Name ONE THING the free market wouldn't fix.
Name ONE THING the free market wouldn't fix
Me not having a cute loving GF
International competition and supply.
/thread me boys
air pollution
Why not just pay for one? The free market would ensure that prices remain competitive, and that your options include a lot of diversity.
>Why not just pay for one?
You can't pay for love user.
The environment
Make it profitable to preserve the environment and you'll see paradise on earth.
What ideology aside from some meme like primitivism would be good for da environment
Wow bro just make it profitable? Damn why did no one think of this before
...with magic?
You could argue that air pollution violates the NAP, making it okay to regulate under a "free" market.
>Make it profitable
Yes, just have to ask the gov-
oh wait
>"Make it profitable to --"
So I guess you're going to pick this lazy man's answer for literally any critique of the free market.
Make it profitable how? What body is "making" things profitable?
Is there anything more cancerous then the "free" market? Take all these large fuel companies for example. If some day someone discovered a way to make fuel cheap and renewable these big companies would shut it down just to keep their business. It is completely counter productive to the advancement of humanity.
See that's the problem
The firms have become too large and have begun influencing politics
Ideally in a free market there would be too much competition for them to grow so large
the roads
>Ideally in a free market there would be too much competition for them to grow so large
>implying that the free market doesn't inherently favor monopolies
The inevitable revolution that would happen once people get tired of having to work 24/7 while having to pay for water, air, and sleep.
How can you be on a history board and not realize that a literal free market sucks for most people?
>Ideally in a free market there would be too much competition for them to grow so large
In a truly free market there's nothing to stop them from buying up all their competitors either.
Free market breeds monopolies too.
thine autism, m'lord
Wow great plan. Solve free market problems with regulation. Gee whiz.
>lol ur on a history board how can you like capitalism
I don't even know where to begin with this stupidity.
Societal problems.
Your mom's weight problem.
>that feel when you cant answer this question or you would be banned from Veeky Forums
ur face
nothing can
People asking Veeky Forums-related things on Veeky Forums
>Ideally in a free market there would be too much competition for them to grow so large
Except they did, they do,
there isn't, and they are.
How do you intend to make the free market fix this?
Externalities, this is well understood by actual economists.
t. Smug Econ 101 student
my limp, bent dick
Life saving drugs.
the free market
name one thing the free market CAN fix
Leftist subversion.
It'll create a market for clean air. Would you like to buy some shares in my clean air delivery startup?
Money supply enough to provide (indirectly) services to all through the free market.
The establishment of monopolies is the natural course of capitalism.
The gap between first and third world
Climate change
Monopolies and cartels
Negative externalities and information asymmetries, but yes, free-market capitalism is the best economic system
It is not the intent of a free-market system to 'fix' such a thing. The assumed remedy for this is regulation via the hands of a constitutional republic with an informed/empowered electorate (at least in the U.S.). Being as we lack an informed electorate (or for that matter folk that even know wtf is going on with the continued consolidation of major industry), the 'free market' is essentially ran by the very industries dominating the market via superPACs/lobbyists/vested interests.
In a sense, the market ceases to be 'free' so long as business cartels form and are unchecked.
>you will never, ever hear this spoken in mainstream anything
So, you're suggesting that the fix to the problems in the free market is government intervention in the market?
There is no such thing as a free market.
The companies with enough money buy lobbyists who buy politicians who then rig the system for their wealthy corporate donors.
How in the fuck is that a free market?
If all companies had to compete equally without being able to corrupt a system to their advantage, then it would be a free market.
There is nothing free in a corrupt system that allows richer companies to gain an advantage over other companies.
A corporation large enough to make the market not free.
That means that there is a free market in countries that have very low level of corruption
The hyperinflationary effects of compounded interest.
your autism
As it stands the opposite is occurring - we have the monetized interests of the massive few influencing legislation in favor of their specified industries. Either option has the possibility for abuse, but at a certain point government intervention may be required to 'free' the market by breaking monopolies. As it stands now, the market is not 'free' in a truly capitalist sense and hasn't been for some time.
>starting in 1913 with the consolidation of banking cartels that now dictate the Federal Reserves monetary policies in favor of the banking sector
>to now present day where ISPs have consolidated such vast swaths of telecom infrastructure and pass regulations that limit competition/make it extremely expensive to enter the industry as competitor
And yes, the inherent risk being special interests/government elite themselves taking advantage of trust-breaking legislation/inroads in the future that could damage growth of certain industries.
Let me rephrase (very tired)
>There is the inherent risk of special interests/governing elite taking advantage of regulatory legislation in their own favor that could impinge the growth of certain industries
But I think at this point something must be done. Right now we have the sharks determining their diet, their feeding ground, their own competition, and their futures absent the threat to US citizenry.
>Name ONE THING the free market wouldn't fix.
My broken soul desu.
off topic threads on Veeky Forums
>le natural monopolies meme
taking care of people who can't work
That's right, it only takes an economist 101 student to show OP is an idiot.
Any business with a high barrier of entry will inevitably fall under a monopoly.
They don't deserve to be taken care of
climate change
>the environment
>crippling low wages for workers
>the continued existence of Islam
first post best post
>implying technology wouldnt be created to the point where you could 3D print out a waifu
The base and craven nature of men and societies whose primary source of moral and teleological instruction come from the market and it's implicit values.
The accelerating destruction of wild places.
It is happening right now. Fuck off. Or are you implying the state is le great ebil behind any big corporation?
But as for our lifetimes in all likelihood we could never make a machine that could love a man. Maybe a machine that could create the illusion of it, but it's not the real thing.
We get what we deserve.
cuz free market is the only varient of capitalism. kids these days
[Citation needed]
No it does not. "Low corruption" is still a lot of corruption, just less than shitholes in Africa and Asia.