>Heroes FAQ and Links
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>SoV Links
>Heroes FAQ and Links
>Links and Resources
>SoV Links
FEH isn't canon
mine pity broke me a few days before the boost was announced
So who wins from the new weapon refinery?
Seems like Raven did
Caeda or Alm
Starlight Katarina when
Is the new TT a mini or a full?
Cmon post your inventories/feathers/orbs for the upcoming shitstorm
Bros. Don't worry. Le Reddit and Le /v/ told me Roy and FE6 are not popoular so no-one will even roll for him or Lilina. They'll be back to Fateswakening seasonals in no time!
>still shit.
How do I build a +spd -hp Alm?
Does Alm want to quad people?
Lilina pls
Fuck i wish i could roll more of you
Who will be the next batch of Heroes to get upgrades?
Basically everyone. Although Zephiel's is not as good as the other ones though
One of the biggest reasons why Nu Mystery sucked.
Neither Roy or Lilina will be free. The silhouettes never are.
Sexy Serika Seasonal!
Summer micro bikini NINO when?
Bunny NINO when?
How can mommyfags EVER recover?
4 orbs, but I don't want anything from the special heroes banner so I'll be good for a bit
Might not even spend until golden week
can I share the account with someone? Pls respond.
Why does gamepress assume Lilina's the freebie anyway?
15 more minutes till we know whos gonna be the tt reward
people will ignore this even though it's valid
The irony is that the GBA fags came here from reddit haha
>lilina still voiced by julie kliewer
Raven, Alm, Hinoka
Didn't they assume Ayra was too?
Reminder that Camilla is now one of the worst fliers in the game in two different colors, instead of just two.
All we need now is for Linde's map to be better for grinding than Camilla's to force Camillafags to commit ritual suicide.
>Muhh paterns
We literally had only 1 seasonal free unit
>Roy and Lilina were in the silhouettes, they're obviously on banner
>Eliwood and Hector are their respective parents
>Lyn being the odd one out would mean the banner is two greens, one blue, and one colorless, for just the right amount of jewing
Remember this. I'm gonna feel like a dumbass when the trailer comes out and Lyn is on it
Hopefully regular Roy, Lilina and Lloyd
Lilina isn't the tempest unit, enjoy your Lyn or Marth.
There's only been one recorded case of any seasonal unit being free though. You can't definitively make a pattern off that alone.
well trailer's probably in ten minutes so whatever lmao
Marth will be your free TT unit
>hate seasonal meme units with dumb effects and outfits
>valentines hector straight up shits all over the original
fuck this game
Not good enough, hinoka
They cant. Literally having a meltdown over Hinoka’s prf and twisting themselves into knots trying to make her out to be shit.
>all my blessings are on reds
>Reminder that Camilla is now one of the worst fliers in the game in two different colors, instead of just two
>in two different colors, instead of just two
>two different colors, instead of just two
>two instead of two
please, please I need at least ONE distant counter to fodder off
other previous thread
Honkers raven caeda and alm(felicia gets slightly better but not enough)
Give it to me straight, what are the chances of Eliwood as the TT reward? It'd save me the nightmare of having to roll for a month and never get him like with dancer Inigo.
Silhouette is her damaged art you dingus
It's not a pattern - the silhouettes are units that appear on the trailer the next day. The trailer for the units that are on the banner.
Fuck off retard.
Will Felicia want +Atk or +Spd with the plate
Lyn is a fucking Ligthining, and one of the most popular girls in the franchise, her? free? I don't think so, Roy has the shittiest stat spread, he'll be the free one.
Can new Hector get old Armads?
If daddy is the free unit I will hotglue my alm amiibo
I'd be plenty fine with another "Marth" more merges for a grand+7 for free and I don't give 2 shits about 6 or 7 anyway.
Protip: there's no way to datamine the TT rewards (unit or seals) so stop shitposting speculation as fact
>only have gotten -atk and -spd Caedas
>my alm is -atk
Shoot me
Zeph likes being a wall, now he's a bigger wall, he's also careful so he doesn't hurt dragon lolis.
>I'm gonna feel like a dumbass when the trailer comes out and Lyn is on it
Yes, yes you will.
U fuckin lied to me feg !!!! I wanted cute tharja and tiny design!!!!!!
>Hinoka became a top tier blue flier while Camilla is still mediocre in all three forms
The state of mommysoys
Winners: caeda, alm, maid, & raven
Losers: cecilia
Not even IS has the balls to rerun Marth again this soon right?
Zephiel's is great if you gave him DC but it still isnt that good. Threaten skills are garbage so he pretty much just got DD3. He probably got it the worst out of all the new toys.
Kamui and Aqua BHB
>foddering the new Hector
He's fucking broken, why would you do this?
Should I promote my +Spd -Def Caeda?
>+atk/HP 2
>Blazing Flame
>Atk Tactic 3 as the only good skill
>green mage
>Julie Kliewer
Lilina just has to be the free unit, r-right guys? I’m not gonna get Kektor’d, r-right?
don't get my hopes up LynAnon
Good, I'll take a free Eliwood.
>Almost foddered a 5* +Spd -Res Caeda.
Now to wait for a +Atk -Def one.
Tsubasa Oribe will be TT reward
Just got home
ls the refinery update out?
Does it unfuck Zephiel or he still sucks?
>foddering hone speed when myrrh comes with hone attack
Wheres that Marth poster with Infantry pulse distant counter? I need your marth
You get the fucking point though it's not her
Tomorrow we can run Ryndisu-sama vs stinkina 4 on 4.
What a glorious time.
Also enjoy getting cucked by Hector when rolling for Lilina.
>Roy has the shittiest stat spread
Are you retarded?
he still sucks
fuck no, i'm voting Gunthra, I don't have a green with a blessing.
No one cares redditor
>(Excludes dragons)
But is it better than Berkut's for a DC build? My main problem is that my SRobin in -def so either I have to def refine to try to be a mixed tank, ignore the def buff from bite, or go full res with BL.
Perhaps a better question is: who else would better benefit from First Bite? I got plenty of Berkuts but only this one (extra) Charlotte.
He's still shit
Signs say it's very likely
Every other character besides Lilina is more popular than him and she was in the silhouette so she's out
They could always pull some Ayra shit and put him on a different banner though
Beruka please.
t. Camillashitter, enjoy your shit tier waifu forever being a shit tier unit in every incarnation
(Excludes Dragons)
>Free distant counter
>Free blue armored mage
>Free Armor with the highest bst in the game
If you think that the BK case will repeat giving u an amazing unit you are retarded
Lilina can't be free don't fool yourself
What if it's a five unit banner and we get Tobin from the TT
>His Threaten Defense effect got nerfed so it doesn't work on Dragons
He sucks.