League of Legends General /lolg/

Old: Eyosongive.us

Eyebrows edition.

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First for cumming inside your support!

To the Fields of JUSTICE

Veeky Forums waifus > all other waifus

Swains mana useage seems pretty crazy.

>tfw no qt petite gf

>implying missionary position in the dark with the covers on isn't the kinkiest shit

>wake up
>league isn't a 4v4 game with no support role


Nami is the best support to cum inside

I want a definitive answer: if I get a gold chroma but don't have the skin is it worthless?

Which Gold Chroma you getting /lolg/?

Were the Lucian buffs too much?


Yes unless you decide to get the skin later



>Buy the gasoline but dont have a car

just inactive/unavailable until you own the skin

blam blam

If this were a story, the fetish would be hinted at in their first meetings, but Vi herself wouldn't fully realize it until what you said. She would probably switch positions to something he's not expecting partway through and show him a damn good time. I wonder where she'd start, she obviously has to take it one step at a time.

What is ekko's ability to run fast? He just ran straight at me across the whole screen in just a second and oneshot me

>trynd into kled

this matchup is fucking AIDS

has nothing to do with buffs and more you being fed and them being retarded

>Massive faggot, hot snake lady and Varus dominated by BBC

Oh hell yes

>agree with hash on some points about top
>no real bruiser mastery, jungle ganks, ect.
>the rest is just him crying about tanks, when he refuses to teleport bot
>he just HAS to fight the bramble rush tank


Kenyan kicks

Jokes on you I have a gas-powered lawnmower faggot.

>he doesn't research the champs he's up against

stay bronze

>Vi didn't get a chroma

how popular he is tells you enough about leagues playerbase

What do you do when the enemy shaco is raping your jungler so hard you they're too scared to countergank when he strolls up to your lane?

Hash is right on the bigger-picture things, but when he tries to discuss specific balance or a particular game he becomes a retard.

jax isnt really a champ that can get teleport advantage over tanks though

Im sorry I don't know the full kit of ever modern champion that has overloaded kits

I want to cum inside lulu

Xth for fix toplane please

>pick karthus top
>mid laner chimps out, screams troll pick, says he's going to throw because "trolls" don't deserve to lose"
i'm never getting out of bronze 1 am i

I wanna climb playing support only. No duos, no supports that really belong in the mid lane (vel koz / brand). Just wanna play your tanks and the heal sluts.
Currently sitting in mid sliver. Is going up in rank possible or is playing support for the adcs you find in this elo a lost cause?

honestly how core is roa on nu swain?
I don't like it because it takes so fucking long for him to scale and I'm basically half a champion if I dont get jungler help
I've been going morellos zhonya void/liandry

It's upsetting that Azir didn't get one either. I guess they though the gold would be bad on both of them despite Cait and Sona's looking like hot ass (though the Cait skin was pretty shit to begin with).

xth for my wife Syndra

>Playing Illaoi
>Enemy have Azir, Tristana and Lee Sin
>late game, teams kinda even
>catch all three of them defending inhib
>teleport, they wait around
>trist jumps in for whatever reason, it's gold who cares
>hear lee sin's kick, azir's wall and tristana's R
>all at once
>as I've finished TP'ing
>but the thing is
>turn it in to a triple and take the inhib

trolls don't deserve to win*
also i obviously dodged

Important Poll


Is he right? Illaoi is getting a fancy skin but is still not appearing on patch notes,

>no me option
shit poll

It's even more annoyng that they gated the best Lux chroma behind a bundle. Pretty shitty move.

If you pander to the common denominator, you get fame. He's bitching like a child and that's what a majority of Reddit is. It's why Reddit absolutely loathes Neace, because he says "smarten the fuck up" instead of "if you cry with me we can get changes."

Which League girl has the most spankable butt?
Note that this does not necessarily mean the biggest.

>he misses the Q reset

Somebody has to film it.

i like abyssal a lot

like its a game changer

>kill illaoi 4 times in lane
>she hits 6
>presses r
>fucking mashes her keyboard like a spastic fuck
>i either take 80% of my health in 2 seconds and run away or die
yeah he's right

That depends on what makes a butt spankable.

Ranged counterpicks into melee champions make lanes pretty much impossible to play. If you've ever tried to play tank supports while mages are meta you'll know what I mean. Ranged Champs get total control of the wave because their zone of influence is inherently larger than yours meaning that they have the ability to dictate everything, the truly horrible part about the ranged bullies in toplane though is that they all have disengage and because toplane is primarily an ad lane they all have the ability to buy tabis first back and completely shut down your ability to all in them. So Vlad/Jayce/Gnar now don't only have escapes but they also become too tanky to kill by buying a boot upgrade they normally would, they can't get punished for being forced to buy a defensive item to prevent all-ins because it doesn't deviate from the normal buildpaths. While you buying hexdrinker to protect yourself from Vlad is -1300 gold that denies you your Trinity Force powerspike by minutes.

