I'm sick of all this toxin, injected into the hardened artery of Veeky Forums. We, as a community, need to stand up against these parasites. You know who I'm talking about. No, not the jews. No not, the bourgeoisie. The ideologues who spew their propaganda inside our board. The beings that think that Veeky Forums is a launching pad for their own ideas.
Both /pol/ and /leftypol/ see this place as a battlefield, or as nothing but yet another platform to infect more people with the blight that they both carry. This is not an opinion, this is a fact. And this blight has no place on this board, on our board. It is a kind of myopia, it fails to see the bigger picture in order to pursue its twisted goals, which makes sense in their own nearsighted mind, but is, to any sane person, merely a group ideology for the weak and timid who need to blame their problems on a scapegoat, on the jews, or the niggers, or the rich, or on whatever suits their fancy. And Veeky Forums is not subject to these fits of what almost classifies as modern superstition. We are, while perhaps not enlightened, we are true to the real world, and the real world is true to us, and this poison has no place in our realm, our noble History and Humanities.
What we see happening, and what has been happening ever since this boards conception, is a disgrace. And yes, I have been here since said conception. And yes, I will freely admit, I too have been swayed by /pol/, once, and its toxin is still in my system, but what I am asking, no, begging you all humble Veeky Forumstorians to do, is to reject this influence just like a human body rejects disease. Do not tolerate crossposting. Veeky Forums belongs to Veeky Forums, not /pol/ or /leftypol/, two plagues that seek to integrate (and subsequently wipe out) anything in its path, including but not limited to eachother.