League of Legends general /lolg/

Cancer pals

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xth for my wife Syndra

>tfw no qt petite gf

Someone make a jinx/Sona edit pls

Noxus Lulu here to rape all you're waifus

his soloq game started.
initialize crab-16.

I love my husband Kled so much! He's so fluffy, adorable, loveable, smoochable, sexy, fuzzy, cute and grea!t He has a very cute fuzzy butt too!

post em

Both teams have a jungler. If you never have a ganking jungler that would mean the enemy also never has a ganking jungler.

It's the less important role so who cares.

Reminder toplaners are crybabies.

We give our ADC the thiccest frontline ever and he picks Quinn of all champs

Did they make Swain into a Vastayan furry activist yet like I knew they would?

Can I get a quick rundown?

I want Azir to sit on my face.

Did she get raped so much in noxus that she wants to do it to other waifus across runeterra?

Making fun of Jinx's chest size wasn't part of the deal!!

Nor was making edits of it!!

Nothing I could do dude


>6 towers and an inhib on our team down
>rift herald pushing top
>enemy has all towers their towers
>got all drakes
>control of the whole map


xth for me and my gay wife!


>pick singed
>force their top to afk and their jg to int
>slowly kill anyone who tries to stop the double proxy
>they ff at 15
is it really that easy?


Reminder to cum inside your support!
They love the pleasure of being cummed inside!

Noxians confirmed for soyboys

what other champions can int their way to Challenger?

Reminder that if you still play toplane like an island then you will never get past D5.
This is a 5v5 game, if you want 1v1s go play something else.
Any toplaner that isn't getting actual impactful results in lane should just push the wave and go roam mid, counterjungle or teleport bot. If you're autistically staying on toplane crying about muh 1v1s then you deserve your elo.
This mainly goes for people who still haven't realized that any game that has junglers with brains will either gank your lane or end up in a 2v2 around the 3 minute mark.
Or those that don't realize that if you push the first wave you can just leave lane and go kill the enemy jungler at their buff


stupid pussy bitch

>implying I'm going to watch all that
Give me a brisk briefing on this or a timestamp or something. Also I don't know what he's bitching about but Make Toplane Melee Again Riot please.

>cant double proxy?
>just run around the enemy team at 500 ms dealing damage over time and flinging squishies into your frontline

I cum into my adc, she loves it and she likes the feeling when I hold her tightly when I do.

they might get pregnant and then they can't support me. in fact I would have to support THEM.
supports are for anal breeding only.


>we have late game guys

I wanna make anons happy as evelynn! what i gotta do?

>top lane loses
>team refuses to ff at 15

post feet

>we do

when i see this image i cant ever tell if this eve had 7 prior kills off kayn or this is kayns first time

He just yells a lot about everything being op.
Jungles being op cause they gank a lot and jungles being weak (or OP not sure) because they don't gank.
ADC being unkillable and OP and having 3k hp (as he kills an ADC by right clicking once)
Whines about tanks being OP and bruisers weak despite both toplaners being bruisers
Whines about defense items being OP, refuses to build any

Mostly just the classic this time just louder and with mic cracks

>"Oh i'm not playing well , time to be a bitch and give up"

animated gif

Hashinshin's issue is that he literally refuses to ever adjust. NEVER.

Hey thanks user, I appreciate that.

>eve will never be your first time

I wanna CUDDLE and PROTECT Lulu!

How did Riot fuck the game up THIS badly? This is the worst season I've ever played.

>play singed
>skip the early game and jump right into the midgame
i really enjoy having perfect cs

lame champion that needs a nerf to his waveclear

its supposed she fed off him,hence why eve looks meaty and kayn a twig

Lulu is the sweetest! THE SWEETEST!

>clear waves simply by existing
well what do you suggest

akali doesn't even have sideboobs right now you fucking waifufag virgins holy shit shut up

next you faggots will be crying for riot not to remove sorakas cock



>Riot staff willing to have a discussion with hash about the game

IMO s8 > s6/s7 just because new rune system lets me play diffrent champs without having to do specific pages for champs

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!

