/nepgen/ - Neptunia General #1360

Not one, but two imoutos
Last thread >Hyperdimension Neptunia Downloads (Skins, Artbooks, Manga, Guides, Soundtracks, etc.):

VIIR Amazon Preorder: amazon.com/gp/product/B077RC1F2T/

Neptunia Re;Birth 1 Plus (PS4 port of RB1, most likely) announced: dengekionline.com/elem/000/001/674/1674299/#eid1674295

New Neptunia title in the works. Promises to 'surpass expectations': siliconera.com/2017/11/07/new-neptunia-project-works-will-surpass-expectations-1000/

>Miscellaneous News:
Beru has been in the Japanese Compile Heart app for weeks now: twitter.com/CompileHeartApp/status/932809155357786112

New Years Purple Heart in Nep-Nep Connect: compileheart.com/nepnep_connect/news/article/20180110_1.php

4GO art contest results: ideafintl.com/cyberdimension/4go/community/?page=15

>Nep-Nep's VII-rtual Reality News:
VIIR localization coming Spring 2018: gematsu.com/2017/10/megadimension-neptunia-viir-coming-west-spring-2018
Patch 1.07 has been released for VIIR a month ago: compileheart.com/neptune/v2r/info/update.php
VIIR English website: ideafintl.com/nep-v2r/
Translated Drama CDs and VR scenes for VIIR can be found here: youtube.com/user/AliasV3/videos

Other urls found in this thread:


OP here, made a mistake its #1361. also, I suck dogoo men's dicks

I want to corrupt Vert's little sisters!

Xth for Rena in Nep 8

I walk with Nep.

Within the next few threads, someone will want to update the bit about the patch for VIIR a month ago to two months ago.

>Beru on the OP again

I want to be Vert's little sister!

Sup guys pic is my. I will drop from a plane and hunt down Eltard and throw him in a trash can where I find him.

You stand no chance against me.

I would gladly accept you as my sister-in-law

>minigun is just two AKs taped together

I want to nap in the park with Nepnep!

Jesus the madmen published this fanart officially for Valentines Day Ahahaha. What did they mean by this nepgen?

Jesus christ how horryfing.

Rude, Rei isn't THAT bad

Nepping the ninja! Every thread!

Instructions unclear. Nepped too much the fake ninja instead.


Hey, ReiAnon, you around?

Stop posting weird pictures of my wife

I want her back.

It must be noted here that the Japanese 'faito', while derived from the English 'fight', is just a word of encouragement and is better translated as 'do your best!'; most likely whoever drew this meant that meaning and was unaware that 'fight!' in English does not at all have that definition. (This kind of stuff is called 'wasei-eigo'.)

Though her being in her underwear is still kinda weird. Is she trying to seduce (You)?


I can't wait to pirate 4GO

At the very least, I can make her my wife and have that sweet smile, pretty face and sexy boobs without having to take your wife.


Have fun in Gamindustri prison!


Famitsu review?

My review is that she's sexy and cute


Did someone say "pirate"?

Freedom hating despot

I bet Linda is an absolute madwoman in the sack

She's a good girl and we all love her

You say that now, but considering what happened in mk2, can you really blame her?

Is this cm3d2? Post mods.

A cute and lovable despot

I wish my nation was ruled by a cute despot like Neppy



Ramalam will bring the thread back to life!

Ram is a better healer than Compa and more useful in all situations!


Reminder that tangerines kick ass.

Can anyone make an edit of Magic having a human-colored skin? I'm interested to see what she'll look like.


Wait doesn't Rom get the healing spell? Or does Ram get one as well? I haven't played the RB games in a while.

Every time I see this image, I find myself torn on which side of that I'd rather be on. I still can't decide.

The answer is both.

Compa is more useful In my bed.

>Vanilla Street Fighter 4

compa is pure, not for lewd

Nonsense, with a body like hers, you can't help but wanna get her in your bed.

Ah, I see, held by Purple Heart while holding White Heart. Being able to both give and receive love at the same time.

Also lies.

In hindsight I may have been thinking of her sister.

That being said, it doesn't mean Compa's actually useful.

Unfortunately, that is true.


I replaced your daughter with Ploot and felt zero shame.

Look, I like Compa, too. But you gotta call it like you see it.

I mean, the game's are easy enough where it doesn't matter, but when looking objectively, she doesn't have much going for her.

The only thing she's got is the ability to inflict Poison and Paralysis in one combo. Unfortunately, that's not enough since Rom can nuke the enemy really quick with her magic and most bosses are immune/have very high resistance to status effects.

I am going to nep Big Nep!


Yeah that's the thing and the dude who drew it made Uni of all people say it. Just hilarious.

why do women hate neptunia?

You know I don't wanna say these things, but they are unfortunately true.


because they're jealous of the women in it and they can't play vidya

Hey, the color version!
Good find!


Ah, ah, ah.

>Good find
Yeah... not like you can find it in the sticky or anything...

I would give Compa a rigorous "love IV", if you catch my drift.
But that horrid voice and speech style would insta-kill my "syringe". JP

Shhh, Compa dreaming now

*"catheter", derp

Magazine = shit
Critics = shit
Nep version of it is good though.

Did you really need to post the same picture 3 times?

U mad, bro?

Not at all.

Also, 2010 called. They want their meme back.


post neppy being cute



Hey not bad


I love Iris Heart
I want to be her pet

Not that guy, but check my HF bud


I love you.


The reason Iris Heart isn't my favorite is because she's just Pururut most of the time
If only there was a way for Pururut to stay in her Goddess form all the time...

>that filename
Are you the guy who drew this?

We will find a way, my penis wills it.

I assume it´s the guy who commissioned that because i am here and i didn´t posted it.


Anyway, I just needed to say something, that PH and IH threesome is a true masterpiece, congratulations
The artstyle seems to have improved too

Hey thanks man! means a lot to hear that.

Iris Heart's mouth look so cute in this CG

Imagine putting my little cute shares rod into her little cute mouth...

Imagine her putting her little cute share rod into you


Plutie is so cute!

>all those Iris heart posts

It's not my fault her Goddess form is so much better than her human form