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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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reddit in the op
Why does /feg/ hate dragons so much?
What IVs do Felicia and Caeda want now? +ATK or +SPD (or even +RES)?
give me their fucking lines
Have the quotes been datamined yet?
kill yourself dellexe
Has a single character in Heroes ever been cucked as hard as Camilla? At this point I almost feel sorry for her it's gotten so bad.
Who is next to have full team of alts?
We're never getting another Florina, since IS just wants to shill their Lightning. She'll probably be the fire legendary hero too
Because they're too smart to not initiate on that Steady Breath + QR3 Nowi.
When it comes to building a team for them they're the most restrictive team type since there' only like 7 of them in the game
Uhh what happens when he gets hit
>holiday banner that isn't fateswakening
>free weed
Is this the best holiday banner ever?
Caeda can go for +spd due effect.
sorry your refine isn't better marth
>When Alm have the only upgrade that actually affect them
Speed tying with Sophia! What a privilege!
Who /SKIPPING/ here?
I don't.
>quests to do infernal ghbs with infantry/armor/flier/cav teams
I-I'm scared, /feg/
Guys try to make up a shitty effect for Camilla's prf (assuming she actually gets one)
tfw you wake up and have 175 BST
So who should I roll for?
Hey wait if no one has armor boots does that mean it's a TT seal?
>Lyn has 3 husbands + Mark
>4 versions of Lyn
Who gets which version?
So how the fuck are people planning on running Eliwood? His spread seems weird.
>Lyn's art ruined by Wada Sachiko
Who do I improve
>+1 +Def -HP Alm
>+Atk -Def Raven
good celica alt in 2 months!
So IS finally confirmed that Lyn and Hector are canon?
I noticed in this screenshot on the bulletin that the Training Tower is grayed out. Does that suggest it might be going down at some point?
>getting hit
Have you learned NOTHING from bartre?
Run him with 3 dancers, user.
>Getting hit
>Not just building him to one-punch everything to death
I don't understand what you mean.
Holy shit.
Hector and Xander
Dumb Fatesbabby
>berserk armads
>holiday banner that isn't fateswakening
you may think this is good on the surface, but when you consider who actually got the banner, it's clear it isn't
Wendee Lee is a miracle of the universe. I'm going to roll Blue on my free roll just in case!
Green is second cause Lilina is a cute chipmunk, CUTE!
>game still won't update
I fucking hate iOS
>pulls the same shit as the christmas banner
>Built in *breath
>Attack the lower of def or res
>Shits out glacies like after eating at taco bell
Roy, he's one away.
>Wew LaD 6.
>60 atk.
>yfw it's literally just the effect Camilla's Axe has in Fates
gonna give him the slaying spear and run him as anti-armor himself, he has good mixed defenses to deal with zelgius and tharja
I can't wait for new Eliwood
Bartre would be proud.
If I get a Lyn I'm giving her package to Duke Tanas
As much as I want Hector and Lyn, I don't like using Armors.
Personal rank of Seasonals. What's yours feg?
Eliwood (He can hit hard and possibly fast for a armor if you invest Fury +Support + Speed Seal on his)
Hector (A more bulky and heavy hitter than normal Hector)
Roy (Brave Bow + Death Blow + More bulk than his mother)
Lyn (The triangle is complete! But Winter Tharja is probably the best out of the three )
Lilina (Another Green Cav...yay?)
>tfw no Alm
This. Better Wada when?
Does she just come into your fucking barracks and tell you to get her
>didn't confirm
I guess you hate dragons since you still get them get hit by -4 def
>She doesnt share focus
>roy and his mommy invite lilina and her daddy to look for eliwood, lyn's husband
Reminder that Roy/Lilina and Hector/Lyn are now IS-approved C A N O N.
Cecilia/Lalum/Florina/Gonzales/Rath/Markcucks can go cry in the corner now.
Yes. And it doesn't need to be upgraded just like QP.
Nigga, what are you doing, I'm on iOS and updated as soon as it released, step up
>Camilla's Axe
>+3 res
>atk/speed halved upon attacking
>Refine: If unit survives, gets 1.5x shards/crystals from training tower map
Why the fuck does IS love armors so much
why does amelia's damaged art turn me on
*wobble wobble wobble*
Felicia wants +Atk to better exploit weaknesses, though anything with a defense bane will be useful in the meantime.
>they actually did it.
Bravos for IS having balls. Kaga would be proud.
Get fucked, asshole
I would hope so since training tower is useless besides getting badges and the rates are pretty terrible over all. I think they are replacing the training maps with the new special training maps where the enemies have specific weakness so you can train units easier.
Honestly, as long it is +ATK and not -SPD. Any iv should be fine.
I would, but if it wasn't for Lilina being a green horse, I would save up my orbs. I hope to god I don't get cucked by Hector, strange as that sounds.
Florina gets all of them to herself.
>have spd boon res bane alm
>have 4 sorens for watersweep
>they are all either atk or spd boon and res or def bane
what if i need them? those twinks came after trying to summon beefcake ike, and that i have use for them, they are all good
>Lilina/Roy+Hector/Lyn now canon
>Corrin and Azura BHB
IS is getting ballsy now
give Myrrh headpats or else!
Maybe DD3 SS
I have no clue for the other stuff, I skipped Christmas so no fodder but I want to make him the best he could be
Alm, Ravens are easier to roll more of for better IV and AA is dragon hell these days
>it's another armored seasonal meme
at least i have a use for my shitty IV mae now
Hector gets Valentine's Lyn.
Eliwood gets Brave Lyn.
Mark gets Bridal Lyn.
Rath gets Normal Lyn.
Imagine how sweaty and stuffy Amelia gets under all that heavy armor haha
+atk -def
+atk -hp/def w/ phantom speed seal
What the hell are they all wearing
I have a 4*+6 Raven. Is there any way I can get his new weapon on the 4* version?
>implying heroes is canon
I sure love the part of FE6 where Roy can use a Killer Bow.
Florina x Mark
Kill yourself.
I have a +spd-hp Caeda.
Is she worth promoting now?
If it's going to be confirmed canon, it'll be when quotes come out.
If Hector / Lyn never mention each other, it ain't canon.
If they do, Lilyna is confirmed.
Who /goingtogreenhell/ here?
Hello there, Nice to see that you are rolling greens.