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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Yeah but brave weapon+windsweep is broken as fuck.
What sounds like a better team?
Marth, Fae, Bravecina, Linde (Dark Aura)
Marth, Hawk Eye(Or Anna), Bravecina, Linde (Dark Aura)
>only Alm is +res/-spd
Where are people getting the audio lines from the patch?
I can't find them anywhere
Link for the new art in the new update?
I'm ready
What happened to this best friend's chest?
Should I roll for Lyn or Kektor?
Not in Utica no, it's an Albany expression.
wtf bros fate won again
>they actually expect you to roll for Roy
>dead game
i just realized nephenee is proto donnel mozu
ded gaem lmoa
>Shitty lyn is even as near as good as Winter Tharja
>CYL Ephraim is an archer with a gun
Trailer is up in the bulletin board, Eliwood is the free unit.
>Fire Boost fodder
>The skill Wrath has been changed. It will now trigger the damage +10 effect for Special skills that do damage to foes within a certain range, such as Blazing Thunder.
What in the flying fuck?
Welcome to 4 hours ago, user
haha that would be quirky and random and kick ass!
We really gonna do this again?
Who are you rolling for my friend?
WTF? They nerfed Wrath?
just remember its only good on waifud units and not good for tempest or other modes with inflated enemy stats
>he doesn't want a bow wielding cancel affinity Reinhardt
What did Karel mean by this?
It's a buff.
triggers for aoe specials in addition to what it did before
None of them. I wanted Lyn to be the free unit but not gonna waste orbs on her, her only great skill is Atk/Spd bond which isn't super appealing anyway. I'll just snipe my free roll on blue and leave.
Bad day at school, sweetie?
No one cares reddit
oh shit arden
I-I'm sorry Hector...
I just can't live without Raven's much larger Axe!
I belong to him now... Don't come after me...
My first Dew investment. Shit it's like IS read my mind and decided to dedicate a unit to have the exact refinement that I want.
>New mode is only for lego heroes and blessed units
Yup, better delete your Wraths from your Ayras now. It's shit
you're both autistic
>no content again
>Just finished my flier team
Holy shit, you guys weren't lying, but why all of them have Firesweep/Brae builds?
Raven is gay though.
>Will be getting lots of blessings for free
I can't believe they nerfed Wrath
what's the problem?
who shat in your soy milk today? I was complimenting your genius and quirky musing of a possible alt for incestbro...
>Dead game / no content
Good i can do some schoolwork.
>he really believes this
>scrape together enough orbs for one last round of rolls
>Robin, Eliwood, Soren
>No way to get enough orbs for more within 24 hours
I should be upset, but I'm just glad the nightmare is almost over.
>playing from launch
>Wee new weapon refines again, some of them look really good
>checks divine dew and spare refining stones
>only has enough divine dews for 3 weapons
Can IS give out divine tears any faster. So many good refines cockblocked by tears
Asking again, what would be good skills for him? I plan on making him +1 and supporting him with Hector!
Shut up Priscilla
This isn't Myrrh dammit, stupid slut is even -Atk to boot
glass-cannon nature of fliers makes them prefer weapons that makes it very unlikely for the enemy to respond, with bonus fact that most of them tend to be pretty fast
The biggest winner from this update is Felicia, who went from a shitty "can only fight one unit type" unit to the best dagger in the game without even needing divine dew. Targeting def or res with a 14 mt weapon is so ridiculous.
I can read, you should try it sometime.
Where is my empress
brave lance build desu. his attack is monstrous
>Datamined GHB quests give blessings
>Notification says training quests give blessings
>Blessing in the new TT
>Blessing with VIke
No. She's still shit
Have Hector sacrifice his life for Eliwood just like in FE7>6
Probably gonna go with a DC Berkut's lance build.
Otherwise his str is high enough to make a reasonable brave lance build.
>No way to get enough orbs for more
Sure about that, sweetie?
she'll be home soon bros... I'm emotional about this... I love her so much...
>last 9 orbs for an attempt at a decent Myrrh
>no green orbs
You're gonna use Honk now, right?
>update promises content
>update comes out
>fucking nothing to do until the next day, where the actual promised content comes
Why is it always like this?
If only she didn't have 24 base attack so she could actually kill stuff even while targeting the lower stat
giving dc to units that are never going to +10 lol
Yes, I'm a NEET
No pity bonus.
W-which one has Myrrh, I dont have any more orb sources.
I'm sure she will, Reddit.
I thought the refines would be today wtf I just wanna know what they are man
I'm thinking of just doing Fire Boost, Lancebreaker, Goad as a budget build for the time being.
>Stuck using an -atk +spd Cordelia since launch
Been waiting a whole year for another with better IVs but she never appear again. Same deal with Abel, only gotten one.
am i the only one that thinks his face looks kinda fucked up? I love how this artist did tiki tho. anyway this is hard, his defenses and speed arent terrible but their kinda short of good, but his atk is crazy. he could probably do well at alot of things but 3 ward, DC and berkuts lance would be a fun meme build. he could probably do brave lance and armor march well too.
Center secret orb has Kellam
Fuck, help me /feg/
I'm so torn between foddering my -Atk Celica to Xander for DD, but somewhat want to merge her into my +Atk copy
What do?
You're going to use Hinoka now, right /feg/?
Yes, I legitimately think Miyuu's weed looks better.
No. Cordy and Tana are still better
>got off-bannered by Alm, amongst too many other things, while trying and failing to get more Tikis in the dragon gauntlet banner a few months ago
>had apparently shit IVs for the time
>stayed mostly bench but never foddered him for his Windsweep ever since
How is +DEF -SPD for the new refinement?
i foddered and it was a mistake
merge her, especially when she gets some crazy effect on refined ragnarok
Not until she comes with decent IVs.
Top left
Her attack is so low that even targeting the lower defense only barely makes her usable against non-mages. Not to mention we are rapidly approaching the mixed tank meta, and ISIS is certainly supporting that. So either she is gonna be plinking off of mixed tanks, or killing glass cannons that don't really need a specialized unit to kill.
Forgot pic.
C'mon /feg/ I just want Myrrh to come home.
i want to BE gunnthra
not with that weapon lol
When are we getting the BETTER Wada to draw for us again? Lyn looks like absolute shit.
>especially when she gets some crazy effect on refined ragnarok
>it ends up being dire fire to match alm's brave falchion
She really does pretty decently with an Atk boon. The point is that she expanded from having exactly one niche (which she is unbelievable at) to being able to perform against a sizable number of units.
I put her as the big winner because the PRF is amazing even without refinement.