he believed was best for China as a whole. If Japan offered economic, political, and military support to crush the warlords/commies in exchange for ceding Manchuria and Taiwan I have a feeling Chiang would accept that deal fairly quickly. Plus while I think that further Japanese imperialism beyond its 1936 territory would almost certainly imperil the deal. I think the Nationalists could live with a cooperative Japan controlling its 1936 empire
First, genocide gooks.
Second step. Develop biological weapon. Kill all chinks.
Join the Allies against Germany. Send token forces to Europe to show that you are helping.
With the German advisors still in China, trick the Allies into thinking China is going to war with them.
Beat the shit out of China, earn lands in the 1945 peace deal.
I would devekop a way to systematically kill all Koreans and Chinese before turning on the Southeast Asians. I would somehow work with Europeans to colonize empty Asian land and through eugenics, gradually turn Japan into a pan Altaic-Jomon-Aryan empire that controls all of Asia, wiping out and sterilizing the undesirable chinks, gooks and jungle niggers first.
Bend over and let Chiang Kai Shek take me. Proceed to give all of my stolen Chinese land back to the sexy man himself.
Anti-communism is the name of the game.
Japan would need to success leverage the nationalists in China vs the commies.
Give Iwane matsui complete and total control of Japan-China relations and let this Chinaboo work his magic.
Such a shame he's remembered for killing Chinese when he was probably the most Chinaboo officer in 1930s Japan
>under the excuse that their owners are occupied by Germany
but they weren't, they were held by their governments in exile and germans were nowhere near
sounds like a command and conquer red alert campaign
Free up Asia like how it was in our time. This time implement a government that's pro-Japanese and give military/economic support instead of full control.
Then influence the regional trade to be in favor of Japan. Work with INA to repel the British from India again, build better relations with Asia.
Pressure Australia and the Eastern Russia. Implement a blockade that limits the US/Europeans access to Asia.
It's the setting from "The Iron Dream," a novel written by Adolf Hitler if he became a sci-fi author instead of a dictator. The story itself is Hitler's badly written dribble, with an epilogue about America and Japan vs. a Communist world order. Pretty cash if you like homoerotic bikers and Tolkien parodies.
>Commit genocide on some Chinese
>Commit genocide on Koreans
>Experiment on both
>Manage to fuck up and lose the war
>Deny everything, it's just propaganda of China and Korea, I swear!
>Commit suicide
have my generals and their families killed
Russo-Japanese War II?
I could get behind that, but only if the Russian Navy has to travel around here world just to get BTFO again.
> It's 1936, as the leader of Japan what would you do?
Arrest and execute any pro-war military officers
Get the fuck out of China immediately
Rebuild relations with China as much as possible
Hold on to Manchuria, Korea and Taiwan
Promote anti-colonialism in European Asian colonies
Maintain low level katana-rattling vs the Soviets
Instantly jump onto the Allied side in WWII
Demand independence for Asians in exchange for support in the war
Keep pointing out that the Soviets are also the Bad Guys
Come out of the war as a global economic and military power house
UN Security Council seat
Form an Asia wide free trade zone
Present the Japanese as the Good Guys and “Saviors of Asia”
>Demand independence for Asians
Won't happen without a war. French and the US proved that with the Vietnam war.
Nuke myself.
Drop crates of Arisakas and katanas to pro-independence movements throught SE Asia
>Executed for Nanking for which his culpability is at best ancillary
>meanwhile Unit 731 head escapes punishment entirely despite being actively part of the experimentation
Why are the US the good guys again?
Remind me again
Realize that there is no way in hell my nation has the capacity to meet the ambitions.
Settle for ethnically and culturally cleansing Korea and Manchukuo. Then ally with the Chinese Nationalists to purge the communists. Giving the Nationalists the southern portion of China while Japan gets the north and Mongolia.
Continue stroking anti colonial movements in the European colonies.
Keep the American resources and technical help flowing in.
Have most of the Admirals and Generals commit honorable sudoku. Modernize the military and look at the Germans and Americans for inspiration.
build up the commodities and industrial base of the nation.
Here you forget pic
Not get tricked into being a western wall for the nazis
probably fuck my ugly-as-sin wife and then order my men to kill more Chinese fucking gooks