Spaghetti Edition
Spaghetti Edition
i'm the only remaining member of goyim i think, it feels bad.
just join NEET, everyone moved there.
AWOO is accepting new members
i left and applied, i'm not cool enough to get in
looking for fellows with aspergers, not stay at home dads
whats the difference between AWOO and NEET?
what's the difference between Asperger's and Autism
Awoo is led by a literal asperger greenshitter that bought his account and then pretended to be the person he bought it from, who doesnt even visit Veeky Forums and recruits as many people as possible by spamming everyone that meets his high reqs that he himself doesnt even meet invites and then makes them recruitment officers so they can recruit, then holds contests to get them to recruit people. It also has an extremely high turnover rate.
NEET is just autistic and made up of the remnants of here and a few other Veeky Forums clans that decided to join.
>awoo 40
>neet 87
man awoo is dead
>look thru awoo member list
>toxic members of the community
no wonder
i don't think i understand the application proccess. apparently nigger is not an acceptable word
cant kill whats already dead
Australians are a bunch of Kiwis.
Object 263 is now officially a beast. Can't wait to play the v4.
Swapped in my 50 t for the M4 49. I already feel like I just got memed on.
because you did
>we have noticed that obj.268 and is-4 are underperforming and are not as popular, therefore in this upcoming patch we are increasing some of their stats to make them more competitive
>t. wargaming
calling it now. in a couple of months
you mean the march patch
>is-4 underperforming
Well duh.
You guys are more deader than I thought
>archived at
give is4 750alpha problem solved
Well, there's not much to talk about, just in general and besides these are the deadest hours in NA, EU and most of the RU server cluster.
gookjew hasn't been bringing any life to it. it was bad enough before the cuck left but having google mandatory for viewing and posting is just annoying.
>getting love ever
I don't count on it
better than being yellow AND not firing any gold
t. me
have american tanks ever been powercreeped?
T10 tierX T-100 Varsuk when?
T57 heavy
and pic related
Why is everyone so pissed about the changes to the second USSR TD line?
I see a lot of people screeching in an autistic manner how WG ruined this o so perfect and unique vehicle and how they miss the shitwanker of a 122-54.
The new line makes more sense to me in regards of continuity.
there's really no reason to remove tanks
especially not very good ones
>The new line makes more sense to me in regards of continuity.
But the SU-122-54 actually existed and was aesthetic. They're removing real tanks and putting made up garbage. Even the deathstar was more real than the Badger. The continuity excuse is retarded because it doesn't matter. The tank is what it is, just learn to play it.
>muh reality
>muh historical accuracy
Please, never enter game development.
I don't plan to because it's a shitty field full of literal faggots with shit pay. Anyway I supported and currently own both Edelweiss and the Nameless. WG didn't REMOVE REAL TANKS to put them in the game. The tanks WG have been adding to the game lately are Napkin tanks at best and straight from the WG offices at worst. I will never support removing an actual historical tank in favor of some made up cyka blyat shit. They could have easily the left the SU-122-54 in the game or made it a reward vehicle.
it's gonna be a reward vehicle trust me suka
Info on italian tonks
Tier: MT-8, Italy, standard
HP: 1 400
Max speed forwards/backwards: 55 / -20 km/h
Hull traverse: 38 °/s
Turret traverse: 30 °/s
View distance: 380 m
Damage: 240 / 240 / 320
Penetration: 212 / 259 / 45
Full reload time: 12 / 10 / 8 s
One shell reload time: 2.5 s
Clip size: 3
Accuracy: 0.37
Aim time: 2.3 s
Tier: MT-9, Italy, standard
HP: 1 700
Max speed forwards/backwards: 65 / -23 km/h
Hull traverse: 42 °/s
Turret traverse: 30 °/s
Aim time: 390 m
Damage: 390 / 390 / 480
Penetration: 268 / 330 / 53
Full reload time: 15 / 13 / 11 s
One shell reload time: 3.5 s
Clip size: 3
Accuracy: 0.35
Aim time: 2.5 s
Tier: MT-10, Italy, standard
HP: 1 900
Max speed forwards/backwards: 65 / -23 km/h
Hull traverse: 54 °/s
Turret traverse: 33 °/s
View distance: 400 m
Damage: 390 / 390 / 480
Penetration: 268 / 330 / 53
Full reload time: 19 / 16 / 13 / 10 s
One shell reload time: 3.0 s
Clip size: 4
Accuracy: 0.33
Aim time: 2.3 s
rip TVP
They just murdered it on console in preparation for pasta tanks. If they don't nerf it for you guys the TVP will still be better.
