>from rich aristocratic plantation owning family
>son was known to yacht around the world to luxurious 5 star hot spots
>had a net worth of 900Million
>is hailed as some sort of hero/martyr by communist LARPers
can someone explain this to me?
>from rich aristocratic plantation owning family
>son was known to yacht around the world to luxurious 5 star hot spots
>had a net worth of 900Million
>is hailed as some sort of hero/martyr by communist LARPers
can someone explain this to me?
If it´s true he fucked over 35.000 women he deserves a megaphallic monument
Stalin, Mao, Mugabe and Kim Sung-il are the only Socialist dictators born in poverty. Castro, Lenin and most of the other revolutionaries were the sons of rich kids.
Commies are hypocrite lairs, who knew
I think I speak for most leftists in saying that while I don't necessarily support Castro, I sympathize with him and think it's badass that he btfo'd the us for so long despite all the cia counter insurgency Bay of pigs type shit, and the assasination attempts. Also think its cool that he raised the standard of living of everyone in the island not living in havana. Limiting people's freedoms is pretty lame tho, like how most cubans can't access the internet. So yeah Castro did some good but also some bad. Calling him one or the other completely is retarded imo
Mao was born into the wealthiest family in his shithole village. Not much but he could afford a decent education and never went hungry.
t. buttmad mobster
Very few poor people ever attain any important ranks.Unfortunately, those ranks in the left are no different.
But all government leaders are hypocrites, even monarchs usually descend from someone that stole the crown from someone with more legitimacy.
>calling someone a "mobster" when Fidel collaborated with billionaire drug kingpins like Pablo Escobar
He wanted his mixtape to be fire though.
Cuban guy here.
If you really wanna know about Castro, start with two things.
1. Bastistas ACTUAL relationship to Communism.
2. The Rothchilds, particularly their association to Castros father through the United Fruit Co. -which made his father a millionaire.
Along the way, you will realize how this so called "revolution", was merely a transition of power.
Your life must suck.
Dude he's already got one
Leftists are Porkies
Batistas actually created a secret police to hunt commies which did not care about human rights.
And Castro actually redistributed UFCo lands to cubans, which was a motivator for the bay of pigs invasion.
I don't see transition of power, just a butthurt exiled Cuban here. Castro was not a perfect dude, you can attack him on many level, but not with shit tier conspiracy theories.
yeah okay, but read this.
a lot of bs about Jews in there, but a lot of truth about Batista.
but that´s Jose Marti mang
>breitbart tier source m8
The communist party pre Castro and the communist party that was formed after the revolting are very different entities. Communists before were basically Soviet fangirls. Communists after were formed out of their struggle during the revolution.
Also if you honestly believe batista wasn't an American puppet you're a stooge
they didn't fire a shot
The people are the ones who inherited struggle. Nice try lefty/pol/. But this I linked for historical accuracy, not emotional response.
>they didn't fire a shot
Idk if you think all of traditional history is some leftist conspiracy and shouldn't be trustsed, but the revolution involved bloodshed. Saying otherwise is autism of the highest degree.
>from rich aristocratic plantation owning family
bourgeois arrivistes you mean
>son was known to yacht around the world to luxurious 5 star hot spots
>had a net worth of 900Million
good for them
>is hailed as some sort of hero/martyr by communist LARPers
because he was a communist
not hard to understand
Is it just me or is one of the main problems with communist revolution that the common, working man is
A) pretty damn dumb
B) doesn't care about being exploited as long as he gets three square meals and a tv?
It seems the only ones who care enough about it are the rich dudes cosplaying.
On July 26, 1953 he, his brother, and his men, got owned. The so called struggles he went through afterward, you have to contrast with Batistas Communist ties. Like Batista, Castro portrayed himself on the one hand, a Democrat, but secretly a Communist.
Honecker, Ceaușescu Ulbricht, Lê Duẩn Khrushchev, etc. All born poor to very fucking poor and they still became general secretaries. I just think you don't know a lot about what you are talking about.
This is wrong for the first generation of the Easter European socialist state. The elites were gone or dead and the state wanted to groom a new elite which they recruited form the working class.
Shit changed in later decades when this new class was pretty much in charge and started to regenerate itself from his own ranks.
>t. an actual historian
The Makhnovists in Ukraine were working class and lead by a working class man. They got crushed by the Bolsheviks.
The problem is Leninism claiming they the party know better than the class what is good for the class. Although roots of this idea can be found in Engels' writing Lenin developed this into a principle of his party.
>B) doesn't care about being exploited as long as he gets three square meals and a tv?
There was a theoretical debate about exactly this point in Germany between Bernstein and Luxemburg (Reformismusdebate). Although people should get worse and worse through capitalism it became apparent that the Reich managed to stop child labor, starvation etc. and established a relative growth of wealth of the working class. The usual argument here would be that this growth was only possible through colonial exploitation. So basically capitalism in the Luxemburgian sense will come crashing when the whole world is under the influence of capitalism and has now place to export its problems to. For basic reading: marxists.org
Source on the net worth?
I understand like two words in that sentence.
>The usual argument here would be that this growth was only possible through colonial exploitation. So basically capitalism in the Luxemburgian sense will come crashing when the whole world is under the influence of capitalism and has now place to export its problems to.
You still see this argument used. It's a hard one to really judge though, because western capitalism does at this point depend a great deal on labour and resources from the developing world, and so this argument can only really be tested once its conditions reach a conclusion.
I'm no communist, but I do think we will by necessity see a massive shift in the global economy if the developing world ever starts demanding the kind of lifestyle we expect here in the west.
