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how do you even fuck shirahoshi?

With all the other stuff going on, don't forget - permanent Straw Hat sockets come to global tomorrow

Based Shirahoshi OP

Yeah but now that it's coming I'm realizing I don't really have many that need to be socketed anytime soon

sup heard bout this game and been wanting to play but everyone was like wait for sabo lucy on anni in some weeks.. i dont think i can wait that long but i do like sabo, so my plan is to make and reroll an account tomorrow and try to get law and a legend, then do story mode until i get like 150 gems or whatever, then pray i get lucy in anni.. if i dont then just reroll lucy on anni.. how does that sound guys?

I want to know how she poops

>Sabo and Mihawk books in 2 hours and 22 minutes
I'm ready.

Remember to use your stamina before the miantenance starts in 2 hours and 20 minutes and it lasts for 7 hours.

Finally getting that autoheal on G4.

You probably won't need to reroll. A lot of us won't get Lucy and we won't reroll for him.

Just put him on your White Whale list and complain with the rest of us during all the Sugo when you don't pull him.

I'm going to socket a lot of Nami and Sanji.

To be fair, we won't reroll for him because we already have established accounts. If he hasn't started yet, then hell yeah rerolling for Lucy seems like the way to go now that he's FINALLY right about here.

Sounds good. It'll be nice to start the Ani sugo with a bit of tension like the rest of us even if you'll end up rerolling anyway.


Should I bother socketing legend Sanji?

Does anyone here actually need him as a friend unit?

Picking up a question from last thread about limit break:
You said only turbo whales or autists get rainbow boarders. Does that mean nobody use lb material on farmable units?
Some raids of colos have to be worth it.

If this Anni is just as good as last year's, he may get some good legends and RR during those 3 multi.

Ask us if you should reroll or not when you do pull.

sure but id proly reroll anyways fi i dont get lucy, to me one tier 0 captain is better than x many tier 1 captains..

>people still think Lucy is coming with the anniversary

I've been telling you guys over and over - it's 6+ Zoro, guaranteed after 6 multis. Lucy will come after the anniversary. Use your brains.

Whether during or after the Anni, he's coming within like a month. Soon either way

I've only used him when captains/friend are going to get blown away.

Your call. If the Anni is really good, you might be able to a lot of legends in a rerolled single multi anyway.

Infrequently but yes
Double Sanji madness is surprisingly fun

Exactly as said. I'm pretty much using Neptune for everything now, but when I do pull out my nice Sanji and use him, it's a fucking blast.
>mfw I "unfortunately" can't use Neptune and am able to use Sanji

tfw when there are shirahoshilets who don't have her and will never pull her in the thread right now.

Daily reminder to execute ALL Magellan owners

>wake up

So for those who have Raid Enel, SWS Zoro, or even Neptune, you can beat Raid Sanji with them. These are just example teams from Gamewith, the Enel team and SWS Zoro team subs can be easily replaced with damage reducers or delayers for the rooms. Ships that can be used for Enel are WB Ship, Coated thousand Sunny, if you need any advice for this, please let me know. And for the SWS Zoro team, Legend Fuji and Legend V1 Law are not needed at all.

Maintenance starts soon. I bet we get the same icon we have now but with 3rd Anniversary on it.
I doubt we'll get an original Lucy one.

lb material is different. LB material (crystals, shards and orbs) are used to progress in the LB tree which gives stats, sailor abilities, sockets, reduces CDs and unlocks the LB abilities at level 1
the LB abilities then have to be leveled to 5 with tablets. said tablets have a 0% success rate and are rarer than invasions on global, therefore nobody ever has them above level 1
dupes of a unit guarantee a LB levelup but who the fuck is going to pull 12 dupes of the same legend?

I mean a hole is a hole.

I still haven't finished resocketing my Doffy, I have too much shit to catch up on. I'll need to socket my TS Zoro, several usopps, TS Sanji, TS Nami, TS Chopper, red and blue, TS Robin, and OG fucking Robin.

>several usopps
My man. I have a dickload of usopps just waiting for sockets.

pudding in 5

The icon has changed.

When is maintenance over?

>I had full stamina


2 am pst
I thought it was tommorow but atleast i finished off my 2 boa skillups before it tho still gonna waste stamina

what's the maintenance for ?

>All the Challenges are for legends I don't have
>But Fuji has Diamante books

What do I do?

