So are Spaniards really just the rape babies of the Visigoths, who were rape babied by the Moors...

So are Spaniards really just the rape babies of the Visigoths, who were rape babied by the Moors, whose rape babies were counter rape babied by the Reconquista, who rape babied literally South America but just got rape babied by Napoleon and the Anglos?

Even before the Visigoths the Iberian Celts rape babied the other members of the peninsula until they got rape babied by the Romans.

What the fuck are they? And how did they create an entirely new race of people literally all the way across the world? Was such a thing truly unprecedented?

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They were a minority and the ones who rule so the local population didnt mix with them
The same shit happened with the arabs. They were the rulers class and dont really mix with us. Even one of the Califas was retarded because of inbreed.
>who rape babied literally South America
That is true

>just got rape babied by Napoleon and the Anglos?

Napoleon was defeated by andalusians peasants. That is pathetic as fuck.

>Andalusian peasants
You've been playing too much eu4

>been ruled by Moors since 720 AD to 1492
>Spain has been Muslim for longer then it has been Christian
viva el profeta

>Let me tell you about your nation

>Arabs were the rulers class and dont really mix with us.


cause it seems for several centuries they just settled their new territories with North Africans, Arabs, and Moors. Of course mixing happened.

We are mixed with berbers, That is right but arabs, not really much.

>720 AD to 1492
This is some high tier autism

>Raping anyone
Kek. The English/the UK was so fucking irrelevant until the XIX century that is not even funny

>mixed with berbers

basically Granada, but not so much the rest of the country after the Christian curbstomp.

Not around Leon surely.

Yep. I am from the zone when the old kingdom of granade existed and some people have a very berberish look.

also chekd

Oh I am sorry I didn't realise you were a spaniard.

I ment from 142 to 670 Hijra, habibi.

>Spain existed before 1492
Now you will tell me that Al Andalus was a thing.

>mfw leftists insist conquest doesn't alter the genetic makeup of conquered populations

pure historical illiteracy

>Now you will tell me that Al Andalus was a thing.

Also, my numbers were wrong Spain was muslim from 142 to 914 Hirja.

Sheeit, that's even longer than the Ottoman Empire existed. You guys are the true original muslims, esé.

It depends. Some people look like from the north part of Spain cause they are problably from castillian roots. Other look like kikes, others look like moors and so on....

>Spain was muslim from 142

Islam did not exist prior to 610. Your dates are retarded.

>what is the islamic calendar which is why I stated hirja
Didn't your poor moorish abuela teach it you, Fernando al-Madridi?

>what is the islamic calendar

retarded moon gazing desu

Who the Hell said that? People who move in with people are going to rape/interbreed with each other. That's just how humans are.

spanish seed is powerful

lots of people on Veeky Forums routinely claim that only language and culture change as a result of war and migration, that the genetics of local populations miraculously emerge unscathed despite losing all their military aged males.

They claim this based on ideological impulse, they have no real substantive backing.

They did mix, that's a fact, whether it's rape or intermarriages. And the initiative didn't come from just the Moors. I don't know about Spain, but on Portugal the Christians raped a lot of Muslim women after "liberating" the south, making them even more mixed.

I've not seen this for about half a year of being on Veeky Forums.
All of this being said, it won't be an instant thing. Hell, America still has the distinct difference between black and white people, with some intermixed. It likely takes hundreds of years of living together, and even then there will still be pockets where the original race will survive.

this happens all the time
the dick during war time and the pussy during peace time


they got counter rape babied

America had explicit anti racial-mixing laws, which actually were strictly enforced. There was no similar thing on Iberia.

Not in all places, and not of late. My point was that it was not an instantaneous process, it takes several generations for races to interbreed.

>over 800 years of this

This is literally almost every "race" of people ever, barring japan I think.