In-game boner edition
League of Legends /lolg/
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Best girl.
Best thighs.
Best wife.
>ywn make Evelynn your lawfully wedded wife
High plat is the worst experience in this game
How do I lane with viktor? Just focus on farming and scale?
Reminder to respect your support and protect her!!!!
I want Zoe to sit on my face.
Why does nobody watch Froggen? He's the most skilled streamer there is.
I want to go swimming in Lulu.
I think I'm gonna give up on ever being good at league
Sun Tzu said, "The skillful employer of men will employ the wise man, the brave man, the covetous man, and the stupid man. For the wise man delights in establishing his merit, the brave man likes to show his courage in action, the covetous man is quick at seizing advantages, and the stupid man has no fear of death." Which man are you, /lolg/?
is there anything to be done about having constant feeders in my games since season start? i tell people at the 10 second mark that all they have to do is not die and we can win but nooo bronze fuck number 53 in top lane has to flash under the enemy turret with 10% of his hp for the impossible kill on the 30% health enemy laner
You pick another champion. Seriously Viktor is honestly unplayable man, they fucked that dude hard.
t. froggen
never gonna watch your shit now froggot
>The rendering
>the midriff
Thats tempting
Somehow survive laning phase until you get your first upgrade. (Viktor isn't in a great spot right now)
If you were any good you would be out of feeder elo by now.
who /shurima/ here?
>Enemy Vayne /all: 'bg"
I will respect my support by petting her head with my cock in her mouth!
I will protect my support by making her wear my jacket and nothing else!
Who is this semen demon?
>you gonna pitch a tent up here, too?
Always and forever
What the fuck are you even supposed to do when you get camped top lane? Just take it up the ass? Not get any CS? I'm new to this role and I'm already tilting into the stratosphere
No wonder top lane players seem to be the most depressed
stop feeding
*carries the team*
watch hashinshin
t. Neace
you pick a retard tank that can go 0/999 in lane and still be useful
Should be all Shurima, faggot
>100% crit Xayah
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to botlane tomorrow.
>Top lane
he's an example of what I would prefer not to become
fuck you I love my gay anime shit
I don't want to play tanks, I want to play fun champions
>miss xerath ult on a corki
>"lol you missed all btw"
>kill him 3 times with my ult after that incident
>ask him everytime "hey how many did i miss that time?"
Even after the buffs?
Xth for cumming inside your support!
so how is new swain? worth the buy and time to learn?
what level are you, user
If you get camped and you can't eventually get to the point where you can 2v1 top and jg then it was your fault. Just don't feed and hope to get carried.
>Just take it up the ass
Pretty much. I don't mind it in games where my jungler is actually doing something else. Hell, I'll even waste the other jungler's time, since they like to sit on my wards
>"Oop, I'm moving up to cs!"
>"Naww, gotcha!"
>"Oh-oh, i'm moving up again!"
>"Ahhh, gotcha!"
I'm just gonna start taking Spellbook, desu. I'll just farm what I can, and teleport bot on cooldown to get some bot lane booty.
>I want to play fun champions
you're in the wrong lane then
top is for stat-checkers only
what a mean thing to say
Reminder if you're playing top and your ADC is a complete faggot, you can still have fun with itemization!
did I fucking stutter?
>tfw you can't milk those
i didnt say i was stuck in bronze user, im talking about these fucks who are truly bronze but dont play enough games to get balanced out to their true elo. i dont enjoy my day consisting of the following:
- game 1: top, mid, jg feed. bot lane has a lead, but not enough to combat the 5 man bot party with their 8 kills mid, 9 kills top, and 12 kills jg (their kill counts pre-5 man bot)
- game 2: 1/12 jax thinks "hey im going to keep going in on my fed laner! im sure it will work!"
>their top proceeds to destroy mid and gains complete control of our top side jg
>inb4 just get good, enemy laners played super passive against me
- game 3:
> ask 1/4 mid and 0/6/0 jg to stop dying so we can still have a chance at this game
>they continue to die but eventually start getting a few kills so yay a 300 gold cannon minion again instead of 100
>ask them to stop getting caught out, telling them we will be punished if they do
>they get caught out within the next 10 seconds and proceed to get caught out multiple times
>manage to kill 2 of the fed assassins diving me multiple times but the 3rd always gets me, not factoring in the massive ap burst headed my way
>lose again
this is my daily ranked experience/
nothing tilts me more than some pathetic normalfag fuck posting some text face in chat, especially after throwing the game for us. at that point i seriously consider running it down mid to speed up getting to queue again. i am a toxic player who tries to remain calm and keep the team calm but jesus fuck dont give me justification for breaking out of the tiltfree mindset
Which support makes you cum the most
Soraka's horse cock!
id rather blue ball by denying a penta desu senpai
>having fun
>playing top
I bet she'd be really gentle with it.
he is trash among the worst champions in the game do not play him
Which League girl is most likely to put up with me beating her because I love her?
