Fighting Games General /fgg/
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Year of the dog!
mvci: ugly but a lot of depth and fun
dbfz: fotm casual masher carried by a big ip
time to prove that you REALLY like fighting games
me ont he right
well I'm playing jive so
i love dbz
this game makes me hate dbz
back to turd strike it is
i'm dodging because it's late, see me tomorrow
>a lot of depth and fun
is there a way to turn off the game sound in fightcade but leave the challenge sound on
does this dbfz excluded anime neutral incorporate air footsies and hitgrabs?
I miss this duo bros.
Wow, won't even see my shitty day two Sakura.
How come this game is completely fucking dead when it's Marvel
whats the best fighting game?
make him delete this
>People honestly think MvC:I is more fun than DBF
suicide is painless it brings on many changes desu
street fighter jive
Jack is NOT for sexual
MvCi is ugly and have zero depth. If in MvCI really was depth then pro would still play it
my two hour Alisa >>>
If you are not playing Red Earth what is the point desu
This is your sniff tonight
based black jive man
nooooooo this is an attack on doobies depth
The pro Marvel players still play it.
will mike ever escape the dotahole he's dug
only whores like justin wong and lie joe dropped marvel for the fotm low iq masher known as dbfz
Why would he want to go back to fighting games when even the smallest dota tournaments have bigger prizepools than the biggest fighting game tournaments?
I wanna probe her belly button with my tongue.
>/fgg/ suddenly hates Dooberz
might be because mobas are shit and even a garbage fighting game like dbfz requires more iq and is more fun than the best moba
I mained Ibuki in USF4. I'm not really feeling her in 5.
Anyone else similar? Was thinking of picking up Rashid or saying fuck it and playing Ed cause he looks neat.
first time around these parts on a games release there vappa
My four year Lili that plays like a four minute Lili.
i played ed for 5 months and dropped him after getting bored he gave me too many bad habits switching to another character sucks
That's subjective user.
No this is my sniff tonight
Sorry but I'm sniffing this tonight
This is MY sniff tonight
it should be illegal to draw little girls in an erotic manner
You want to know how I know you are European?
Hopefully these fuckers will fix the bad net code and reduce the input delay soon.
if I played c viper in usf4, who should I play in sf5
European are all pedos though Ahkmed told me so and hes German.
>if you don't agree with me you should die!
typical anime player response
Yeah but they think they should thought police everyone even though they are kiddie fiddlers.
Sakura has 950 health. what part of her kit suggest that Sakrua is inlien with other 950 health chars
based ahk' saying it like it is
True they do virtue signal constantly.
That's not erotic
she has tits dumbass
top tier walk speed and good damage
When's Unlimited Sniffs 2?
It will be released as soon as /fgg/ stops saying sniff
Her damage is not good barring v-trigger which it does turn to decent (fora v-trig damage)
Also her good back walks speed isn't good enough to make up for her allover the place normals and wonky specials.
Good night sweet prince.
>There is a DragonBall Fighter Z general thread on Veeky Forums
>There is a Guilty Gear general thread on Veeky Forums
>There is a fucking BlazBlue general thread on Veeky Forums
>Yet Street Fighter apparently cannot have it's own general and players are forced to share space on /fgg/ with other fags playing games nobody will care about in a year.
all of those games were kicked out of fgg because the people who play them are fags
THE fighting game if another game has its own general then they were kicked out by street fighter chads.
aniNEETS got kicked out of /fgg/ because they couldn't handle banter. everyone else is chill and has no problems talking about the various fighters in here
best fate when
Best goob.
No thanks.
This guy gets it.
>everyone else is chill and has no problems talking about the various fighters in here
Skullgirls is actually pretty fun desu, gonna play it more tomorrow
I want to make Filia bear my children
KOLIN IS A MAN (or pads a fuckton)?
Yeah, Scathach when?
is everyone online good as shit
Congrats Luvcheez theres actually someone with worse taste than you.
what I mean is, is there a huge skill gap during online play if a noob were to try it?
So what's the big deal discussion among you fags nowadays?
>bb general is almost 300 posts
>32 unique posters
I really like the aesthetic, and combos are really fun.
But I can't stand the super reset heavy aspect of it and that makes me sad.
Are you me?
>bought SG for Filia
>ended up learning Cerebella instead
Where did I go wrong?
darkstalkers character pass when
I didn't play online yet
Not like I plan on winning tournaments anyway
Only tried Filia and Cerebella so far but I really liked Filia, Cerebella not so much
I remember liking Filia, Cerebella, and Valentine last time I played.
Am I the only one who's going to miss all the wacky characters from SF3 like Necro, Twelve, or Q? They had some interesting designs SF lacks nowadays. Hell, I'd even take Remy if Guile wasn't in jive already.
>I really like the aesthetic
just say you're a sniff poster and stop trying to sound smart
Capcucks love rampant shitposting and people that play fighting games can have real discussion elsewhere
can you answer my ?
Like any fighting game, you're gonna get destroyed online day 1. Don't let that scare you, just keep going at it and you'll get better.
Cerebella is great. One of he most fun and complete feeling grapplers in any fg imo.
Too edgy design desu
SFV general will not survive, they tried it, it's dead
you're literally posting in sfv general honey
VSAV will save fighting games
it's fighting games general. learn to read nigga
based based sherry posters poster
I like em too.