/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General


>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com/manual/MHW/
↳Weapon movesets: pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP (embed)

>I have a question!
pastebin.com/7Aa6HxUh (embed)
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
In World, post a room ID. Squads also work, and should be listed soon.
Create or find a 3DS Gathering Hall using passcode '7243'
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, Frontier, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/


good god vaal hazak is a fucking pushover

Easiest monster in the game by far is Xeno’jiiva

when did /mhg/ accepted newfags


such a fucking boring ass fight

Reminder that upon reaching HR100 you truly finish the story mode.

>camera jerks around to the direction of the scoutflies

>pick IG again
>it just clicks
Can't go against my blood.

He's easy but
>easiest in the game
That's easily Jyura.

When Capcom decided that they wanted some of that sweet, sweet USD

>be rank 50
>no longer any motivation to play

I can't wait for Akantor to be released as free DLC!!!

xx room

I felt bad joining tempered elder hunts as a blademaster when rest of my team was gunner, now this is much faster farming :^)

stays in this loop the whole fight

what gear pieces should you even use from xeno on lbg if i've got a free elem and we deco?
im guessing like head waist hands or something.

Easiest fight is Zoren Magdaros. Literally just run between cannons for a few minutes and collect your mats at the end.

But then you have 2 invincible palicos that do shit load of work and draw aggros so 2 players isn’t the hardest. It’s the most fun though as it is still challenging and satisfying but not frustrating because of multi-cart.
3 is the hardest because I think you lose your palico while the monster is at 2.6x

Do all quests give the same amount of HR exp? or do higher ones give more rep and by how much? Not sure if I should keep looking for tempered SOS for decorations as I level up or do all my leftover optionsals

>turn your mic on, bro

>nOT gREAT Jagras

>not aiming for 100% trophies

Fuck you bowfags with slicing ammo

stop fucking tripping me you sons of bitches


I'd rather Agnaktor, the one in your image.

Is Rarity 8 Nerg lance the best?

When's the earliest that you can get quests/investigations for Bazel?

>catch host afking for free loot
>triple cart intentionally

just did this to some shitstain LBG player trying to get people to do his Nergi assignment for him
fired his SOS and then fucked off. only tried to actually fight when there was one more cart left
actually had to cart 4 times because of insurance. naturally he was too dumb to just kick me

BASED Navirou the cringecat /ourguy/

>monster is right the fuck in front of you
>jerks 1-fucking-80

Why did they make slicing so powerful?Did they not realize people would craft more on the go instead of switching to different types?

Honestly, biggest pet peeve
I hate starting a quest and trying to go to the cantina; just for the camera to jerk the other way. The smallest thing I’ve ever lost it over.

>Not disabling all voice chat features
shiggy diggy

The real question is why are there no good normal and pierce hbg

I literally manhandle great jagras.
I don’t even consider him a large monster.

oh fuck, how have I never thought to do this to hosts who idle in camp in past games

>pick up track
>scoutflies point to behind you
>go pick up those tracks
>scoutflies dart to where you were going anyway

So we're all in agreement, then.
The best MH game you could make right now is

>monster roster
>guild girl
MH3U (Guild Sweetheart)

shut the fuck up


>that one guy who has his Mic plugged in but never talks
>all you hear is constant loud ass background noise or nigger music
Why do they do this?

No, pretty much everyone disagreed with at least half of that last thread. You could make a series of strawpolls but given my experience with multi polls and /mhg/ I'm gonna go out on a limb and say the vast majority would only vote on the first two because people here have ADD, and about 3x as many would vote on #1 as on #2.

>monster roster
Astera > All but overall MH4U
>guild girl

because normal and pierce aren't good in this game, period.
I don't know why they butchered all the regular ammo types so badly
it's like they totally gave up on element LBGs too

I know you were as disappointed as I was when pinkian and Diablos hbg were shit

>2nd Nerg kill
>Nerg gem

Literally suck my dick faggots ahahhahah

Keep your buffs up.

