Why couldn't the British conquer Japan in the 1830s? It would probably made a better colony than India.
Why couldn't the British conquer Japan in the 1830s? It would probably made a better colony than India
Japan is bunch of resourceless volcano islands. India is abundant
Why would they want to colonize it?
Because real life isn't Risk. British colonial conquest wasn't them coming in with lots of cannons and muskets and stomping the crap out of the native armies and setting up shop: Even if they (or any European power) could do that (and they could) you'd set yourself up for enormous resistance from the indigenous population.
Rather, the British, and most other colonial powers, went looking for cracks in the local power structure, finding weak tribes or princes or the losers of power struggles, offering their help in exchange for ruling concessions. Then they had a friendly native force in their debt, and usually one that couldn't maintain power without outside support. The British got into India by playing the various rajahs against each other, not by just storming in.
I don't know as much about Japan, but I don't think it had the sort of political divisiveness that would have made it easy to conquer and colonize.
because they were bros
it was a fucking big market
The japs had previous experience with europeans and knew better, they had figured out how european colonialism worked, even the banking system
>It would probably made a better colony than India.
Yeah! Resource rich Japan on the other side of the world would have been a great asset to British Empire! Unlike rubbish old India with its tea and cotton plantations, it's key position on the trade routes to the East, and vast tracts of land for the upper classes to take as second homes when away from England!
wtf i love pepsi now
They couldn't gain a foothold. The Mughals only controlled the north of India and not fully whereas the Tokugawa Shogunate was in complete control.
Also Japan was more distant.
For you
>Tokugawa Shogunate was in complete control
>during the time of the British Empire
Actually there was quite a bit of division in the 1800's which directly led to a civil war and a rebellion right after, coming to a head when Commodore Perry forced Japan open at gunpoint.
Basically when Tokugawa Shogunate was established in the 1600's, they blocked anybody who had taken arms against them from taking part in the government. Then they banned trade with foreigners because those who had been cut out of the government, looked to trade to make themselves more powerful.
By the 1800's there was a growing sentiment that the ruling of the country should go back to the emperor and that the Shogunate was too weak to maintain power. This pretty much split the country in half.
Funny enough, the french did in fact get in on that action and backed the Shogunate. The movie The Last Samurai is very loosely based on a french officer who decided to stay and fight in Japan.
No one else had tried doing more than establishing contact with them (and trading I guess), whereas in India the French had already tried establishing imperial control there so the British wanted a piece and ended up taking the whole subcontinent under its hegemony.
You don't just conquer in colonization, you move in and push yourself into the local tribal politics. this worked in India. Brits didn't conquer India, we united it politically under our government through exploiting their own system.
You can't do this In Japan. Japan was closed to everyone except traders in certain ports. They were also a far more united power than India.
The second reason is why?
Brits and Japanese were total bros and were basically inseparable allies. Many called Japan the 'Britain of Asia' due to how culturally similar they were, both islanders eventually united with a common focus on navy, so the 2 became natural close friends and were basically Britain's only permanent ally during splendid isolation. Both countries took many cultural influences from one another. Until Japan aligned itself with Nazi Germany (backstabbing cunts), but i'm getting off topic, Japan's lack of resources essentially meant Japan were part of Britain's 'Informal Empire' along with the Qing and Persia. They were all influenced by the British and were willing to work in British interests with a certain amount of force, i.e. the opium wars, so in reality Britain didn't NEED to colonize these areas. A large reason why Britain did NOT support the Heavenly Kingdom in the 1860's was because it would lead to the division of China and 'force' the British to start setting up shop like in India. The Qing were basically Europe's bitch, and no one WANTED to colonize more than they needed to. Colonialism wasn't a prestige thing, it was a trade thing. What benefits to trade does britain get by colonizing Japan? Just a massive population to babysit.
Real life isn't EU4 or Vic. The Social and Political challenges needed to effectively control India alone were fucking massive, and the large reason the British managed for so long were all the ethnic and religious divides in India. This would be about 20x harder in a place like Japan, where there's pan japanese culture
Replying to let you know I read literally none of your post past the first 3 words
Replying to let you know I read everything.
Fucking based
lol k
i wrote it for op, not you
I am OP
So you asked for an answer, and when someone gave you one, you responded with 'i didn't read it lol'
You just sound retarded tbfh, like a fucking 10 year old
um back the fuck out of my thread?
It would have been really hard.
Were you actually there, my man
sure smells like reddit in here
Too culturally resilient for one.
If they were able to I'm sure they would've installed a puppet government like they did in India.
>It would probably made a better colony than India.
Yeah no, India was probably the best clay Britain could've grabbed in the entire world at that point, besides Europe or the US. They dominated so many markets because of it and it was a massive money maker, and a huge geostrategic asset.
Japan meanwhile would've been nice to have, but it was in the middle of bumfuck nowhere and comparatively small and resource-barren at the time. GB would've been better off forcing Japan to hand over a port city like they did with China, but once free trade was opened up by the black ships that was a non-issue.
>Brits and Japanese were total bros and were basically inseparable allies.
Until the British decided that the Japanese were subhuman and ended that alliance.
Oh, come off it.
>wow Japan, you sure are my greatest ally
Yeah Britain, we sure kicked ass together in the great war, this whole league of nations thing is great.
But hey, can't you put in a clause to recognize us asians as equal to you whites? Just to ensure we don't get discriminated against on the world stage and you don't fuck over our sphere of influence
>lol no that's ridiculous, we deserve exceptional treatment but you don't
>ok we're not allies anymore, get fucked gook, either bend over for us or we'll stop trading with you and probably invade
o-ok, I'll just get my oil from... somewhere else...
>that's what you get for trying to be our equal hahaha *tips top hat* God save the king not long live the emperor okay, see you later my chink friend
Yeah, those anglos are pretty autistic indeed, I agree.
>country roleplay
why do people do this
Please stop.
India had:
Various spices
Exotic Animals
A population composed of multiple ethnicities across many competing princedoms.
Closer to Britain
Japan had:
Why the fuck would anyone ever colonize or exploit Japan?
Japan is a resourceless, rocky archipelago with not that many people. It has even less value than conquering Sweden for a 19th century empire.
India is a giant, super-abundant subcontinent full of Indians for labour and cannon-fodder. An entire subcontinent all to yourself is pretty much the best thing a colonial power could ask for.
To fug Nip qts.
> Why the fuck would anyone ever colonize or exploit Japan?
you sell them stuff, brits made this everywhere
Isn't that the virus image from years ago?
>Force Japan to open their borders and trade so you can sell them shit
>Wind up getting sold shit from Japan instead.
gg, westerners. You played yourself.
they are in a recession since fuck if I remember when
>Virus image
It's a picture of Araki for fuck's sake.
I don't know why it turned into a virus meme
and Brits got more from exploiting India for itself for massive profit.
Why didn't Japan join the royal families of Hawaii and Japan by marriage? Pearl Harbor could have been Japanese clay.
They had all kinds of divisions and tensions under the apparenly calm surface but they didn't let foreigners take advantage of that. Say what you will but the Meiji era guys were a smart bunch.
Hindsight is 20/20 and stategic goals and foreign policy change all the time. Also that whole ethnonationalism thing.
>Tim cruise as a samurai ill believe
>Tom cruise as a frenchmen, hahahahah
>>Tom cruise as a frenchmen, hahahahah
He isn't a believable surrender monkey.
Urban legends are powerful spooks
Fuck off leftypol
Tokugawa Shogunate lasted from 1603 to 1867, by 1607 Jamestown was founded marking the beginning of British overseas colonies. Look it up.