So are people still abusing stopwatch even after the changes? Is it still common to see 8+ stopwatches per game?
The buffs don't really address any of his problems (hex core upgrade costs too much, his late game damage isn't that high, his crap laning, etc.)
>futa soraka
what about because she's into it
what would you guys say is the next champ after garen in terms of raw complexity? jax?
Won't the core upgrade be fine next patch when lost chapter costs 1100 to get now? Or am I hoping too much
Which League girls do you think have an exhibitionist streak?
>I'm not stuck in bronze
>I'm just held back by all the bronzies I keep getting on my teams!
>they haven't played enough games to get balanced to their true elo of bronze 5 so I keep getting them in my bronze 1 games
Just carry your team dude it's not that hard in bronze.
Jax is fairly complex
Consensual ryona isn't as fun as only putting up with black eyes and nightly beatings and rape because she's been deluded into thinking I love her
Actually makes a lot of sense
Janna, Jinx, maybe LeBlanc
you very much have a point
The buffs were completely unrelated to every problem he has.
48. My job's been brutal the past month so I haven't had much time to play. I haven't even finished my placements. Still though, my loyalty to SHURIMA remains the same since release day.
i want to grab jinx’s cute little head and kiss her on the mouth
It's cannon that Jinx once went to a bakery topless
carrying is only possible if people are willing to allow themselves to be carried
Hi lolg!
Do you think I can make it into plat this season!?
>ywn be roomates with Jinx and have her casually walk around naked and occasionally sit or lay down on you
>top lane
I his laning feels "meh", but i like the character. I wan't to try him as support, though. His passive seems pretty cool.
Jinx is built for going to the top of a tall building and railing in the open air tbqh
>ywn be roomates with Jinx and have her casually walk around naked and occasionally sit or lay down on top of you
Gold border is prettier, though.
unrealistic characterization, jinx would never settle down in one place unless it completely belonged to her
N-no user! that is completely unacceptable !
>be jungle
>bot lane is fed because i camped for them
>top lost 1v1
>he is raging
>tell him to chill that we will get help get mid down then come top
>he tells me to fuck off that its my fault he lost 1v1 because i never ganked and runs mid and starts int feeding
problem with low elo is people are mentally unstable here
What was the point of changing that?
I want to manhandle Jinx.
everybody in your elo (including you) is bronze for a reason. Step 1 is to win lane. Step 2 is to impact the map. Step 3 is to use teamwork when applicable. Step 4(step 3 didn't work) is to bait the enemy team. 9 times out of 10 the bronzies in your games would rather chase you around the map for a kill than end the game. You figure it out.
which female champs smell bad?
>dont play for a month
>first ranked
>surely riot will give me a decent team to hook me into it right
>get an elise top
>dies 4 times in lane
>doesnt ward
>goes rylais first item so is useless in every situation imagineable
>dont get to jungle anymore because a fed yasuo and warwick have control over it
is ahri bad or just me?
I have seen a lot of ahri mains in high elos but I never feel that they have any impact on the game
Yeah, it's probably more like Jinx occasionally shows up because she needs a place to sleep and lie low.
If she's so nonchalant, what would her reaction be to a roommate cooking with just an apron as a joke?
Post your 1v9 hard carry song.
i want to pin her down and blow raspberries on her tummy until she pees her pants
implying i'll every be able to get step 2 going when every side lane i get pushing is answered the moment the wave is starting to slightly get an advantage. if you are the damage and the only one managing side lanes, step 3 cannot happen. inb4 use step 4 while managing side lanes, too many brainlets in this elo
Zyra smells the best for sure
Riven because she's a hobo.
>Jinx shows up to your room one night and throws her clothes off because they've gotten uncomfortable
>You only have one bed in your apartment and she refuses to sleep on the couch
Yes, she does no damage. Just has a lot of mobility.
You, I like you.