League of Legends General /lolg/


First for the best part of a woman's body.

xth for my wife Syndra

I want Zoe to sit on my face.

Reminder to cum inside your support!

Reminder for roleplayers to go and stay go

her body paint?

Just fucking delete gnar from the game already

>tfw no irl jinx gf

Keystones are quickly reaching the same point as old masteries though, cookie cutter and pretty unimpactful, so really not any worse than before.

People are becoming better no matter how much you guys want to pretend they don't. Especially mechanically but also in a macro sense. Just watching streams would show you this.

Botlane was insanely irrelevant for a good portion of S7 so don't pretend that just because now that it's the most important lane it means it's always been getting more important.

Finally I do concede that the shield creep in league is fucking INSANE. Riot has no idea how to make people play support so most supports are actually busted as shit. Taric is a joke, Janna has literally been overpowered for 8 years straight, Lulu is the biggest abomination ever released, etc.


>one zoe q nukes 85% of xayah's health

Might just be the picture, but she's got some huge feet.
inb4 >she

Best guy!
Oh honey, that's how I roll, ahahah!...

her ass hole?

can i be (You)r support?

>heavily implying mega gnar is the problem


>One win away from promos
>Enemy ADC instalocks Lucian
Damn, 50% chance of him being on my team. Scary thought!

Literally all you have to do is wait for mega gnar to run out to all in him. I swear the people complaining are goldies that repeat whatever youtubers/streamers say

mini gnar is the stronger form

>when you see an armed black man

What's the most overloaded single bullshit ability in the game? It doesn't have to be on a broken champion, just the ability is more than it has any fucking right to be

My vote is Braum Shield or Ez Q

No it isn't retard


Thresh W

>Your adc is autofilled and asks for a swap
>A kind reddit gentleman says he can adc and gives him the role he got
>He picks Lucian

Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
nerf kayn please!!!


You complain about morde too or something? Mega gnar can't do shit without set up from mini gnar or his team.

I'm not the one complaining, you are.

objective answer is zoe bubble
>long range
>more damage
>trap for area denial

>b-but I was just pretending to be a retard

why does nobody play her

Are GP mains delusional ?

>GP is fine other champs are just bad
>Gnar is tier 1 and has always raped GP, can't bully him anymore
>GP unironically, statistically has no real counter
>Fiora is good right now and supposed to murder him, she can't stop him from farming

It's almost like his kit is a fucking joke and he's designed around being literally IMPOSSIBLE to stop from having more gold than everyone else in the game even when going 0/3 and losing tower minute 12

she's boring

which one of you fucks is this

>why does nobody play her
she's basically a generic ice bitch with no flavor to her skills or personality and she isn't op enough for metabots to pick her

Range/Mana issues and bad match ups

i wish syndra was male

>can be cleansed
>long cooldown
>minions can block it
>all of her damage is on one spell so if she misses a sleeping target or it's blocked by an enemy then she's SOL
I swear the people in here complaining about Gnar, Zoe, Camille, etc are fucking retarded. Adapt or stay gold

Skill champs should be better than no skill champs, what's the problem?


go to sleep zoe you have kid shit to do in the morning

>can be cleansed
okay but its up 15 seconds later
>long cooldown
no no and no, you're p dumb if you're not maxing E first
>minions can block
they're eventually going to step away from the fucking minions
>one spell
lmao that has a 2 sec cd and if you get hit by sleep, if she doesn't kill you, the enemy team will

I just play riven into her since it's easy to dodge as riven, but seriously? no ability should be that punishing. even zed needs to land his shadow accurately to do damage

>Damn, 50% chance of him being on my team. Scary thought!

I like how Riot basically expects you to say "Oh well! :)" to shit like this.

>My game was ruined because someone picked nunu mid and kept saying "sorry having a bad game"
>Yeah but he could have been on the other team ase well sooooo....all balances out.

oce players check in

>trying to climb out of low elo after school hours
holy shit i really need to stop after 2 wins

gp players have always had a huge victim complex
even when he was legit 100% pickban, you'd see most gp players whining in allchat whenever something would beat them

China isn't up yet :^)

Playing ARAMs

is lucian really that fucking bad
do you guys just hate him because he's african-demacian

>Top lane is fine

Just got an S on swain.
Will I be able to get another box when the rework drops?