Castro wasn't a communist until after the revolution. Read Kirk's biography.
It's actually in recent news. His kids inheriter $900,000,000. Meanwhile, Cuban people are robbing from the state on the street.
>le heroic gommie hero
The July 26th attack on moncada wasn't a communist rebellion, but a nationalistic one. Imo the only reason the revolution took on a socialist character was because of the influence of che, who honestly believed socialism was the only answer to problems of Latin America based mostly on his experience living in Guatemala, and Castro knowing that it would pissed off Washington while potentially getting allies in the ussr. So it's not that Castro was secretly a communist, he was a nationalist who saw communism as a way to achieve his nationalist goals
Oh, and the proof of course.
Yeah, the argument went never out of fashion. I would add though that capitalism also expanded on the inside of Western nations. We are now selling our rooms (air bnb), our cars (uber), our property (ebay) and so on on ever growing markets. Here in Europe health care and retirement systems got privatized and the overall idea was (for like 20 years) that the market is the best way to handle those things. So today Luxemburg would probably join a Libertarian party to let the market control every aspect of human life to accelerate the proletarization.
I really don't have to take a deeper look the know this is probably a GNC Cuban-Exile page and hardly a source.
Mao wasn't born into poverty. Khrushchev was, but he wasn't a dictator. On that token, neither was Lenin a dictator.
Daniel Ortega, Joseph Broz Tito, and Nikolai Ceausescu came from poor backgrounds as well.
>not a dictator
Ok, by what definition wasn't he a dictator?
A source non the less. Facts are facts, no matter who is distributing them.
But especially if it's the Miami Cuban community. They inherited Castro's bullshit, no reason to lie there.
already gave you links to read through carefully.
The revolution wasn't socialist. Fidel got cornered into pretending to be a communist because Eisenhower slapped the embargo on him.
The only freedoms he limited were economic. The press was severely restricted under Batista and there was no freedom of expression or right to peaceful demonstration. There were obviously no elections either.
He didn't hold dictatorial power as far as I'm aware, in the way that Stalin or Hitler did. Political rivals were never shot after he assumed power. The last political killing was Beria in '53.
Fucking retard.
Miami Cubans have every reason to lie because they need a pretext for the US to topple the government so they can get their land back. The living remnants of the exile generation really think Cuba will become capitalist before they die, and constantly push for a harder stance against the Castro government.
Source: Live in fucking Miami, dating a Cuban chick, half my friends are Cuban
>living in Miami
My condolences
There is no voting freedom in Cuba today, no freedom of expression or negative outbursts toward the government. It's all squashed on the spot.
Progress is made in certain pockets, but without government backing, very little. Only in numbers really.
Raul plans to step down in 2018, and nothing will change.
>Don't believe everything you read online
>t. William Shakespeare
Ehm you say it's true cause it's a fact and you say you know it's a fact cause the site tells you is true, aren't you?
Those numbers are usually based on Forbes, a magazine that in its on words only estimates the wealth and has very limited access to Cuba. The fact that the estimation jumped from 550 to 900 Million in just one year and that Castro would be richer than the Queen of England should function as an indication how reliable those numbers are.
>They inherited Castro's bullshit, no reason to lie there.
This is beyond retarded. They argued for getting rid of him for half a century.
He was though. I mean it was official doctrine that the USSR was ruled by the dictatorship of the proletariat i.e. its party i.e. its Politburo i.e. Khrushchev. Also:
>On 26 June 1953 Beria was arrested at a Presidium meeting, following extensive military preparations by Khrushchev and his allies. Beria was tried in secret, and executed in December 1953 with five of his close associates. The execution of Beria proved to be the last time the loser of a top-level Soviet power struggle paid with his life.[111]
Cuba is a repressive shithole but it's essentially always been a repressive shithole
Yeah, well, I'm ACTUALLY Cuban. Fuck who you're dating.
Reality now. Cubans are aware nothing will change. They oppose the regime, and know damn well change will only come from within. Because the only thing the US should be concerned with, is the US.
Don't think because you're dating a Cuban all of a sudden your left child mentality bullshit is cosa nostra.
Pretty much this but without Castro the US would profit from it being a shithole so they act all retarded about him.
Dictatorship of the proletariat is meant to be the replacement of the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie. ie, representative democracy where the rich dominate.
You could totally argue that Khrushchev's Politburo was dictatorial in that it totally dominated Soviet society, but Khrushchev himself was not powerful enough within this system to be considered a dictator.
Re-read that post
No, your grandparents are Cuban
Again I ask what definition you are using. Hitler and Caesar both had parties and people supporting then and still are dictators without doubt. Also Khrushchev did some minor purging in the buro which was strongly indicated by the quote i posted.
Yepp, it's a source: A source for what people in the US believe about Castro. It's not a source about Castro himself. Get some basic source criticism up and running please.
>a fact is a fact
So how you distinguish between a fact and a lie? Pro tip: basic fucking source criticism.
But I feel like your knowledge is mainly based on your political opinions and feelings.
I was born there. You seriously deserve that girl if she's as much a leftist as you. You're doing me a favor keeping that shit out of circulation. If you like Castro so much, try living over there and on them government rations. Guarantee you'll end up a hundred fold worse than my family is doing now.
>try living over there and on them government rations. Guarantee you'll end up a hundred fold worse than my family is doing now.
commushits on suicide watch
will they EVER recover?
There was zero room for partisan dissent in the case of either Hitler or Stalin
That isn't true of Lenin or Khrushchev