>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is out now for PS4 and Xbox One, with a fall 2018 PC release ahead.
↳Kiranico has been updated to include World.
↳Official manual released: game.capcom.com
↳Weapon movesets: pastebin.com
>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.
Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.
Same thing, in application form.
>Where does Veeky Forums play?
In World, post a room ID. Squads also work, and should be listed soon.
Create or find a 3DS Gathering Hall using passcode '7243'
Gen/XX, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing
Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, Frontier, MHO, MonHun, /mhg/
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/mhg/ Japs are bad edition
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I want to get good at Monster Hunter
First for as much as i want some returning monsters im really hoping we get totally new creatures for world
>Dragonseal Jewel 3
Worst monsters
Solo tooting
Is Vaal's Greatsword worth using over Nergigante's? So long as the Vaal Greatsword gets to White Sharpness?
Foresight Slash is fucking retarded and amazing at the same time.
As much as Nerg's weapons?
>Not having earplugs level 9
In theory, would depend on how much sharpness it gets from handi. If this were G-rank, then probably
Here are few answers to help you and hopefully everyone else who asks this question
>Normal answer
Nerg is better because it allows you to buy more offensive skills to kffset its lack of sharpness
>Math Hunter answer
White sharpness is a 1.32 (i might be wrong) modifier. Compare the raw values to each and decide (blue is 1.2)
>World answer
Nerg weapons are BiS until you can properly minmax, then other weapons overshadow them
>Veteran Answer
If you are actually good at this game and with the weapon it doesnt matter which one you use. Positioning, timing and monster knowledge are mpre important than 100 raw.
Shit's weird man, it says rarity 7 but in the sell items gem list i can't find it anywhere.
It boosts Elderseal by one level essentially
>by one
Lame, here I was hoping it was at least two or something
What's up with the insanely poor hitboxes in this game?
It's been Dark Souls 2 tier throughout the game with extreme wonkiness, but Diablos takes the cake in being able to 100-0 me in three attacks that all stunlock me in a row, that all hit me far outside of any part of its body for no reason whatsoever. Nearly made me throw my fucking controller.
How do I save my frigging Radial Menu slots? It always reverts back to the standard one.
radial menu is binded to item loadout
whats the best GS? nergs?
Was I supposed to kill Great Girros on the first interaction?
I killed two of them but I still have "investigate Rotten Vale" as the objective
What do?
u r supposed to go home and take the next mission
Nergigante's is best unless you start minmaxing, when Jagras overtakes it.
How do i bow
It feels like i do way too little damage
(Only tried it in the arena with another dude using a normal weapon tho)
So I need to reach A rank in all 10 Grudge Matchs at MhGen's arena for those gunner earrings.
Are those solo quests?
>japs are bad
>japs talk americans are bad too
>Jagras overtakes it
How? Jagras end GS is only 912 raw.
Non elemental boost, three augments because rarity 6, and more deco slots.
Where do i get Piercing Claws?
The truth finally comes out. It's over for World now. RIP in peace Capcom.
>/mhg/ Japs are bad edition
I was literally coming here just to complain about this. I'm so tired of them dying to Nergigante. I just need like 3 kills and can't get one. Every voucher is wasted and I wanna stab this pencil in my fucking throat.
Why is tackle so Fucken wonky
I was watching someone play hbg and they were crafting a whole stack of ammo with the item wheel but when I do it it only crafts one bullet, how do I do a full stack?
Is there something wrong with PSN? Can't start online sessions all of a sudden
Someone need to post the best skills for each weapon so i stop asking
I want Vaal to drain me of my worthless life force
solo it bitch
palico rally
>People on regular PS4 have loading screens when they use the elevator
So all HR weapons and Armor can potentially be close to each other (on paper) with upgrades and augments, even the lower Rarity ones?
Only when going to the gathering area.
so, whats the current weapon rankings, according to the First Wyverian? Can't find the cunt at all, and I want to know how high up my scrub ass is
There's always a loading screen for the Gathering Hub you mouthbreather.
