lovey dovey plushy! edition
League of legends general /lolg/
Other urls found in this thread:
xth for my wife Syndra
Reminder to cum inside your support!
Annie is a viable support too
Lissfag is a janny right? This early thread won't get deleted
I'd cum inside Annie.
With consent.
>Worth 375.
Slight gain, at least.
>I don't have a Twitch. And from what I've seen in game, other people who do, shouldn't.
does annie have a nice thick red bush?
xth for lissfag is a nigger
Is Noxus the best region?
>that hint of pube
>on a loli
how do i get good
CS better
I like to think this annie fan art is her a few years older then she is in game
That's obviously a teen Annie.
>battling enemy sion at our red at level one
>meanwhile mid just stands there like a retard
>we both leave at half health
>enemy jungler shows up and cheese kills me
>meanwhile mine just finished wolves at 20% health
love toplane
xth for Syndra whom I fill daily.
is anyone else missing their daily win mission? did the remove it?
She's a video game character, she's not even real. All you're filling is tissues.
Xth for thicc muscular punk gfs
>game has opengl support
>game runs like shit on opengl
>dx9 is your only other choice
>theres old dx9 and new dx9 versions of support
>still no linux support despite this
riot i know youre king of jews in the gaming world but fucks sake
Tyrant or Dragon Master
what do you do when your mid galio feeds annie first blood level 2, and continues to kill him and then takes that lead bot and you can't fucking stop her from just flash ulting you
what happens when your anivia allows kata to kill her and roam
what do you do when your nasus gets a camp and still manages to get killed by irelia who still manages to out farm him
what do you do when said irelia tele's bot and dives you deep into your second tier turret so even if you back off you die
what do you do when your jungle feeds sthe enemy darius double buffs level 3
I just can't fucking deal with this shit.
This new Spellbound Orb item is weird, it has the potential to be good, but the tooltip only mentions "allied and enemy casts" for the stacking passive. If that's how it works then it's going to be automatically trash.
Also Rabadon's is getting its price reduced and is getting a much nicer buildpath, which is definitely a nice change, Rabadon's is a chore to build like it currently is.
she is my wife user
I don't fucking understand how sej's passive work.
Post skins you literally have never seen someone use not even once
>tfw no qt petite gf to hold at night when im feeling down
it's just hairy lines that indicate a shadow
not pubes
believe me i'm a pubeologist
Can I cum inside Thresh?
Reminder ti cum inside you ADC
*blocks your surrender*
last hit minions.
stop dying for retarded reasons
If you perfect those two things you'll easily get plat
xth for my wife Syndra
I genuinely dont see people use the pentakill yorick skin ever
its either classic or undertaker and i feel the reason is exclusively due to graves not having any rocking hands
>ADC lvl 14 when the jungler is 16
Post Vis
Best boy
Best ears
Best husband
Only if he was a good Thresh who deserves that reward
I want to fertilize this plant.
He spent the entire game saying how much he hated Zoe and laughing as he killed her over and over again. He kept on using ignite on her every single time her saw her.
It was lovely to watch.
How do I use new swain w? It feels so useless and does no damage
>Install Lutris.
>Go to website, choose the OGL version.
>lutris: protocol from browser, it basically installs itself.
>Game on.
Caveat: If you're Nividia, be sure you're on the blobs. Nouveau gives you slide show FPS, but the blobs are 99% fine.
Use it for vision on bushes, wave clearing and people you root, not that hard
>ban swain every game
who /DEVILISH/ here?
>24/1/5 in 29 minutes
Christ, did he just camp her lane all game or what?
The trick is use at the right distance to trigger the explosion on top of the enemy.
Dear Riot, please buff Sej's jungle clear, I don't care if you nerf her in everything else. Thank you
ive run league on a ps4 before user, trust me when i say i know i can do it
im just bothered there's no linux native support when there's clearly plenty of room to do so, considering OSX uses the fucking OGL anyway
at least ayymd doesnt cause that many problems on linux for gaymen. fuck nvidia. riot add vulkan support remove dx9
It's useless in low elo since your retarded teammates wont know what to do with the info you get from it.
Is there a lolg discord and if yes is it worth joining?
she's a cartoon
>see image
>hear the music
only brainlets need a champ that is good at fighting brainless npc monsters
I wanna marry Taliyah's eyebrows!
J4 buffs when
No, she's my wife.
Now that the dust has settled, what went wrong?
post day 1 builds and runes
I want to die
I just want to win or get a positive kda
It's par for the course when a new champion is released. Less to prevent the enemy as much as to prevent a teammate from getting it and feeding their ass off because they have no idea what they're doing.
Your main
Your rank
Your 3 porn tags
Your favorite fetish
Do you keep bread in the fridge
Jelly or Jam
nothing to be ashamed of
You can't user, They're already Kissing cousins! We don't want the Summoners Rift the become a second Alibama!
>That Sivir build
What the fuck is this?
Don't have one.
Don't play ranked.
Don't watch porn.
Don't have one.
Don't eat bread.
Probably one one of the reading chairs in the library. That way, she can be plausibly be sitting in your lap, and the fact that she needs to keep her voice down adds to the fun.
>I want to die
>I want a positive kda
pick one????
Transformation looks more like an edgy angel than a birb
Well /lolg/?
why the fuck are you here then
In the span of like an hour the quality of the thread went down the shitter. The only thing missing now is the serbgypsy.
>Any Magic Pen item
finish the items based on situation, he pretty well with CDR so he can shit out his q and e evem more than usual
Why not?
I'm guessing she was going for rageblade next, which is another can of worms.
>nearly level 30 after hours and hours of pure torture
>remember I still need to buy champions
I should have just bought a smurf
That would be agonizing if there was other people so she couldn't move much without giving it away.
I want to orally please Jinx! She's cute!
silver 4
cuck/ntr, sissy, femdom
Can you watch other people's games? I want to see this.
>pic related
At least you no longer need to choose between runes or champs
They only added the wings late into the project. It shows.
At what point do you think she'd give up on keeping quiet and just go all out not caring if anyone notices or watches?
Vore, Ryona, Anal
I can see that, it's fucking idiotic. It's no wonder Sivir's winrate is in the toilet if the people playing her are that stupid.
Vi would look back at you with a flushed face and a smile. That would make the agonizing tension worth it.
Imagine if Caitlyn were the one to catch you two.
>bread in the fridge
What the FUCK user?
Even if she was a girl(boy)?
I might save it and upload it at some point if he's ok with it.
Petite, Pov, Femdom
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!
Jinx is really affected by the current meta because of her lack of mobility doesn't lend her to survive against the increased damages the new system brought. The other immobile ADCs, specially Varus and Kogmaw, scale better into the late game because they synergize well with on-hit damage.
i do those and im barely gold
tank vayne, yes or no.
I like her percent damage but I can't be bothered to avoid the enemy. I just wanna sit there and let the %health damage do its job.
Tank + Guinsoo's + BotRK
post your
how did you do it? spam blind picks?
Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.