It's 1936 and you're Adolf Hitler what do you do?
It's 1936 and you're Adolf Hitler what do you do?
whoever made this pic needs to be holocausted. It's not even German-tier funny.
try harder to ally polan, maybe prepare a coup.
dont treat russkies like shit and create anti commie corps out of them
dont waste resources on britain
dont loose fleet on norway
dont declarate un US after pear harbor
[spoiler] dont holocaust [/spoiler]
Try my hardest to become a gangster rapper.
Invade Israel
Stop after Austria and Czchekoslovakia. Help out Italy a bit to keep an ally close. Denounce Japanese actions against the USA and distance myself from them. Support fascist influence in the UK and USA. Go with the Strasserist plan on Jews.
Economy of Turd Reich was war-based. They would need to invade someone eventually. They would collapse if they didn't invade Pooland in 1939.
So don't make my economy war based. Problem solved.
Nothing different, it was a fun ride.
Sell the Rhineland to France, sell East Prussia to Poland and retire.
There's no fucking use in starting WW2 and ruining Europe. I might as well put Germany in a position where it can never harm anyone ever again.
Impossible, the treaty restricted Germany to do anything
Don't overextend so much.
Your points are valid, but you argue like an autistic child with your "Turd Reich" and "Pooland" buzzwords.
both were shit and let the kikes win with their dick waving contest
Announce that I did some more research and it turns out almost everything I said about Jews was wrong, and they're actually a big part of what makes Germany great.
Spend political mana to make Britain fascist, then abuse the multiple-frontline strategy to cheese france and steamroll.
- Desperately try to roll back the military-industrial complex that is messing up the German economy. Fire the remaining socialist or corporatist minded Nazis and set up a more competitive, mostly capitalist economy and encourage consumer products. Living standards are going to drop and a lot of people will be unstatisfied, but luckily there are no elections anymore and any complaints people have can take it to the Gestapo.
- Also fire loonatics like Himmler, Göbbels, Streicher and the likes. Put less ideological professionals like Hjalmar Schacht, Walther Funk, Canaris or the Prussian military elite into important position.
- Go through with the Anschluss like in reality, the German budget is shit and it needs those Austrian currency and gold reserves.
- When the economy gets back on track, try to open up a country a bit, ease up on the whole fascism and antisemitism thing and try to cooperate with other European countries. Use the USSR as a boogieman to make them go along with it.
- Leave Jewish scientists alone, stop the Deutsche Physik nonsense and invest heavily in nuclear research, both for peaceful and military purposes.
- Germany has the best infrastructure, the largest and most educated population in Europe, a huge resource base, many existing factories etc. Just sit there peacefully, encourage common economic zones and watch the Reich dominate Europe without war.
- Fire my doctor and get off drugs, invest in Parkinsons' research.
- Bang Leni Riefenstahl.
There were ways to remove the treaty without violence, nazis just did not try hard enough to push the clausula rebus sic stantibus.
avoid war
send some jews and commies to dachau
build autobahns
build germania with speer
build nazi space program with von braun
Kek this would be fucking hilarious
>- Bang Leni Riefenstahl.
She would probably have turned him down desu
Since the League of Nations ended in 36, would you change policy and apologize for leaving three years prior? Would you try and make a new organization like it?
Maybe, how about an alternate EU?
Kek you mean one where the Germans have more power than they do today? Turn them against communism and force them to attack Stalin.
Yall are missing that hitler only rose to power on his ideology of race war. Yeah, it would have been smarter for him to consolidate his gains and chill and build up germany, but that goes against an ideology that says peace is only a preparation for war, and a country hammed up to revenge themselves for ww1. Check out nazism and war by bessel, great book
I think the point of this user is to do just that. Instead of going all ham on the whole of Europe to instead use Germany's might through manipulating one country at a time. More peace means more time to build power.
My point is that the nature of hitler and the nazis prevent that from happening. After the annexation of czechoslovakia, the dude was furious it went peacefully. He wanted fighting, and so did most Germans. I don't think Hitler would've been able to hold onto power for a particularly long time without going to war
Create nukes. Get Japan to declare war on the USSR from the east, and invade USSR from the west.
Nuke Moscow.
Europe is saved.
Retire, and move to france
>Be Der Fuehrer
>Give Speer command of the armaments industry
>Sack Goering
>Don't persecute the Jews
>Commence anschluss of the Sudetenland and Austria
>Chum up with the Soviets
>Invade Poland and France
>Don't invade Albion. But strengthen Luftwaffe for the eventual bombing raids that will happen
>Host the 1940 Olympics
something something hedonism
Fire this fat fuck
Make hot love to eva braun or whatever the fuck her name is, swimsuit webm is 10/10
Have Ribbentrop, Himmler, Goring, Goebbels, Hess, and Bormann executed.
Make friends with Poland, Finland, and the Baltics by making them afraid of the USSR.
Stay cordial with Italy, but don't get into their wars.
Invest heavily in agricultural science. Don't need lebensraum if we can kickstart the green revolution.
Back China for their raw materials instead of siding with Japan.
Ditch battleships and crusiers. Focus on fast destroyers and stealthy submarines. Stop designing heavy tanks, improve the STUG. Focus on fuel efficiency and reliability for engines.
Convert to Judaism.
Claim everything wrong with Germany is because of a lack of religious purity rather then racial purity.
Cite historic wrongs pointed out by Martin Luther and the abuses of the Crusades to inspire nationalist Germanic pride.
Insist on the creation of an all Jewish state inside Germany as historically protestants provided refuge to those fleeing the inquisition and is thus the true holy land cuz HRE. (doesn't matter if it's true it sounds true and will piss off the Italians).
Bankers love you and shower you with the geld.
People love you and help you siege the Reichstag. Fix German economy by ignoring French war debt and seizing property from dissenters just like before who get shipped to labour camps when their mortgages fail rather than when the police come. Police still come, just its money magic that's justifying the violence, not blood magic.
Same events as in this universe except, the Allies are unable to unite against you because the chosen people diaspora/intelligentsia interferes with their foreign policy.
Say 'just as planned' whenever this happens as you gobble up Europe in the name of the precious spilled blood of the historically Germanic Jews of Europe.
After all, you are just killing heretics so that's fine because there's a precedent, unlike genocide which is totally different.
Die a hero who did nothing wrong.
Why would the treaty force Germany to have a war-based economy? Seems rather dumb...
All while Jews were starting armed uprisings? Good luck.
Built an Anti-Bolshevik alliance with Poland, Ukrainians in the USSR and Finland and invade Soviet Union. But this time act as liberators, instead of treating Russians like shit.
sell some big pieces of land to other countries.
then i would hire some mercenaries to destroy the infrastructure and kill anyone in important places (except me).
then i would just take what's left in treasury and vanish into some warm and comfy place.
>All while Jews were starting armed uprisings?
"The jews" were doing no such thing. Please use sources other than literal Nazi propaganda.
Learn how to paint better
put all money into nuclear development