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We buffed Doomfist and Sombra by nerfing them - Edition

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fuck you wojack/pepe posters I wish you an afterlife of suffering

Here comes M.Ei!

no Poko edition, rip d.bomb

*steals your flag*
*wallrides out of your base*
what do you do?

>Junkrat hasnt recieved any new skins since summer games
Time to bomb BlizzardHQ.

soe in red tho

Can we stop this dipshit from making these awful underage OPs

I love my wife Sombra


>Dva gives self destruct ult charge instead of call mech ult charge while dead now

This is like QOL fixes: the update



Here comes T.Racer!

wow dumb gook coach finally learned

>Poko playing
we got this fusionbros

fraggi is a chad yn?

>blimey user, why do I always catch you staring at my feet???
>Are you one of those 'footfags' I heard about from Emily?
How would you respond to this?

soe is pure and a talented woman edition!

are miro and wekeed brothers?

He got a skin literally the last event you faggot.

Look at this gay. So hot.

Hana Song (Song Hana, 송하나), under the username "D.Va", represented South Korea in multiple international StarCraft tournaments. At the age of 16, she became the top StarCraft player in the world and went undefeated for the next three years of her life. At the age of 19, Hana was drafted into MEKA's army of mech pilots with the task of defending the coast around the East China Sea from a colossal adapting omnic.

When is scatter arrow going to get buffed? The random damage output isn't good for a skillshot.

>white mei


Why the heck is the actuation point of winston's shield completely out of sync with the animation?


Holy shit Lucio feels so much fucking better now

Yes, SC2 screwed the pooch.

Wow it's absolutely fucking nothing!



My time-travelling tomboy wife, Lena Oxton, is just too cute!

>shitty recolor
Fuck off, retard. I'm talking about actually unique legendary skins.
He got the summer games one, and before that he got the Junkenstein over a year ago.

Yes! Want!

But he got the best skin in the whole entire game for Winter Wonderland.

*instalocks genji*

What did they change about him
I still needed to get use to the air maneuverability, its like I was playing Turok 2 multiplayer all over again

>"I need healing!"

I am liking the small details they have changed. Just makes the game feel less rough around the edges.

i-i love soe user!

Like I said, he got one literally just the last event you faggot.

after seeing the retarded changes to DF i have little hope for decent buffs for my lovely sombra...
tfw never meta

junkenstein is goat

soe like all women, aged like milk

>not using the proper "yo"

Why does soe has such fat arms? Is she secretly a man or just a fatty?

Soe looks like she'd crush my balls today.
I love it

This is grotesque

What did Blizzard say to Soe? She's caked in make-up like a stolen whore!
Doesn't suit her at all!

How much do the chinese of today have in common with their historical events? Do they even care about them?
manchu really did the damage.

>open 3 lunar boxes
>first two has 1-1 legendary
>both are non event ones

Look at these fat arms and how they wiggle around when she moves them.
She's gained atleast 10 kilos since she moved to US.

He no longer falls like a paper ball when you airstrafe.
It really killed me because I constantly airstrafe to correct trajectory and get that perfect touch on the wall without slowing down but the last movement change really punished me for it.


She doesn't do it herself you know
She just shows up in her pyjamas and makeup artists and stylists do the work

How does this golden guy get hired for so many games when he doesn't appear to play or have any significant knowledge of any of them?

I want Soe shitposters to leave


where's the viewers brehs

>capture the flag is still terrible


Soe's arms are literally fucking disgusting.

Good to hear, I'll check the PTR soon myself
Have a complementary lucioand dva

face better
tits worse

OW is not ctf compatible.
My custom game is always full because I removed ultimates, buffed some skills, disabled some and upped the damage + movespeed.
That's the only way you can have fun.

yeah, that's what I'm saying. I think blizz forced her.
I mean, the eyelashes extensions? that's too much, jaring I say.

How is this fucker here and not my man ZP? At least he isn't a caster so I don't have to listen to him during matches.

>enemies pick your flag instantly
>you need 5 secs to return it
No, it's way worse than it was a year ago.

>big titty mei
>but shes white

Now you can hack every ability including Lucio's wall riding, Genji's movement abilities, etc)

I want to see Uber cast with Semmler. Hex and MrX are boring
better question si why JKap isn't here broing it up with my man Uber

>soe finally roots for fusion
>shanghai has to win for fusion to advance
no chance

Eh it seems sometimes they dress her up and sometimes they dress her down

>Sombra is going to die because of all those faggots that complained about her not instantly destroying everyone with her gun
I'm upset


They all try to wear formal stuff but they don't know what to do with Soe.

Who will win? Boston or Phily?


Stop this. Girls with folding tummies aren't supposed to be this hot.

don't hang on to it, it wasn't supposed to go live so they're gonna remove it.

no ult by healthpack tho? that's stupid. that's the ONE thing special to sombra that made her stand out/ be usefull.

I wish this meme would end

Reminde that JP Pharah > ENG Pharah

It will probably be a lot rarer after this week.

omfg do want

>fraggi dies

I know then. Naked. Or full bodypaint.

>Tiny boosts in exchange for massive ult-gain nerf
>Spread reduction for shitters

Gee thanks Blizz

>every team does same comp on the same map points
I am amazed how little variation there is in the games

>BadFusion showed up today

yeah but with jp voices you have to listen to hanzo put the japanese language into a garbage disposal everytime he uses his ult

I genuinely wanted a dragon skin for Pharah but I'm happy with this one too
It also kills shipperfags, so thats a bonus

philly was supposed to be good bros wtf

What's with all the mouse users on console?
I normally play PC, but play PS4 with friends. There's so many Widowmakers with gold, an insanely high sensitivity for a controller, pulling off snaps/precision the likes of which I've only seen when using a mouse.
It always seems to be precision heroes, too.

did I miss a post from jeff?

Boston is just too good.

I rather have that than listening to eng voices ever again desu



>under 70k viewers

Can you post it please?