Post Veeky Forums approved youtube historians

Post Veeky Forums approved youtube historians

>John Green
>Sargon of Akkad
>Extra History
>History Buffs
>Simple History
>The Great War

Other urls found in this thread:


I genuinely like lindybeige

>John Green
>Sargon of Akkad
>Lindybeige, but less so ("Napoleon was the Hitler of his day")

The Bren is worse than the Spandau.

It just is.

Hence why no modern military uses magazine fed GPMGs.

Who is Sargon of Akkad (the YouTuber) and why is he disliked?

I don't think he's Veeky Forums related, I think he's /pol/ related.

Context is the key word here. Both weapons are good and while designed as machined guns they were used differently.

>Hence why no modern military uses magazine fed GPMGs.
That's like saying muskets were bad because no modern military uses them


Bill Cooper and Trey Smith.

>>Lindybeige, but less so ("Napoleon was the Hitler of his day")
That's true though

He's not /pol/ related. They call him Sarcuck for a reason.


a friend linked me a sargon video of him making fun of kasparian. Why does he pause his fucking videos so often.

Sargon is a fucking idiot. The only decent guy on there is John Green, and even he's kind of memey and insubstantial.

Frankly, if you're getting your history education on youtube, you've already fucked up.

t. mongol

>uses the word cuck
Into the trash

He's also said that he really likes Napoleon.
Really makes gears tear.

>The only decent guy on there is John Green

There are some good documentaries on youtube. BBC's 27 part "The Great War" for example. "Youtube personalities" however and pretty much all terrible sources for history compared to reading books by actual historians or primary sources.

I said they call him that, not I call him that.

this is a scrnprnt for ants dipshit

Communists like me have been posting on Veeky Forums since the beginning, you fucking clown.

Yeah, that's what I meant. If you're sourcing anything from random people who aren't established scholars or credible sources, you're mostly wasting your time, though I'll concede there are a few good podcasts here and there that are run by non-PHDs.

>t masters degree in history

>Communists like me

>reading books

>Sargon of Akkad

Fuck off /pol/

You idiots tried to raid /leftypol/ the other day but got the wrong board, there's not even a proper link on that picture. Why are rightists so stupid?

does sargon of akkad mix in his politics into his videos?

wait im confused didnt he pander to his mostly alt-right audience what makes him a cuck now?

Yes and his history is fucking horrible, if it isn't blowing classical liberalism it might as well be ISIS.

>no real crusades history to bait out leftypol
Dissapointed op

Hes /pol/ and 8c, so he upsets people.

>Communists like me

Shouldnt you be starting more ambitious projects John?

don't forget Real Crusader history

Why does leftypol hate them?

I never watched any of their vids

can't you tell by the name?

All books recommended by Veeky Forums are usually religious books, dramas, or books with an obvious political tilt.

Never one that just tells events as it is. Might as well watch John Green, same bullshit but don't have to read it.

John Green is shit, all his content is designed for 6th graders

>lindybeige combined with all that pleb shit
good bait I'm replying

I don't buy into any theories about islam being inherently more violent or whatever, I don't think I really believe in the "spread by sword" stuff that people say about it. But he does for the most part I think. Anyway I still really like him regardless, and he has phds and shit appear on podcasts which is cool. I don't agree with some of his attitude but I sort of see where he's coming from.
The whole podcast series on the 4th crusade recently was great.

>Never one that just tells events as it is.

By all means give us a list of history books with no slant whatsoever

>The Great War
>Extra History
I'll let it slide, they are decent and entertaining, and they admit what they changed for the sake of the script.
>Sargon of Akkad
Only the fucking channel where he reads actual historical texts unabridged.

Historia Civilis
Is good.

Check out Historia Civilis . Mostly roman stuff though.

John Green is fucking retarded and I hate the way he speaks. That trailing off of sentences and his inflection make me fucking angry

"Everything Anglos ever did was justified, every thing Anglos invented is superior, and the French are smelly."

>John Green
"Dude like, genociding and enslaving people is badass and totally metal, except when white people are doing it, then it's a heinous crime and should be condemned, you fascist."

>Sargon of Akkad
"Let me present to you my indepth expert analysis of something I read two minutes ago in wikipedia. Also serious political topics are for manchildren, we should focus on the important issues, like making fun of silly tumblrinas and trannies."

>the French are smelly
This is true though

He pandered by being an anti-sjw reply-video tier faggot, but he considers himself left-libertarian, therefore not ideologically aligned with /pol/ so they hate him.

Third for Historia Civilis

l'll also suggest Military History Visualized

Is that the kid that seems to have no notion that there's a difference between Classical and Ecclesiastical Latin?

he has a video explicitly pointing out the differences

Yes, but Anglos are smellier

Not from my experience
t. Non Anglo

I don't like Historia Civilis.
[spoiler]Because I watched all of his videos already and babby want moar

'Hallo welcom to militery heistory wizesualized'

He's one of my new favorites.

metatron easily the best. his autism can get a bit much at times though

>Guy that played video games
>made a video game channel
>then stole the name 'Sargon of akkad' and used sargons grandsons mask as his pp
> made edgy 'feminism debunking' videos before it was popular
>tried to make his own game via kickstarter but pissed off the artist so it flopped
>covered gamergate bigtime so got popular
>now just general 'reactionary skeptic' who whores his British accent out so pol/tards don't have to speak
>IQ of 90 and clearly spends hours writing scripts as fucking shit in debates
>said people didn't know what is was like being poor so should STFU even though that's the same feminist logic he 'debunked
That's all I can remember off the top of my head, he really should be put in the Tower for his crimes.

