Escape from Tarkov - /eftg/

Quickstart Guide, resource ref sheet and FAQ:

>Maps with Extraction Points

>List of Trade-In Loot

>List of Quest Item Loot

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>Latest major patch notes

>Ammunition info (questionable validity - wiki appears to me to be the most accurate)

>Full controls list

>Previous Thread
No wipe this month/til open beta

Other urls found in this thread:

>want to play some tarkov
>have to go through a million insurance returns like im some kind of claims agent

>No wipe this month/til open beta

Any anons wanna get a group going? Pref. 3-4

is there a way to fix the memory leak other than restarting the game every couple of missions?

Where and why.

Any map, because 3 extra eyes are better than 1, if competent

level 43 like thrice now.
And fuck off with shoreline.

>AKM run on factory
>See a trizip poking out from the top of office stairwell
>I'm one flight down
>Light him the fuck up
>He dies before he has time to react
>He had Fort/Fast and I killed him with a chest shot

If you are having problems with Fort, just fucking use 7.62. VEPR or AKM with PS ammo treats it like tissue paper.

Also, the user who claimed that 7.62 PS got nerfed down to 30 damage is full of shit. In a match where I hit only 1 shot I did 67 damage..

I want a wipe ASAP. I love that first week where most players are running shitguns and a PACA/Kiver kill is good shit.

No one is making you insure those PM's and snow camo, user. You're choosing to do it to pay less for items.

If you didn't die all the time, it would be less cumbersome.

Memory leak? The game loads the entire maps into RAM. There is no leak, it just really uses that much memory. Each time you play a different map, the used RAM increases.

>customs boiler spawn
>get spawned in warehouse almost 2 min late
>need to get to the dorms for q
>run to train tracks
>guy with mp5 in the trailer
>kill him
>jump the fence
>going towards factory shortcut
>see a squad of 2 moderately geared
>duck in cover
>wait for them to pass
>unload on the last guy running
>change possition
>unload half the mag into the bush where they wen to
>spend the next 5 minutes flanking around that area and looking for them
>decide fuck it and go on my way
>end game screen has 3 kills

no, the maps should unload after they arent needed
also loading the same map again should not get you x2 ram usage like it does.

Need a couple more anons in here for a quick run

how do i get 7.62 ps ammo?

Should and does are two different things. Remember we're dealing with Slav engineering.

scopes not eating literally half on your framerate when

i get aks's, akm's, ak74's, tri-zips, kivers, whole fucking kit back a lot of the time. it's just that i don't have much space because i'm saving a bunch of different shit for quests like 30 goddamn cans of beef stew, and i have to spend like ten minutes liquidating everything so i have 5x7 spaces of working room for new loot. i play fast and loose and play factory a lot so i die plenty.

when they drop the picture in picture meme that has to render twice

¨Hey, you know maps like customs or shoreline, where people get around 40 FPS?
Lets make it

Level 2 prapor. Also, all 7.62 scavs have it, so make sure to unload the mags of any SKS or VEPR scavs you find if you do not have lv 2 prapor.

Don't save tushonka, sell it to players for 40k a can and just buy it when you have the quest.

i hardly have the patience to find them, dealing with discords and trading sounds like a pain in the ass to be honest. but i guess it can't be worse than scrounging.

but if anyone here is selling, i'll buy 13 cans at 50k a pop. hit me up with your discord.

This might be the only location that would warrant a 30mm scope.

If you do all of skier's quests but turn in Chemical part IV into the Therapist, you get the required rep to get her (and him) to max trader rank without doing the tushonka quest or any after that btw.

Man I wish I hadn't opened my fat mouth. I'm at work right now or I would have sold them to you.

i got all night brother, if someone else doesn't fill the quota first. i'll keep an eye on the thread.

kiver should be skier lvl3 and not lvl4

someone keeps buying all the ballcaps and beanies from fence, and if i find you i'm gonna kick your ass

are there market bots


Yes. It's why PK's 20k+ stock of 5.56 AP rounds are gone in 5 seconds after shop refresh.

not sure, but stuff like wallets get snatched up so friggin fast, i would believe it. usually i can find a hat on fence because i prefer not to have a helmet, but sometimes he runs out and i have to run a balaclava. cant believe no trader regularly stocks hats.

it's been confirmed

it's a botter, please kick his ass

wow i didnt even know there was a store refresh
for what reason are supplies not infinite?

why not just use balaclava forever?

Force some diverse item use. If BP rounds weren't scarce there would literally be no reason to use anything else

or how about balance the game so everything is viable?..
we already have fatfarts running around everywhere cause there arent any downsides

the diversity being that BP rounds do something like 20 less dmg than PRS

PRS got fixed homeboy.
Things are "balanced" it's just pointless to use non AP stuff because it'll still shit on the stupid hatchlings and give you the best chance possible against real threats.

it wasn't, nothing has changed in data files

>hatchling rushing me in the forest on shoreline at 30+ yards
>black his legs with auto ak74 fire
>he's still zigzagging at .5 miles an hour like he's gonna dodge my rounds
>put a couple rounds into the dirt in front of him
>he's still coming
>loot the other guy i killed in the time it takes the hatchling to cover half the distance between us
>flip him off and walk away

these fucking hatchlings lol.

Come at me fgt, I'm wearing fort.


Nah man I just stock up on that ammo whenever I can.

i'll bite your ankles bitch

I believe this is covered under the Geneva Conventions. See you in Switzerland!

I've got 9 Tushonka if you are still looking for them.

Which is the first 5 seconds after he refreshes his shop. That's not even an exaggeration.

