Is technocracy left wing?
Is technocracy left wing?
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Yes, as it advocates for a planned society.
Is societal planning all you need for a left wing ideology?
No, because it operates upon a strict meritocratic hierarchy with enforced inequalities, a hierarchy suborned explicitly to the ruling technocrat elite.
You could argue that every Marxist-Leninist or Dengist country ever was or is a technocracy.
If and only if leftist policy produces the maximally optimal, maximally cost effective, and maximally enduring solution to society's problems in the judgment of the educated citizenry of the technocratic state will left wing politics persist.
The premise of technocracy is that politics is a perfectible science with discoverable laws. Whatever those laws produce is what technocracy is.
We have seen that democracies tend to be more responsive to change and better able to weather regime change, however authoritarian regimes undoubtedly cut through red tape.
Mixtures of pre-programmed policy based upon conditions present in society is what I envision would be produced given historical data.
Democracy approaching socialism when things are good, decisions are easy, and there is plenty, time limited tyranny approaching fascism when in times of war, strife, famine, etc.
Just like now.
so does fascism
lol no
>lol no
if engineers and scientist made the same pay as non-educated laborers then they are not technocratic.
The majority of the Soviet politburo were engineers. Likewise for China.
>if engineers and scientist made the same pay as non-educated laborers then they are not technocratic.
I can assure you that in China engineers and scientists do not get paid the same wage as sweatshop workers.
>The majority of the Soviet politburo were engineers
there shouldnt be anyone in poitics besides scientist and engineers.
Why tho?
everything the state does is for technological advancement and they're the most qualified to judge whether that can be made reality.
>everything the state does is for technological advancementeverything the state does is for technological advancement
hol up
Where did you get this idea?
Technocracy is essentially engineer's syndrome memeing itself into politics:
Left-right dichotomy is a spook, the future should be above that sort of thing.
That's not inherently left wing
>everything the state does is for technological advancement and they're the most qualified to judge whether that can be made reality.
Chink Technocrats were literal aristocrats in Communist China.
Still are.
Fake and gay
>why yes, I do believe a hyperintelligent scientist like myself would be a benevolent dictator
>so does fascism
Fascism is also left wing, memes aside.
Its a socialist system, the only difference is that its not internationally focused and instead embraces the patriotism spook.
And capitalism. You forgot the capitalism.
>why yes I do believe that a self-important lawyer who's only accomplishments are graduating from a nepotism driven ivy league law school and being groomed by my successors who have done the same should would be a good leader
This is why doctors/ceos/engineers should only run for president desu senpai.
I don't believe the entire extent of human political organization can be placed on a left right spectrum.
>Bureaucratic lawyers
>STEM autists
We should limit politics to NEETs and philosophy majors instead of either of these shitty options.