Quick Outbreak rundown edition
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first for laser sights
why the fuck her hair is so retarded
At least someone finally put the new info in the OP
why is the new woman op so angry looking ??
she tough girl man
Because it takes a special kind of woman to get into the military.
so uh, when can we actually play the new operators
the 20th?
She's both russian and finnish
Looks like a hybrid dyke pompadour, wont be able to say for sure until we see the model.
Shes Finnish
cabbera is my beautiful little jungle princess.
You have to do gif related if you want to show your superiority, not teabagging.
>top tier male design
>"look at me im special" female design
as per usual
Dumb frogfuckers
newest waifu bait from ubiswaft, i'm going to bite into it once it comes out.
>get sent to american server while regional one was down
>hear americans saying the name of foreign ops
Me on the right
>wah fucking /pol/tards wah
>hear an italian try to say literally anything
Do you think Ubisoft is going to make Lion and Finka immune to Smoke gas because "muh hazmat suit"
>tfw pronounce Ela with hard E because of full name and not just the soft E nickname.
The worst part is that it's contagious, I'm a slav but still mispronounce Ela's name because of hearing the americans say it wrong all the time
No, that'd be broken. The other SAS aren't immune to it despite having gas masks.
I'm not versed in polackspeech, how do you pronounce Ela?
probably because the hairline is hidden by the mask so it looks like her hair starts like an inch higher than it should
Never said anything about /pol/
>200 ping euros on NA servers all the time in the early morning
>either dont talk or have some fucked up accent
le frogfuckers grrrrr i hate fucking poltards grrrrrr niGGers!
Shit writers don't understand that they can make a strong and charismatic female character without making her edgy and angry all the time.
I wish I was an euro.
At least euros don't play with brazilians.
God I hate brazilians. You guys have no idea how bad it is to share a server with brazilians.
Twitch was pretty okay, nothing stands out about her compared to the other GIGN apart from her lack of a helmet.
Take your meds
Try playing with T*rks all the fucking time and you'll learn to treasure BRs
>15 mins for lore panel
>Only 15 mins to talk about balance
>Only 15 mins showing off new ops
>One and a half hours for zombies
Who the fuck even cares about that shit and not what actually effect gameplay
>Load into match
>Hear thick accents or kids speaking non euro languages
>all either shouting at each other or recounting their life stories
Just another day in siegeland
Do people have any sauce on the female attackers ethnicity, or is it just a joke?
Do you think the character chosen for Outbreak will have special themed uniforms or will they just have their standard ones?
High energy
New pic of ops from esports trailer
Lion is looking 100% 3 armor
finka means something in finnish and in the teaser it said the russian operator moved to russia, so its basically confirmed.
"Finka" means finnish woman in russian. It's also a term for a short knife that gopniks use.
Also got an unmasked Thermite and Lion in the back I think
good. way too many 3 speeds already
they better get some alternate skins i dont want to look like some yellow ponce
Get the season pass or buy outbreak packs goy
horee shet
jesus crist
>post screens
>doesn't post the link
finka will be 3 speed though so enjoy
Not that user, but here you go.
Is she going to be the Mercy of R6S?
you dont want the link, the rest of the video is just circlejerking esports faggotry.
Looks like Ubi paid for the good CGI this time.
>Going into area in full hazmat gear
>Going in with your hair exposed
Enjoy your super plague, dumb bitch
i thought i got trolled there for a second with another video lmao
Fun Fact, the name Finka is actually Croatian in derivative
yes but ugly
I need to know where to get these
for.... reasons
I bet they're gonna say something like this infection only spreads via breathing it in, skin contact is fine. A lot of the other outbreak costumes have exposed skin, like Thermite and Glaz's hands.
the entire back of her head and ears are exposed too lel
Irish Republican Army operators when?
what should i buy next /r6g/?
Oh snap Thermite has been growing some facial hair, they gotta update his player model soon
While I won't disagree that it's stupid to go with your head uncovered in a CBRN situation, you do know they have a decontamination process for returning from a Contaminated area?
a good game
It's so retarded, I love hazmat stuff that isn't just a massive bubble suit (like those awesome suits in that Area 51 game) so I was happy to see some hazmat love coming our way. The exposed head just defeats the purpose though, even Lion's balaclava is slightly irksome as it's still cloth.
>they have a decontamination process for returning from a Contaminated area?
You wouldn't want any of this shit on your hair.
Gadget is a modified spud gun that can put someones eye out.
Dumb frogposter
Is that glaz in the background?
Decontamination shower is pointless if whatever it is has seeped into your skin, in through your ears or attached itself to your hair follicles and scalp.
Dumb retard
Dumb fangay
Finka's waifu wagon has already started I see.
Pretty much this, exposing your hair is the dumbest thing to do.
But after Ballsack sisters I'm not even surprized, I guess they had to show that she has le strong gurl hair.
>user already pointed out Glaz and Thermite have their hands exposed in their new uniforms
>it's okay when...
I'm surprised there hasn't been any FINKA T H I C C posts yet
for...science xD
because they arent hazmat operators by default you dumb nigger
ah, hello fellow redditor! ^^_^^
>Thermite and glaz posted after
>Aren't moving into an actively contaminated area
Stop white knighting, anyone that goes into a contaminated area with anything exposed is a mong who deserves their space aids.
>It's a "all your cosmetics got uniqued again" episode.
Thanks Ubi
What's he thinking /r6g/?
Real big fucking microtransaction coming right up
>i am really ugly and dumb and unbalanced operator that daddy ubi won't nerf me because they only care about money
>shit... flashback is kicking in again...
my hands hurt
thats not hibana
nigga please
But user, that's Thermite, not Hibana.
Nice bait
>why the fuck did I wrap this caution tape around my hands that was a retarded idea.
did you get termite and horsebana mixed up there for a second?
why do rainbow 6 siege youtubers edit their videos like that
Is there a source on her being Finnish?
Youtube audience is like 14
like what