>being so bad you cannot beat children who still go to school


Hello hash viewer
go back to his subreddit

he does not scale, he's a garbage adc, usually lose lane lose game, but sometimes win lane lose game. If you lose to a lucian you're a fucking garbage player, all you need to do is walk away when he looks like he's going to dash and auto the fucker while he's csing.

>mfw I watch a twitch adc not auto when all he needs to do is auto 5 times and press E to get them to back off
if you're not autoing the losian you're fucking garbage

Because she's bad.

yo can i get some garen tips

Top lane is fine.

Hashitshit wants a terrible top lane meta where you get slightly ahead and steamroll the opponent, redditor. Top lane needs to become a skill based lane.

Lucian is either the best ADC in the game or the worst ADC in the game at any given time, he's a poorly designed champion.

Fun though.

>beating children while having children on my team
no thanks, that's like expecting me being fed to have any impact when the children won't listen to mommy.

What would it be like being married to Shyvana?

Asking for a friend.

Well fug.
All I got the from the chest was a kat shard and some BE.

Damn what is it with Jinx and Yordles?

>top laners get buffed
>top lane gets re-tuned
>hashitshit still whines because he hasn't figured out Jax is a shit champion

>he hasn't figured out Jax is a shit champion
except that's not even true, which makes his bitching even more bizarre. Jax is pretty strong right now, at the very least he's above average.

Fizz is not a Yordle damn

Jax's new home is the jungle.

AP Jax still works. fucking champ

yasuo passive

>playing nasus
>ignore the rest of the game for 30 minutes and farm lanes
>ignore my team mates
>whack each other 3 times and they go down
>whack nexus 4 times and win
nice game lol players

Only if I can cum in (You)r mouth!
Also you have to keep the river warded!

Problem with Lucian is that he's way too well rounded so if he's good there is no point to any other carry

This is a problem with carries in general but Lucian takes it to another level since he just does everything

holy crap renekton players are so easy to trigger
>go 0/3 vs renekton as yasuo and lose t1-t2 turret in 15minutes
>its k lul cause i scale better
>game goes on to 45minutes
>0/3 yas is 6 slotted
>get a 5man knockup/ult and end the game off that
>end game 2/3/3
>"Wow renekton you're kinda bad"
>spends 5minutes in postgame lobby calling me shit

All autoattack based fighters need to be deleted ASAP.
This is THE ONLY WAY to fix top.

Fizz is an aquatic subspecies of Yordle, this is canon.
Jinx is a Yordlefucker. This is also canon.

But this didn't happen and you probably are shit.


>Fizz is an aquatic subspecies of Yordle, this is canon.
Post proof
>Jinx is a Yordlefucker. This is also canon.
Alright I guess.


it's actually the fact that being a yasuo shitter triggers people in general

So what would be the new top meta, then? More tanks?


Hit things until they die.

What is a fun crazy super off meta support?

I've been using Zac for a while, but I'm getting a little bored and started using Ornn any others you doods can think of?.

>mfw silver is literally a cesspool people claw scream and gut to get out of

Is it wrong that I queue ranked with my gold friend? I'm silver.

>instead of hiring a proper balance team, tencentriot spends millions per year on shitty lore "updates" (aka shitting on existing lore) done by sjw leftie cucks fresh outta university with their liberal arts degree

Gold is just yellow silver.

>100% crit chance Xayah
>Walk into a bush, find a recalling Draven
>Two autos later there's no longer a Draven
>Suddenly Blitz hooks me over wall, it's him and fizz
>Press R
>Reach over, grab my soda, take a long, thoughtful sip
>Set soda down, burp appreciatively
>Press E
God I love how bullshit this birb slut is.

i don't like your image

obvious answer: zoe e

not obvious answer: tahm e

Well I'm getting bullied for it but I just wanted to play ranked with my friend. Is it wrong to play with your friends if they're a rank higher than you?
Say I was plat and he was diamond, would it be wrong then?

Plat is just green silver

I could fucking write better shit than these people. and that's saying something

Can ziggs just be removed.
Call me a shitter, I don't care.
I hate this fucking little nigger with his URF cooldowns at level 1, and if I'm away from lane for 2 seconds all my towers are gone.

just ward his mana pool idiot

should i buy lee sin: the blind monk, or should I wait until I can get tahm kench?