they will bring it back as a tier 8 premium )))))))))))
I've seen people here say that purples are closer to reds than deep purples are to purples. Is that true or is it just super unicums stroking their own dicks?
one can sling gold to purple
getting to deep purple requires much more consistency
there are no super unicums on wotg
>not so fast wotlab parasites
It's kind of like how most enlisted will pass boot camp but few will ever make it to spec ops.
>few will ever make it to spec ops.
Very few ever want to but yea that makes sense.
>some polish shitter in a deathstar blocks me and gets me one shotted by enemy deathstar
How do you play with these "people"?
do a 360 and drive away
That would make more sense than just squishing it into a line that plays completely differently and was obsolete prior to the patch.
It didn't play that much differently. It was still a turretless TD.
by being Polish myself :^)
in all honesty one can achieve purple status with 3 tanks , scorp g , defender , and black dog
but the tanks will only ever carry you to purple mastering them gets you deep purple
WG finally put Live Oaks back on console and I forgot how shit the map is or why I ever wanted it back.
>mfw FitekRommelPL is in my team
if i were a girl i would be all over his autist digg
Guys, what if someone you like already has a bf? Should I just go back to playing world of tanks?
You should stop being a faggot.
you know what happens when someone find other person attractive, right user?
They masturbate to them.
they cut the other persons skin off and wears it like a coat right ?
read and
Mines is such fucking garbage.
share your balanced vehicles
>shitting on console while posting kikebook images
Low quality bait.
>tfw can't even tell when images are from kikebook anymore because I deleted mine 3 years ago
ppl just got tired of this game and general
ever since clan drama moved to discord, there isnt a lot of discussion here
>ded gaem
Even when it's maps, russian bias is stronk:
- Terrain in general is flatter, but tanks with good gun depression can still abuse them really well.
the new tier 9 sucks.
I do way worse in it than in the su-122-54.
Like way worse, while in the su-122-54 i nearly always did above 3k in damage each match, now i struggle to even to hit 2k damage.
It's dpm sucks and it can't hit shit. It's armor is still garbage and now it can't turn.
How is this a buff?
It is slower, does less damage, has less penetration, has way worse dispersion. has less mobility, is as blind as a bat, has less camo and less gun depression.
How can you even call it a buff???? Armor that doesn't work is not a buff. It only works if you snipe, but it cant' snipe. How are you supposed to play that garbage.
Yea I'm sorry to hear that m8. I never played the SU-122-54 but I always had a soft spot for it because it was one of the few aesthetic TDs. WG doesn't know wtf they're doing once again.
It leads to a tank with 1 ((((((weak spot)))))) cry more
so i can't cry about how retarded the balancing is???
They nerfed the tier 7-9 and just introduced a one trick pony. And the trick of fighting the one trick pony is to be either higher than it is, or lower, never on the same height.
Then you can pen either the upper or lower plate.
it's like it's your first day playing world of tanks or something
1.0 is up for testing you guys
HD Mines and Paris look beautiful
but too bad they're shit maps
>but too bad they're shit maps
Paris isnt. In fact, it isnt a copy paste of the old city maps.
>post-unironically doesn't like Paris
who is this?
>Paris isn't a shit map
>tfw they find my only weakness, HE
new maps = FLAT
gun depression is kill xd
twitch anfieldw
WoT is adopting the Armoured Warfare meta, just improve armour until everyone is shooting HE.