Now youre just asking stupid questions

run it

I'm running jinbe for koala, ts sanji, burgess and hack books

its 3x skillup, theres no reason not to max everything

how about just answering the question? there's often more than the update notes say on the play store

I'm going for Sanji books too. I'be had him since he came out and use him often but have yet to get a single skill-up on him.

Do it. I used these islands to pick up some RR books and it was great. I only wanted brook books from zoro and i maxed him quickly.

I guess. I'm not fond of the colos and I'm in no rush to pull this sugofest either. Probably won't until Lucy drops.

Holy Jesus only just noticed this nigger has 1596 ATK without candy
what a beast

chu say

>smoker one level until max
This will trigger me for a while even if I maxed Buggy

Wait until she turns 30 to grow legs like all mermaids?

Will Shirahoshi win the Luffybowl?

dont be rude

Unless he gets a harem, 0.

chapter out

I’ll wait for niggastream

so today is the anni Sugo right? since the 3rd anni started

>Wake up
>No Katakuri

No. It's the "use all your gems so you buy more for the real sugo" sugo.

Right, today is the pre anni sugo, the bait sugo, and it's bad one. 2 weeks or so until we get the real one.

No. It's not officially an _______ sugo unless it has it in the name. We generally have bait sugos before the real one. The real 3rd Anni sugo will be say "3rd Anni sugo" on the banner picture

big maughm 6*
free spirit / powerhouse

CA: Boosts the ATK of all units by 2.75x and HP by 1.3x. Meat orbs count at matching for all units and further boost atk by 1.25x. Greatly boosts rate of meat orbs. In any turn in which you do not consume at least one meat orb, reduces current HP by 25%.

Crewmate ability: Meat orbs count as matching for this unit. Hitting a PERFECT with a meat orb still heals you.

Special: Changes all orbs into MEAT orbs. For the next 2 turns, hitting a PERFECT with a meat orb will still heal you and deals 100x your healing (including overhealing) in typeless damage that ignores all barriers to all enemies at end of turn. If this character is captain, co-captain or helper captain, also delays all enemies for 2 turns and reduces all damage taken by 50% for 1 turn.

please rate n' hate, im going nuts waiting for limit beaku

I think it really sucks that Legend Enel was the unit to have higher chance of meat orbs, and make them matching. Because a CA like that really does fit Big Mom.

new episode of botchamania is up guys


Maintenance has been extended.

Pic or GTFO

Sure thing, nakama

Goddammit Bamco

>the maintenance time has been extended

Not sure why that was deleted.
Here's another

I thought 7 hours would be long enough.

I hope they're putting in the pull chance for sugo.

What is this, DW?

No chance.


All the other gacha are doing it because of Apple. Bamco's email to a player even said they're adjusting it.

I forgot what's the deadline for it though.

end of february, so basically after anni
they're probably waiting for that to fuck us over one last time

They'll probably do something ambiguous

>wake up

I think it's the end of February. I hope to god you are right, it would be fucking amazing. But I can't see Bamco not taking the chance to scam people one last time during this huge upcoming sugo.

That's what happened in the Final Fantasy game
I can see it now, they don't have to tell us a specific unit's chance

They probably think telling us straight up that the best legends are "low-chance" is good enough.
Those legends just being rarer is so scummy by itself anyway.

they don't have to, but people will keep bugging them until they do because japan actually has every single unit's chance

>luffy get kicked in the face for like 10 chapter
>katakuri is as tired as luffy just by beating him down so much
>can still use gear 4
>he will still "oneshot" katakuri next chapter
>luffy keep standing up every time but katakuri will stay down after the first time

Here comes Log Luffy's 6+

Man if WB was part of the later + batches I'm sure they would've boosted his multiplier. 3x is shit for a Yonko

apology gem upon apology gem

>Anni turns out to be bad
>They release the pull rate the next day and the rates are decent
I'm scared

WB+ at 3.25x would have been totally balanced and based to boot. Here’s hoping the old man gets a V.2 to do his family values badass self justice

I was saving my stamina and snails for right now so I could all the new legend books isles. I should have just used it all before.
I bet it takes until after the new day. I wish they would give us an estimate.

I still can't believe Whitebeard is dead...

Just read the new chapter while waiting for end of maint.
Katakuri next nakama

I think this IS their solution, 100%. I'd love to be wrong, but if nothing seems to change even after February ends and people are like, "what happened, weren't they supposed to put in pull rates?" Well, that is it. It's already there

12 mins

I expect a gem for each minute of delay

Maint's done.


or not because no materials

Rebecca's Limit Break Juice Coliseum coming tomorrow wahoo

>two download gems
>plus two from mail