I honestly have no idea where the 80 unity came from.
any minions carve, like jagras, shamos etc
We can do it
>4 reward tempered Vaal
>Hero's Streamstone: Ranged
>Warrior's Streamstone: Lance
That's 4 streamstones for weapons I don't use now kappa
>not having 5+ digit unity
>haven't gotten a single streamstone in 27 hunts
be grateful you fucking cunt
Already dead
Reminder not to the bulli pomf bat
>start playing XX after world
>food is only 5 feet from the blacksmith which is only 5 feet from the house which is only 5 feet from the quest giver
ugh how could anyone enjoy not having a massive hub with 30 seconds of travel time between each important location?
>~550 def
>black diablos 2 shots me anyway
Tempered Barroth did this shit to me. I was thoroughly annoyed.
It's not IMMERSIVE, my dude.
>Stares at you calmy from across the area as it sends lightining down on your ass.
>all of your facilities are available in the online hub
How do you raise Unity? What is it?
s-should i waste my mats to uncap armor upgrades and get past 500 defense?
One thing I dislike about the hub in X/XX is that the food is that shitty fondue setup. I like my giant ridiculous smorgasbord of various foods.
Just needs a lift near the entrance and to have the player spawn in the gathering hub after doing multiplayer and ill be content.
>finally get White Winds of the New World mission
>5 monsters? ezpz
>see that I only have 25 minutes compared to the usual 50
That certainly complicates things.
This fight is pretty silly.
20 min investigations user. I've found the short timed ones are the most likely to drop them for rewards
What leggings and waists are these? Nerg? I recall both Nerg belt had some dangling bits in the front right, why isn't it here
>finally try bow
>make Nerg bow because why the fuck not every weapon from this sonic OC is good
>get constitution and that extra bow charge gem
>get accostumed to its weird as fuck controls
jesus what happened to my precision aiming bow from 3U, this shit is anime as fuck now. Diablos gets slaughtered by it, is there any other monster that gets bullied hard by bow?
>solo nergigante
>break tail and horns
>Multi nergigante
>Entire party struggles to chop off tail before killing it.
Wtf is the multiplier with people? it seems ridiculously hard to break his shit in parties.
Am I stupid for spending 15min to automate the duping routine despite only having shit tier charms due to current story progress? I'm sitting at like 100 Attack+1 decos right now because these are the most valuable I have (in terms of trading value at the melder)
I think I got stuck on the rock crystal and the attack went on for like a full second longer than it's supposed to.
I get fuck-all for the investigations, and SOSing haven't shown Tempered at all. It's really annoying. I've gotten 1 Tempered Vaal investigation and it was absolute bullshit.
>1 Cart
The threshold for breaks raises in multiplayer, same as health. Cutting tails gets super hard.
Health is apparently 2.6 but the parts breaking and status thresholds are all kinds of fucked up.
Nerg B waist and Bazell A legs
That sharpness loss though
Is it possible to mount Xeno? I spammed glider mantle and jump attacks all fight.
just solo him, vaal is easy solo since hes way more predictable
Is Nergal bow better than Vaal? Nerg has like 12 more attack I think but Vaal has like over a hundred more dragon.
Is the datamine real? Any pics of the Congalala and snake monster models?
So did all of Jenova's shit just snap off at once?
is there any way to see what tempered monster i have already killed ? trying to get the evasion mantle
Yea but again Nerg belts have some dangling clothing in the front right. Why isn't it here
I want to do lewd things to a puffball.
>bird pulls out rock
>it's now invincible
im in rotten vale, area 8, and there's a cat blowing a horn up on a platform
what do i do with him?
So is there ever a right time to use the LS helm breaker attack? It feels kind of weird because sometimes you jump completely over what you're aiming at and miss and you can't even use it to hit flying monsters because you need the poke first to combo into it
>GaijinHunter suddenly calling MHW out on being shit and worse than previous titles
>put off the double tempered bazel quest because of the stories i've read here
>finally do it
>easy as fuck
what the fuck, is /mhg/ really that bad
i know, i'm just not looking forward to that inevitable fuckup that costs me the entire hunt and all the ammo i'll waste.
How is Astera so fucking bad at being a hub?
How do they fuck something so vital up so badly?
MuHUT is the hero we needed.