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So what's the verdict /feg/? Is dragon emblem dead and buried in the ground?
>A four person banner comprised entirely of reds.
Fucking christ, the true hell begins here. Thank Duma I already got one Alm to use
not dead
Post yfw this plays in the final level of the rhythm game
>all those summoning events
I'm scared
shoutout to that faggot that faggot that pussy out after rolling (you)s
did you get her?
Should i?
I already have a perfect Cordelia anyways
For my +HP W Lissa, should I do Svallin Shield or Earth Boost while I wait for a new Hector to give her DC?
Bruno or Veronica please
I wouldn't mind a free #FE Tiki from the Tap Dungeon thing in the vein of Masked Marth so long as I finally got a fucking young Tiki
>>>>>>>>voting gaunlet
I want to be fucked senseless by /feg/gots!
it'll still let you clear half the content in the game without even trying
Valentine's Eliwood is an anal aidoru! I'm going to fuck him at the festival in front of all of you!
>spending $200 dollars on this MOBILE game for a SINGLE +10
what the fuck
what does myrrh have that draw out the whalebuxs?
Me on the bottom.
Me too. Especially since any special costumes are oddly omitted.
Yes. +hp/-spd. Low orbs too. Very happy.
As long as the arena scoring system remains the same it will never be over. Dragons and Armors are all you see in upper t20.
I got her 6 times to +5 with my fsp orbs
saving until next time shes on banner for +10
It was stated last thread but the 22nd (when the first new heroes banner launches outside PST) is when RD released in Japan
Can you tell me how I'll know...if I'm in love?
But that's horses, fliers, dragons, and armors user
Who here gonna brave Red Hell (Falchion Banner)?
Post yfw this plays in the final level of the rhythm game
I just started playing Heroes and have no particular favorites/waifu/husbando, who should I vote for in A Hero Rises event from a pragmatic point of view?
>new heroes with new GHB
If this isn't a Thracia banner with Kempf GHB I'm going to be pissed.
yes, #YOLO summon and got a +def but -atk one
Would you expose your penis to a sad face like that? No you wouldn't.
>was gonna joke around yesterday that there's not much left to look forward to
>another event schedule is released before the previous one is even finished
IS is pretty based this time I gotta say.
>battle theme
I love it
>Marth got fucked over the hardest, having a useless refine
>Lucina is still average, only getting help for a healing moveset
>Chrom is still better off as a brave user
Alm is the only one who really got anything of value from the Falchion upgrades.
just pick whatever cuz it literally dont matter
+def -res in less than 60 orbs.
>falchion banner
that is going to be hell.
Either of the top 2 are good because of distant counter
>no special heroes
Wonder what they got planned
>after I had him choke and gag on my dick till he was a slobbering mess
D-do people actually like that? As in, they ask for that sort of stuff to happen to them? Why?
So is Basilkos flatly superior to Brave +, then, for Raven?
>Marth got fucked over the hardest, having a useless refine
Yeah, +Atk/-Spd. Wish I got +Def but I'm still grateful it wasn't cripplingly bad.
You're going to take your free bara Ike and you're going to like it.
+def-spd after 3 snipe (15 orbs) fuck yeah
How bad would it be if I waited til the very last day of the valentines banner to summon? I will be able to see all 5 of the banners coming out within that time frame, but that also means i miss out on using them for 1 month, especially for arena.
Why would they bother censoring it if it's just Thracia? It's going to be something big. Like beast units.
The sad face makes it all the more arousing.
>no cute Soren twinks to fuck and then shitpost on /feg/ with
Why live
Torna flesheaters confirmed
6 decides who gets the promotion
If her IVs are good, don't do it. If her IVs are trash, go for it. I'd prefer to see it given to someone better than Michalis, but whatever.
I am impressed with TLP in general, especially with all the sound effects and spritework put into the game. I love the whole Valkyrie Profile inspiration mixed with Fire Emblem too.
The top three all have full counter range.
He's shit bro
That Meido
Nope. Stupid whore.
Shut up, Ninian.
I just realized we're getting a Voting Gauntlet log in bonus. They've never done that before.
Promote send home
Send them home.
The Matthew in your barracks
Alright Honkers, which if these in your opinion is better for Hinoka?
Fury, Desp, Brash seal
death/darting blow, hit and run/drag, heavy blade
I have a Myrrh but she is +atk so she might do pretty good use of that buff
we'v got trubbul
>He doesn't already have an Alm
>He foddered his only copy of Alm for Windsweep
>He has to roll a 4 red banner for another chance at him
You sorry fools.
Atk+/HP-, now all I need is DC.
this then this fucking do itttttt
Debating between +Res/-HP or +Atk/-Res. +Def/-Spd is still considered the optimal IV right? I'll bring her to +9 and then wait till she comes back.
For the anons asking, this cost $200. 400 orbs in total considering the free ones.
Yeah, -atk is trash.
I blew several orbs for Alm and got nothing but a Merric
I also wanted him before he became good, even if he was a shitter
Lady lel is getting demoted, yes?
If anything, his refinement makes him true to his lore.
>the year of our Myrrh two thousand and eighteen
>still using Michalis, let alone feeding him hone fliers
stop it user, either use NY!Azura or feed hone fliers to Myrrh
>Battling with Fjorm
Man, poor Virion
The Askr quests were like his one shot at relevance
Maybe he'll get a prf in the future
Looks like a new generic there too, right after Dromarch
>Brave Axe
He might be the fastest, but quad build isn't too effective with just 35-38 speed specially without access to a +6 buff.
Cherche and Freddy do the Deathblow build better.
With Basiliskos he becomes basically an infantry Minerva with a metric fuckton of damage output.
>New GBH
>New Hero
>Coincides with Arvis rerun
Jugdral time?
Make him a public use cumslut! Turning him into an anal loving bitch in front of everyone!
>Siggy has dialogue with almost the entire cast
>Laslow and Selena have no dialogue if they fight each other in Revelations
Alm is the unit I broke f2p for when he first released but I didn't get him. Still don't have him, fuck it.
fuck off
Give me Itsuki.
Eirika and myrrh sure ain't
I have come to the conclusion that Myrrh is more bullshit than Reinhardt.
Prove me wrong.
+Defense or +Attack Titki