As a Cass, how do initiate a fight? I wasn't able to get to their Cait since Leona, gragas, and lux were ready to peel for her.

/lolg/ What's Your favorite Cheese Tactic/Non-Meta Strategy?

Look at her model, faggot. Her tits are coming out from the side of her tabbard

>opponent picks Singed
>pick Garen
>minions can't outdamage my passive
>endless minion farming all day
>through some miracle neither ADC feeds their ass off
>mfw we both run around killing everything while ignoring the other and being an item and a half up on everyone else

Use W? to lock people down
Use R if they facing you

teleport back in time to when she was good

>hide in pinked bush sometime around 28 minutes
>press R
>kill whoever
>get free baron

Cass fights front to back you have to rely on assassins to get to their DPS or just kill their frontline before she kills yours.

>"jax top mains in top 5 of every region"
>"prove it"
>still nothing

Top kek wtf

i will respect you and cum in your asshole

>enemy picks singed
>literally tell the midlaner to wait in the jungle with me for a free kill
>singed comes in thinking he's a smart ass going to proxy shit
>gets killed
>procced to never let him proxy ever again and kill him everytime he ever tries
I sometimes wonder if singed players don't read patch notes or have no idea that it has been practically impossible to cost less than 200 gold for years, same goes for xp. It so funny when you kill him for the fifth time with ease and a +243g pops up just for him to act smug in all chat right after with something akin to "heh, enjoying that 50 gold? xd"

>varus has literally no bad matchups in bot lane

He's gonna get gutted soon isn't he.

What goes on in the mind of a proxy singed?

ADCs don

>team stomped so bad
>0 for 4 turrets
>veigar votes no every time and tells us he got this game
>he actually does and one shoots everyone that gets in his range
never give up user

Teemo Support
>Want to farm? Fuck You, I'll auto then blind You
>Want to Gank? Have fun with my shrooms
>Want to run? Flash Q+Ignite

>Alright do you want to do this right now?

lmao it's lkike he's setting up a fight
this dude can NOT communicate, top lane is fucking doomed

how do i as soraka prevent trist with lulu from jumping on either me or ezrael and deleting us while laning

He loses to Twitch, Kog and Trist
Kog has no bad matchups

Soraka wouldn't exist without a massive horsecock. Riot wouldn't dare.

ADCs dont have bad matchups

Reminder to respect your ADC and protect her!!!

And cum in her until she's begging for more

>bot lane is already 0-8 by 15 min
>surrender vote at 15 fails
>"we got late game guis"
>bot lane keeps making the same fucking mistakes over and over

Keep Soraka horsecock free!

rate my taste

Soraka's only character traits are her massive horse cock and giant worshippable balls, they can't take away what makes her unique!


What champion that when played for at least a few matches will afflict you with severe autism if you already don't play that champion regularly

They should just give Jax absurd buffs, so hes 100% ban rate

Once the game is going you don't
The best thing you can do is let Ez farm with Q and wait for ganks
You should have banned Lulu or Ezreal

>Top lanes ambassador is this guy

Sorry bros you're going to be an irrelevant lane forever now

>remove sorakas cock
Why would anyone want that?

That's what I usually do when I go in after someone else initiates. The enemy team gets too focused on the first guy and that let's me trap them

I'd have gone with Elf/Buccaneer, Frosted and base.

its fine lots of us have taken the hint and started playing roles that get catered to c:


I will respect my support with passionate sexings!
I will protect my supports womb with my seed!

Well there you go then

Quick play, I want to know slightly more shit before starting with ranked. What would be more able to deal with that pair?

frosted is great, I used to use that one a lot

Can I cum in my adc even if I'm not the support?

>master Yi hits me with a Q
>all my health is gone

udyr - low functioning
heimerdinger - low functioning
riven - high functioning
lee sin - low functioning
master yi - low functioning
morde - high functioning
singed - low functioning

theres many more cant be bothered listing further

I wish I a had a Taric with me every game. Why is he so much more useful than the other support sluts?