Sorry forgot
>actual cuck and raising his wife's son

>history buffs
>Man like this movie proves Christians are like racists, rapists and sexists and I take back everything I said in my crusades vid. I mean Christians burned the great library of Alexandria after it had copied books of all the travellers for thousands of years. And like the Romans would have been steam punk before even the Victorian era mang and would have survived the Germanic invasion

you give me those
if you do I'll start reading

>claims that the revolutionary war had more loyalists than revos

Part of the reason the war was won was because everytime the Brits kicked their asses the revolutionaries would just take back the spot the Brits took over after they left from those "more numerous loyalists" (kinda like how the Vietnam war worked).

Down south the revolutionaries and loyalist were of equal number but up north in New York and New England most showed not much love for the redcoats

The Bren wasn't a GPMG you nonce, it was a light support weapon. It actually has a successor in that role in the form of the L86 LSW. Calling the Bren a GPMG is retarded.

>claims nazism is a left-wing ideology
>twitted to a female MP "I wouldn't even rape you" and his mindless drones dogpiled her.
>later, in a bizarre development, he recorded himself calling his mother and telling her that he "wouldn't rape" her.
>Created a petition directed to "universities" to censor "social justice" classes.
>Has the opportunity to debate a REAL feminist academic, and failed miserably to even stay on topic.
>Can't even read academic papers properly

>Sargon of Akkad
0/10 bait, try harder

>>twitted to a female MP "I wouldn't even rape you" and his mindless drones dogpiled her.
What, seriously? Jesus.

/pol/ hates Sargon

The Bren was a Czech gun that the Brits copied anyway.

>Post Veeky Forums approved youtube historians

Actual, accredited historians who make stuff that gets uploaded to youtube, such as this.

If they don't do any historical work outside of Youtube, they're automatically shit.

Nazism, or national socialism is actually a syncretic ideology

Traditionalism, a channel that uploads history and religion podcasts involving historians and theologians. Not connected to any alt-right movement despite the name.

>Extra History
>The Great War

Only ones i'd listen to tbqhwyf

>I know it's the Daily Mail, but, come on...

How is "I wouldn't even rape you" a rape threat?

>mainstream media

>Lindy Beige
>The Great War

When did he claim Nazism was left wing? He's a fucking monghole.


This was after she revealed she was raped at a young age. Even if it's not a rape threat, it's entirely innadecuate and of poor taste to tell a rape victim she isn't even worth raping.

>2 hours 7 and a half minutes
No thanks

You do realize which website you're on you gigantic cuck? And I'm not even a Sarglard fan.

>This was after she revealed she was raped at a young age. Even if it's not a rape threat, it's entirely innadecuate and of poor taste to tell a rape victim she isn't even worth raping.
So? It's the internet and it's filled with shitposters. Better grow a thicker skin if you get offended by a joke.

Reply History. 7 vids but all of them are OK.

>>The Great War
That niggah interviewed 2 Armenians
And believes the shit called ''Genocide''
they shitted out

>You do realize which website you're on you gigantic cuck? And I'm not even a Sarglard fan.
Get out, Carl.

>Better grow a thicker skin if you get offended by a joke.
Except it wasn't a joke, and it was made with the intention to offuscate her. What reaction do you think normies get when faced with that kind of mean girl tactics?

pic related.

>So? It's the internet and it's filled with shitposters. Better grow a thicker skin if you get offended by a joke.
It's still autistic as fuck tbqh

Tom Richy? anyone?

>nazism is a left wing ideology

Someone please invent a time machine so these retards can get purged in the night of long knives thanks

Lindybeige is really good. The Great War is nice too altough it's meme tier sometimes. Still enjoy it.

>Communists like me have been posting on Veeky Forums since the beginning, you fucking clown.
you SJWs aren't fooling anyone

>The Great War

About the only people I like on this list.


Forgotten Weapons

Knyght Errant

Bloke on the Range



>Knyght Errant
He's great.

I like Extra History. There's literally nothing wrong with them apart from some single sentence in the crusade videos.

He ignores everything that goes against his worldviews. It's good to get a different perspective on things but you should take everything he says with a grain of salt

Not validating his claim but back in 09/10 you still had commieboos on /k/. I think the rise in nugget prices played its part in their decline tho

Tbh I really like Tom Richey. He's a legit history teacher and he tries to be unbiased

That's funny since /pol/ had a huge influx of people from reddit (r/the_donald to be precise) during the presidential campaign

Let's be real. Most if not all post-2012 migrants are redditors. People who used to be newfags in 08 (aka me) are a tiny minority now. Yeah I'm a special snowflake.

epic bait

No wonder you're so ill advised.