/lolg/ - League of Legends General

4th shot edition

>team never buys ga
>buy them when the games over


Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!

Post skins only shitters use

>Try ranked some ranked
>Get support Veigar

It doesn't matter how much of a lead you get when your support builds Rylais and calls it a support item. And this Veigar sucked cock.

>tfw no qt petite gf

reminder janna is a useless whore that's only worth tree fiddy.

if bruisers and tanks were played in bot instead of top and adc + supp in top instead of bot, the top champions would stop feeling so useless because they'd have dragon right next to them and could snowball with help from their jungler

Trck question. Only shitters use skins.

Reminder to respect your ADC and protect her!!!

With your dick

One of my friends is constantly watching female streamers, I think he's pathetic

rift herald

Have you worshiped the biggest and best breasts in league of legends yet today?

I think I need the protection more than she does.

>Low priority queue
It's 30-5 and open inhib at 15 in normals. I'm not going to waste my time on this, punish me rito

>Didn't heal the support because she didn't help me push to lvl 2 before Draven
Deserved desu

>High skillcap
>God tier ultimate
>Roasting bitches with Flamespitter feels good
>1v2 king
Why does nobody play him again?

xth for protecting your daughterfu.

I wish I was a support so I could support Jinx all the time. I'd hope that after we won a teamfight she'd be so happy that shed give me a hug and a kiss


Kledfag ruined my perception of male yordles forever.



Because the changes they made to him made him way less fun to play

When did this "slut healer" meme begin?

>Actual silver 5 gameplay

>silver V
Yeah you can kinda escape by just climbing from that shit hole

That was entertaining

Deathfire touch being removed is kind of a turn off.

>just climb bro

This is missing a futa edit

What about Corki user
Surely Corki hasn't been ruined by Kledfags

it's actually mind boggling you think you're good
yet here you are, actually worse than pixelbutts. Because at least he's not trying to say mordekaiser is great.

I don't like top lane in general, and I have like 10 other champions up there that I'd rather play than Rumble.

No joke it was a thread in Veeky Forums about healers. Ok it was a joke in the thread and then someone on Reddit found it.

Veeky Forums too the blame for it since then.

>playing cait
>enemy adc is in the midst of reviving with ga
>spam traps right on them

I actually build hydra from time to time if I see the need for more pushing power since wu is an awesome split pusher with the AS steroid on his E and the auto reset on his Q.

So when I'm not oneshotting carries I'm pushing lanes and taking objectives pretty easily, plus the active of hydra counts as a third attack so if my ult is down and I want to electrocute all I do is E+Q+Hydra and it proccs

Does Rageblade works with Cait's passive? I want to meme tonight

>people saying wu is bad

I dunno his ult is pretty game changing

I wanna cuddle Jinx and keep her warm


The moment they finally recton him into a half-ling or even VU him to have a normal rodent face kledfag will be all over him

what's your favorite lol champ's favorite hobby

>Feed as Annie because cancerous fizz is being cancerous
>Manage to win by flash ulting their carries.

So this is why they say that Annie is free wins until diamond...

t. guy who browses indonesian roleplaying forum

I thought you quit playing league, I was ready to take your place as THE Jinxfag

Godammit antimage.

I'm not saying he's great, I'm saying he's fun.

Wu is on a bad spot, but I've had fun simply blowing up enemy carries.

He's bad compared to other assasins like talon and zed, who have easy escapes if anything goes wrong.

If you play wukong and you go in, you're gonna have a hard time getting out, that's why it's all or nothing with him.

what runes do i take on windy chinaman?

I like going predator Annie.
Loli running at incredible hihg speed.

just pick Malphite

>will now no longer be called “the top”
>will now be called “the bottom”
yeah thats a hard no from me

>I play for fun
Stay silver faggot

torturing small animals for the sake of it

I don't think so. And Caitlyn can't use runaan's for passive stacking anymore.

literally everything about this champion is fucking annoying. his stupid fucking yordle character, his dogshit press flame spitter off cooldown play style, WARNING WARNING WARNING WARNING, and his fuckign 12 year old player base.

Lolnope just busy with college and work but I still love this 2x4 and play her whenever i can play league.

Gun smiting and testing explosives

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Go shoot pirates/bounty hunt if she hasn't been retconned and probably drink until she dropped to cope with her trauma.

you mean mf ? im about to...

Ok guys, here's an idea.


>lose game because team is literally retarded
>next game
>make the enemy top laner rq
>win because it's their only tank
>it's brought me back up to a 50% wr

doing a proper think here lads.

I want to go swimming in Lulu.

watching titty streamers stooping pretty fucking low

Malphite is my second favorite but he's only good against 3 or more AD champs.

Even then with all the "ignore armor" and %HP damage and skills he's falling off a bit.

Of course the sole fact that you win against any adc by just existing is stasfying.


/lolg/ has other ideas when it comes to Soraka.




Ornn does EVERYTHING he does but better

>Better flamespitter
>Better zoning ult
>Better autos
>Better range
>Comes with real cc
>Also a tank
>Also utility for his team



Is the genre dying?

No I mean Sona "tits bigger than her head" Buvelle!

So if she has a cock, where is her pussy?

Battle Royale is still going strong and Battle Royale is worse than MOBA.

So no. Probably not.

Honestly when plat and above means "farm and ward for 20 minutes" it's hard to want to climb.

>implying it wasnt a waste of time already

>25/35 people are fucking degenerate trash

its like league rank, top 10% are human, and everyone else is fucking garbage

But she doesn't have a cock. Just a sweet goat pussy to fill.

league is the least dead one though

back of the knee maybe


does flamespitter even do damage lmao

i thought it was just there to look cool now

yeah but doto hots and smite are deader



What do I do when people post all these extremely cute Jinx images that I'm attracted to, but I don't want to masturbate?

It aggros the minions.

I miss smite.

Post em and judge



>doto hots
these two are pretty alive tho

wrong. magic is a allegory for gayness so it's more like "state enforced heterosexuality" which is based

have you been drinking ? these conquer sona's chest anyday

Go to bed, grab your pillow and hold it close to you and pretend it's Jinx's delicious flat chest

Google full-package futa and you'll see.

>being populated by anything other than degenerates
Hello new friend.

You've been overruled user. On the bright side she has both now.

Too bitter to finish

>cunt jungler player chat restricted

super surprising, let me guess you were low plat last season and are now hard stuck silver garbage


ye just less alive than league
also hots imploded with the hanzo patch and is only just starting to show signs of recovery

wait what, is the butterball telling him to leave

>be me in silver game
>minions just spawned and I’m chillin under my tower just looking over item options and trying to come up with a build plan
>faggot gnar picker just walks up to me and boomerangs me while im under tower
>barely even farms all lane, clearly just trying to tilt me with his ebin boomerang poke :^)
>kill him like 8 times
>he has like 40 cs and I have 90
>they FF at 15
so much more fun down here

Except that's not fucking true at all.

That's the case with any game with a retard in it, regardless of rank