>want to voice chat with a /mhg/ girl
>nothing but teenbros on mic

>anything other than MHW
World has the better gameplay due to tight controls,faster movement,improved and smoother weapon combos,interactivity with map

Doot out the songs to hit the head, build up a a playlist of your 3 best buffs, when you get an opening just beat the living shit out of it's head with Recital spam.

>In a 4 man squad
>monster literally never targets anyone else, only targets me
>cart because of it

Aria and Blanche when?

What's the most off the wall weapon I can try to change it up? I've been using Lance, HBG, Bow, Gunlance and Swagaxe. I want to do something totally alien.

When you think about it, it was pretty prophetic of the devs behind MHX to make it a "celebration and culmination of Monster Hunter" type of game.

It's almost as if they had known MH would never really be MH again in the future, so they wanted everyone to have fun one last time.

>blanche literally sounds like microsoft sam and only speaks in terse shoutouts

Daily reminder that if you're a newfag and plays this game like it's DmC or god of war, i'm gonna kick you

>MHW (Dragon pierce requires 1/3 of your stam bar to use, CB uses shield when dunking, all ammo buffs and slicing brought down a tiny bit)
>XX minus dumb ass valphalk, dumb design, dumb fight
>Gong girl from P3rd

>Fast movement

What? The monsters and hunter feel slow as shit compared to 4U.

>tight controls
>smoother weapon combos
I too like buzzwords, let me try. MHW has a very high-octane gameplay and masters the dynamic nature of monsters. The story is very engaging.

SnS or IG
IG for the alien part and SnS since its not so popular its somewhat alien.

>like it's DmC or god of war
in what way is that

>guild girl
I don't know, I never bother with them. 3U guild girl was annoying though so anyone but her.

It pains me that World is missing Plesioth, Gravios, Basarios, Bulldrome and the Preys.

>monster chasing me
>nips stand around waiting for it to come to them instead of taking the chance to go for the tail
grinds my gears desu

oh fuck I forgot ballfuck when I was listing the things that should be removed from XX's roster last thread



Subjective. I prefered the slower but comfier gameplay of pre-4 MH.

Of course the title that's literally just an homage to the other games has the best roster. Still missing some of my favs. Rip Gigginox




your typical hack and slash game. who the fuck cares about dodging on that game. just mash them button senpai.

Use dual blades or long sword? Get kicked, fag.

So Japanese players have been the worst this entire time, we're just now getting to see it.

>almost as if they had known
well considering this game was likely in development for no less than 4 years and one of capcom's greatest ventures, I'm more than sure everyone got the memo

never, voicechat is way too embarassing

what's a good starter high rank long sword set?

>people seriously like the spastic lolsorandum retard that is Guild Marm

Her appearance and character are so dissonant it feels like the english localization 4Kids'd the script so that little kids would like her more. Why the fuck would anyone like her over literally any other guild girl?

calm down, doodle

How is IG damage? Coming from dual blades and can't really guage if it is just average or low.

im kinda at the same point, im just experimenting and trying new weapons I havent played much before but yeah, might leave for a while until g rank is out

these buzzwords were my favorite, and now google will know which words to recommend advertisement companies towards my demographic.

>doesn't care about guild girls
I see we are in the presence of an enlightened man.

>tfw you will never sub-ohm like Vape Hazak

>have to go into start menu and then chat and then keyboard to text


Question: Do you guys think ill I be able to reach rank 6 and do the horizon zero dawn palico quest by feb 8?

out of the squad *

Cool Fiver is my wife


ok so i thought elder seal was supposed to seal elder powers. why the fuck are they still spamming their shit

>yfw it turns out all the jap ace hunters won't play MHW because they refuse to play anything not on a handheld

Sisterly Fourth is mine


just plug in a keyboard and hit space

Endemic Life Researcher is mine

It takes special layers of weeb retardedness to believe 110 million japs are born good at video games

Just hold touchpad

straight up thought it was a meme but no its true the nips suck at this game

takes 5 minutes to tell someone they fucking suck

They were the worst on handhelds too. The top japanese hunters just don't play with randoms ;^)

Victory screens.

Now this. THIS. Is bullying.

I get Serious Handler

I’ve played monster hunter for 9 years and I’m still not sure if SnS is equally viable or not