Communism fails every single time

>Communism fails every single time.
>It wasn't real communism.

>capitalism works
>kills millions every year

hasn't been tried

You can't get to communism if you try. It has to come about as an evolution of capitalism.

>Capitalism "kills" people.

>real communism "kills" people

>Killed an awful lot of people in The Soviet Union, Ukraine, North Korea and China.

>Implying brutal punishments aren't a necessary part of "real" communism.

Scientific socialism was a mistake. It's time to leave behind the cuckoldry of the past and set our sails on the lemonade sea.

Because it really wasn't.
Find me a country where the people actually had the means of production

>billions of people die as under capitalist regimes
>muh it isnt capitalism fault it has notting to do with anything
>a few million people die under a communist system
>muh dam murder commies
American hipocrasy is simply wonderful

>communist system



There is a difference between dying because you mismanaged your rice farm or someone carved yoir head in due to instability and dying because the government mismanaged your rice farm or sending an official goon to kill you because you r complains spoil the workers paradise.

Its suppost to be misspelled

You do know the amount of people that acctualy got executed in the USSR and China is quite low most people died of strarvation due to bad harvests

>workers form unions
>get deported to australia and die after going to the loo
>need to eat
>die in the horrible conditions at the age of 12 in a factory
Not even a commie, but these seem like deaths due to capitalism.

>most people died of strarvation due to bad harvests
*caused by soviet corruption and incompetence

Russia, through the vanguard party

metaphysical nonsense

Kind of like property

The tankies are becoming sentient!

So the irish died due incompetence ?
Since we are calling shitty crops incompetence now

>same thread posted every day

>it's not the same thread

a) Communism cannot be 'tried', as it is proposed to be the 'end of history'
b) Socialism can be 'tried', as it is a proposed alternarive to capitalism that will result in communism
c) Socialism isn't just Soviet-patent state capitalism/dictatorship of the proleteriat. There are many other theories that count as socialist, the most 'popular' being democratic socialism. Leninism is actually criticized a lot among socialists. The necessary prerequisite to consider a system 'socialist' is that it proposes the elimination of the capitalist class and its replacement by worker control over the means of production.
d) No, the main value socialists promote is not 'forced equality', that's an American meme. Socialists' criterion is liberty, which is why they oppose the worker-capitalist relation (they see it as oppressive, and consider the owners' profits as unfair, as it alienates the capital from its producers, giving back only a small part of it). And no, welfare is not a socialist practice. It's in place to make workers' lives bearable in a capitalist system and make it possible for them to compete with capitalists, despite being significantly disadvantaged (Without paid education, social mobility would drop to near zero. Not that it's much higher now, mind you. There are also laws that protect small enterprises, but they are dubiously effective, particularly with all the lobbying and corruption.).

>billions of people die as under capitalist regimes
>this is what communists actually believe

There are bad crops and then there is mao the fucktard making everyone smelt his irontools to make an unsustainable turboindustrialisation possible or deciding that sparrows are now an enemy of the people...

Anyway, the point was that what 'failed' was 'real socialism' insomuch that it was one of the systems classified as socialist (leninism and its mutations) made real.

>implying that isnt true

>people dying because they can't afford medical treatment
>people dying in war caused just to make more benefit
>people dying because companies fucked up the environnement to make profit
The only difference is that with capitalism you can't blame only one guy.

Of course it's never been tried. Communism was just a spook to control people all along.

Every successful revolutionary almost immediately turned their country into a cash cow, sold its raw materials and everything they looted, sent the money to a swiss bank account, imported luxuries from capitalist countries, partied and feasted in grand palaces and had orgies in hot tubs full of champagne.

>Judeo-Capitalism and Judeo-Communism are the only two choices

I want reddit commietards to leave

>tfw i bait these stupid threads every day for guaranteed (yous)

there are different types of communism.
for example trotzkyism would require the whole world being communist under one gouvernment. it most likely wouldnt work either but it has not ben tried.
marxism-leninism and stalinism and maoism and some more have been tried and didnt work but there are a lot of communist theories and some might work

you know both systems are known to do both of these things

especially during the Cold war

No such ting as judeo-communism breh
Atheism is a key requirement for large scale communist revolution. Also usually the murder of priests and nuns and sacking of churches.
Which is why I advocate HELICOPTERING the shit out of them.

>capitalism fails everytime
>its not real capitalism its "Crony capitalism"

>Communist dictatorships fail
>it was communism's fault
>Capitalist dictatorships fail
>it was the dictators fault

I think the real problem is authoritarianism, unfortunately we've never had a democratic communist state to test my hypothesis.

>Million of people die at night
>the dark makes it easier to sneak and murder
>the earth's rotation kills people

Thats it why are we standing for this america? Why are we letting darkness and itsbally the moon get away with this? Light up sheeple!

>welcome to causation and correlation mate

i don't know what else to call forcing farmers to give all their food crops to the party(tm) under threat of being sent to the gulags, thus depriving them of food to sustain themselves.

tell me one, just one fucking capitalist dictatorship with a free market

Only ancaps say this shit.

Pinochet's Chile.

I'm a newbie, but why does communism always fall into authoritarianism

Batista's Cuba.


Trump's America


Russia has a mixed economy.

They failed because they attempted to completely circumvent Marx's theory. Marx plainly said his model of socialism was only ever intended for Western Europe.

The US (two party dictatorship).


Can't because its impossible due to human nature.

Yeah Holodomor was totally just the fault of Ukrainians, those bitches just couldn't grow food fast enough to meet the sensible needs of the proletariat.

>as it alienates the capital from its producers, giving back only a small part of it

correct me but with worker ownership capital as such would no longer exist yes?

>Kill all your livestock
>Oh shit, what am I supposed to eat?

Exactly as i predicted it.

wew lad

>21,000 people die everyday from starvation
>lol capitalism can't be responsible they were just lazy

>communist country
>is a total shithole

>North korea
>communist country
>is a total shithole

>correct me but with worker ownership capital as such would no longer exist yes?
Why do you think that?
>They failed because they attempted to completely circumvent Marx's theory. Marx plainly said his model of socialism was only ever intended for Western Europe.
Yeah, I know. They tried industrializing to WestbEurope levels ASAP, but had mixed successes.

>when people die in communism it's the fault of communism
>when people die capitalism it's never the fault of capitalism

at least be consistent.

>millions of deaths at the hands of backwards peasant dictatorships modernizing their countries with paranoia at world powers is at the fault of some German pamphlets and not because they were backwards peasant dictatorships modernizing their countries with paranoia at world powers

Communism and socialism are imposible to try. People just don't work that way.
Closest thing is welfare state.

I think if we ever truly want to make socialist gains towards a sustainable and just economic system in the 21st century, we should admit that the communist experiments of the 20th century were almost all disasters. I don't think it's because communism is a failed system, and I do think the Soviet Union and present-day China are truly capitalist states deep down.

The doctrine of "communism in one county" can't and won't ever work, if the rest of the world trades by a capitalist system. If a socialist revolution is to succeed, it must be the entire global economy being reworked.

The sacrifices of Lenin and Trotsky were noble, but communism failed because the revolutions in the United States, Britain, and other anti-communist superpowers didn't succeed.

And Stalin did betray the revolution, get over it Veeky Forums.