>30 Yards
That like 5 gallons right?
Bruv shits ballanced.
You can't pierce fort either with 7.62 nor with 5.45.
Only 7.62x51 does that.
You're BP rounds are as useless as all the other ones.

Devs don't need to balance shit. they add in things make them work like they are supposed to and let it all sort itself out. Not all rounds are great in real life, some are very specific like no ricochet rounds. Fuck are you gonna do with those? Nothing really. Costs a lot does jack shit, don't use it find something else.
Survive and Overcome, stop crying.

>Not all rounds are great in real life, some are very specific like no ricochet rounds. Fuck are you gonna do with those? Nothing really. Costs a lot does jack shit, don't use it find something else.

Currently the no-richochet rounds are actually the best rounds for 5.45 for some strange reason.

Protip for /eftg/ eyes only donut steel: he actually restocks his shop randomly before the turn of the hour. Try refreshing when it's available from 3 minutes before etc and you have a better chance of grabbing what you need.

Well it seems to be that time of day when the game starts running like an inflamed asshole for no reason.

yeah mate, gimme a discord or somethin.

its like 1/86th of a furlong

What the fuck can I do about stuttering on Shoreline. I just died to a faggot in the bushes when I tried to sneak up on him but my framerates tanked to like 1 fps and he killed me because reasons. Every other map is fine, I run 60fps EZ.

I'm playing on mostly medium

i5 4570
GTX 1060 6gb
8gb Hyperx

What did he kill you with? What did you have?

8gb of RAM is your problem. The game is pretty RAM hungry, and Shoreline is the worst offender. I used to get my framerate locking up for a second or two every minute or two on Shoreline and Customs. Got another 8 gigs of RAM, something I had been planning to do already but kept putting it off because the prices are retarded, and it fixed itself.

Also on a 1060 6gb but with an i5-6500.

Prolly the armor bug. You have to remove and replace when you start in a raid.


>The game is pretty RAM hungry
no its not.
as discussed earlier game has a memory leak/coding fuckup and doesnt unload resources after map end.
restart client after every round and even 4gb is enough.

Oh okay. So I guess the fact that I'd run into issues purely related to my RAM overloading and accessing my pagefile (which I confirmed with afterburner and RTSS) during my very first match isn't because the game is RAM hungry but because of a memory leak that didn't unload resources after the previous match that I hadn't played. I'm sure what you're saying has merit, but that's not the only problem related to memory that the game has.

i barely have 2gb used in my first match

Well bully for you. My game would use 7-7.8 gigs and go into the pagefile when I was on Shoreline.

Got some questions, I'm about level 15. I've not completed Skier's first task yet and I've got every other trader's rank at 2, along with completing Prapor's first 3 tasks and Rapist's first 3 tasks too.

Skier's reputation with me is at -0.13 at the moment and I have the option to turn in Aquarius Pt.2 which would put him down to -0.20, should I turn it in or hold off until I find a Fort for Skier? I also read something about Condensed Milk being tradable for a PSO optic with Prapor, is that still in the game or no?

Lastly, is the Kolpak actually worth using apart from on Factory for protection from Hatchlings or is it just a waste of money on anything bigger?

tfw hoarder

Discord name is Strelokest

excuse the plebbit link but it explains better than I

good talk.


sell pistols they're trash and cost as much as a proper rifle.

>level 15
>all that shit
im level 12 and i dont have SHIT
i barely even get out alive
fuck you for being good

It's just crap he bought of traders there literally nothing a level 1 cant get with 300k roubles.
He just wastes his space.

Kolpaks are worth it if you are not low on money. Keep you from getting killed by a stray shotgun pellet to the face from some scavvy boi.

also dont forget to reset your graphics preset, that clears up some files

should i insure everything?
does it stick untill i die or is tgere a time limit?


until it's dropped, willingly or on death

This is your problem
I have 32 GB RAM and have noticed the game using I think up to 9 GB after a long session. You need to get more to be assured of no stutters.

If no one else extracts with it, you get it back. So insure stuff you don't think people will take.

insure everything, it's not much, if you die to something like a scav or a person who killed you don't loot you/finds better stuff/is full, you'll get it back, it's worth it

also once i got a back pack from insurance with ak74n in it, don't know how that worked

So yesterday I ran an absolute meme build and lost it right away, but today fortune has smiled on me and given it back.


Never mind, sorry. Told a friend about the deal and he agreed to buy them instead.

You should see my stash at level 16.

It's pretty sure weird though, i've had spotty returns on it.

Dropped a souped up m4 and a blackrock rig in the same spot
Got the M4 back but not the rig, couldn't have been another player finding it because who would leave a free M4 behind and only take a low-tier rig?

>nice and tidy stash
>only use one gun at a time, rebuild after i lose it

I'm gonna do it lads, my build was not enough of a meme yesterday.

alright 1 min

you tease.

Should I be using the PS or PSR rounds for 5.45 weapons?

Time to snipe

atm PRS

What the fug, they must not have seen it or some slav gremlin is at work here.

c-can you put that on a saiga?

>Wanting to spend 10 minutes every after raid getting a working weapon instead of just building a bunch and taking the grips/mags off

Alright lad whatever works for you.

You have to spend 9.1m roubles to get skier to level 4? Or am I misreading?

Why the fuck is therepist such a cunt?
Find me these rare as fuck gassy radios blyat or would you rather piss of Skier-chan?

Probably, the mount says it's universal, but that might just mean NATO gear.

No, that's how much I've spent myself.

>5 minutes
it's literally just a few clicks

>using the default grip

fucking shitter