What compounds this issue is that supports and adcs get strong so fast now that the window you have to perform is very small. Every bit of gold you lose makes your odds of impacting the game lower and lower because your items are already the most expensive items in the game. It's a combination of multiple problems that has turned toplane into the fuckfest it is currently.

It's gotten to the point where the traditional fighter champions that used to make up most of the toplane ecosystem are just not good enough to be played anymore unless they are blatantly over-tuned or abuse a keystone that wasn't intended for their class at all.

Considering Kat and Jinx have literally 0 connections in any universe it's not really a tough choice.

Totally possible, if not one of the better roles for climbing right now.


>filming it instead of joining
That's just stupid and impolite.

> Fucking ADC players, kill yourselves!

>being this retarded

How about you not sit in her ult and sit behind your fucking minions so she can't hit you with her E? If she tries to all in you with R without a vessel she's fucking retarded because it'll do literally nothing.

I love this webm because it shows you two types of players. The beta-nancy that stands in lane, revealing information as to where she is, typing and the alpha-stacy jungle-typer, where she ducks out of vision to type, limiting the amount of information the enemy gathers.

Hashinshin is just like your average stubborn Socialist/Communist. "It'll work! Trust me! Ignore the 100s of other times! It'll work! If I keep trying the Communist Regime it'll work!" but replace "Communist Regime" with "Running down top slapping my head against a tank that rushed and item that counters me multiple times, because eventually, it'll work"

I think the bigger issue with Neace is that he's a self-absorbed prick with sub-gated vods lol.

But the problem with that is that you can never push down her turret. Ever. You can never get into meele range of her. Ever


Best girl.
Best butt.
Best wife.

Just got warring kingdoms Vi, and decided to make her my jungler main until Rengo gets rereworked and then make her my sub jungle pick.

Any tips.

>annie with tits


hey man great post really good work on it

The current toplane issues have mostly to do with the jungle role, but Riven is the sole reason the pool of viable toplaners is so small. She killed off toplane Mundo, Shyvana, and pretty much triggered the mobilty creep on the toplane.

>sitting in her ult

Nothing wrong with being self-absorbed. Tho, his wife and him seem to make a really nice couple. Not fussed about the sub-gated vods myself so I wont comment on that.

Can Yorick work mid?


I imagine the impetus is that he's treating her too gently, so she starts talking dirty. Then she convinces him to let her take charge and blows his mind.

thanks, i tried really hard to come up with a comparison. then it hit me, hashinshin is an attention-starved-beta-male and communists are good old fashioned, no dinner for you pedro, starved!

Why are Akali's sideboobs perfect for cumming on?

Is that you PixelButts?


She's a lane bully. That's what she's designed to do. Not engaging her and farming as best you can is better than feeding and then crying once she 2v1's you when the jungler stupidly decides to gank without full health or red buff.

sounds like a shit time desu
have you tried lethality wukong


>literally press the same fucking button over and over
high skill :^)

Huh, normally I don't agree with you syndraretard but for once something useful actually came out of your mouth. Riven definitely harmed top lane as a whole and is a negative impact on this game.

>come back
>turrets now take less damage without minions nearby
Fucking really? Are they so afraid of letting people straying even slightly from the forced roles they want them to play?

So because illaoi is illaoi I can't play the lane and I can't ask for help either because she gets stronger the more people try to fuck her in the ass
fun desu

I guess if that's the case she'd end up riding him and showing him how she can work it

Kek. Why, oh why would you take a picture of your dick online when you dont make porn? Was he drunk, or trying to get laid?

That sounds nice

>tfw no tough lewd punk gf to take charge over a beta like me

Do you think Jinx would be the kind to take charge?

Sounds like you have no idea how to fight against her. Woops!

What did you have in mind?

almost like champions with lots of mobility and no mana costs beat champions with low mobility and mana costs....

wtf mobility as an outplay mechanic is a one-way street if only some champions are allowed to be hyper mobile


Riots og sideboob goddess

>Are they so afraid of letting people straying even slightly from the forced roles they want them to play?

What the fuck does that have to do with anything? All that does is hurt backdooring, which isn't a big deal. Unless you're seriously trying to tell me you're going to be attacking a full health turret without minions around.

as stated in i regularly repeatedly solokill illaoi pre-6, but i only play meeles so please do explain what the fuck i do after she gets her cum dungeon ult

If you catch his stream you get to watch them for free, personally I dont mind it he has a lot of free content on his YT channel he does what he has to do to make a living.

>Not even an Emote

You can still roam to tp botlane. The answer to an enemy laner that you can't beat is to play around them and go after their team.

Riot the buffs did nothing

Please help

are you retarded?

it was literally Renekton who set the bar for what makes a Top laner a top laner.

Riven is just the mini-boss everyone jobs to like Father Gascoigne.

>my boy got a second emote, another icon AND a Chroma
Garen nerfs incoming, I can feel it. Azir will get one next year though bro don't worry.

>Play Soraka
>Team freaks the fuck out with praise every time I save someone with a clutch Heal
I can see why this hero attracts so many faggots.